Compelling Offer

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just want to make sure I'm reading this card correctly, because it seems a little off.

Let's say I get this card early on and decide to take the offer. Later on in the first location deck I come across the villain, so I increase the checks by 1d20. I fail at the check, the villain is undefeated so the boon is banished. However, it looks like Compelling Offer is still displayed next to the scenario card until I find a new barrier that will replace it, event though there is no boon to do anything with.

Is it really the case where it adds 1d20 every time you come across the villain? Unless you only have one location left, why would you ever take the offer then?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ah nevermind, I didn't see that it triggers every time the villain comes up. That makes way more sense.

We once took this "Offer" and then encountered a villain with two checks. For the first check we rolled a 3 on the d20. Then someone in our group said that this roll should apply to both checks. This sounded wrong to me, especially after we already rolled a 3. But what do you think, should there be a single d20 roll which applies to both checks, or should it be two independent rolls?

I'd roll separately for each check, based on this comment from Vic. That is about a situation where goblin's had their difficulty increased by 1d4 and some goblins have 2 checks to defeat. Vic says to roll for each check.

Thank you!

Just play a Mythic Champion and enjoy your free boons when encountering the boss.

Hey. Look what the guy who started this thread did.

Sovereign Court

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Hey. Look what the guy who started this thread did.

Awesome Iammers! At first I saw the build and thought "Wow that's awesome". Then I saw the cohort and it changed to "Wow that's awesome... but man is this guy trying to kill us!" Lol

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Hey. Look what the guy who started this thread did.
Awesome Iammers! At first I saw the build and thought "Wow that's awesome". Then I saw the cohort and it changed to "Wow that's awesome... but man is this guy trying to kill us!" Lol

Well on the plus side he'll have used a few of his top-tier spell slots having taunted the PCs with project image before the fight, so he may only have 1 6th-level spell left if any by the point they get to him. The addition of a cohort definitely jacks up the encounter difficulty though (and the original is already a tough encounter!)

Not sure what version I'm going to end up using now; my players are just wrapping up Adventure 1 in the next week or two, so it'll likely be 6-8 months before they manage to get to the end of Adventure 5.

Congrats Iammers on the win!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Woo! Thanks guys! Funny enough I found out while I was playing through my solo Season of the Righteous run.

Now to see if the ACG guys accept my pitch I sent in for a custom scenario so I can be on the blog again! :p

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