Jack Brightbuilder |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Hello to everyone.
I have been looking for the entire paizo forum, even giantitp to find something that could answer my questions, but nothing complete about what I found.
First of all, as the Title says, I was going to Mix the Sensei with the CoI and Monk of four winds, up to lvl 12 monk, 4 paladin, 4 CoI.
Now on, I have a few doubt about if all work.
At 10th level, a sensei may affect all allies within 30 feet rather than himself (spending points from his ki pool only once, not once for each target). At 10th level, a sensei may instead spend 1 point from his ki pool (as a swift action) while using advice to provide a single ally within 30 feet with evasion, fast movement, high jump, purity of body, or slow fall.
As I can undestand, if I spend a ki point I can give any ability that I have related on activation to an ally.
Good, so now begin the fun.
As I can understan here, I can spend a Ki Point to activate either Smite Evil/Chaos or Lay on Hands to one ally at lvl 6 or to any ally at level 10.
Question are:
1) If I grant Smite to any ally, it would be bestowed with my bonuses like the paladin aura, or how?
2) If I grant Lay on Hands to everyone in the party, this will trigger Reward of Life for each ally that use Lay on hands in that moment?

Physically Unfeasible |

Since no one weighed in; I'll take a crack. It's uncontestable that Mystic Wisdom allows allies to benefit from abilities, and that the CoI makes smite a ki based ability. The key point is in this sentence, however:
At 6th level, a sensei may use his advice ability when spending points from his ki pool to activate a class ability
A reference to a class ability refers to an ability granted by the class granting the ability referencing it.
If X is granted by Y class, and X references class ability(ies), X applies to abilities from Y only.In this example, Mystic wisdom refers only to abilities granted by your Monk levels and the abilities granted by them.
I hope that is clear. Disappointing, because that'd be a neat trick, but I have to admit it doesn't appear to work.
Edit: By the way, this would've been more appropriate in the Rules Questions forum, and probably would have elicited a quicker reply there. :)