Druid wild shape can only be 1 animal per "casting"?

Rules Questions

So...if a druid changes into say an eagle and has a 4 hour duration, is he stuck as an eagle? Or can he change into a bear within that 4 hour time period? To me or makes sense that he could change into several different animals during his time allotment... Or is that wrong?

Liberty's Edge

You choose the form when you change shape, and are stuck with it for the duration, or until you use the wild shape ability again to turn into another creature, resetting the duration. That's why you get wildshape n/day instead of just one duration, so you can change to another form.

EDIT - Also, the druid does gain the ability to wild shape at will, but that is it's capstone ability, and is quite powerful, especially combined with Quick Wild Shape to turn into whatever form you want that turn as a free action, but once again, this is it's 20th level ability, not something you can perform at 4th level.

At level 8 a druid who can wild shape 3 times a day with an 8 hour duration each time. If you could change into multiple creatures during this time, that would mean you'd already have completely unlimited wild-shaping 24 hours a day and the capstone wouldn't do anything.

Thanks for the answer, makes sense a player I know was wondering

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Deighton Thrane wrote:
You choose the form when you change shape, and are stuck with it for the duration, or until you use the wild shape ability again to turn into another creature, resetting the duration.

Or dismiss the ability and revert to your druid form.

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