
Jack Brightbuilder's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Cavall wrote:

You'd need the skill unlock in intimidate and then ranks in intimidate to further unlock the skill.

Bluff can be used to intimidate but the skill itself states it only gets better with more ranks in it.

Yes I know that, I'm thinking on forget about Taunt and keep it raising as individual skill and pick Archaeologist as Bard Archetype.

Thanks to everyone for your help and sorry for the delay, I was out the entire day.
@skulky I was going to Phantom Thief to get the unlock in a few skills, like intimidate, heal, perception and stealth.

Imagine a non combatant showing his dagger with Dazzling display and get them panicked before even starting the encounter...

And then shift toward Negotiator Bard for the others bonuses.

I was using Phantom Thief to get both Mocking Bird and Ancestral Enlightenment Vigilante's Social Talent and Trapspotter Rogue Talent, mixing up with Dilettante and Breadth of Experience, 5 ranks and 14 Int, I will have 4+2+2+5+2+3=+18 in every Knowledge check that is almost useful to know up to CR 9 Monsters.
Then Skip to Bard or anything else that could help me keeping in touch against hidden enemies and others social threats.

Thanks to @Claxon and to @Zarius for your tip too.

Zarius wrote:

Kender. You're making a kender.

And, TEEEEEEEEECHNICALLY, no. But, frankly, you'd be wasting skill points by putting them into intimidate in the first place. In THIS example, you're using your Bluff skill to gain the effects that intimidate provides, rather than using your bluff roll to make an intimidate check. These might sound the same, but are keenly different things.

It's like the difference between not being proficient with a club (I think that's impossible for a PC class), and trying to use your short sword to deal bludgeoning damage. A PC class will never take the -4 non-proficiency penalty on a club. But in spite of having effectively the same weapon profile as a club, a short sword used to bludgeon someone isn't a club.

You aren't actually making an intimidate check. You're basically tricking your target in to THINKING you are. You've metaphorically cast an illusion spell on your club to make someone THINK it's a short sword.

Thanks for the reference of Kender, I loved Dragonlance like no other Novel of the entire D&D Narrative... But mine is a Gnome.

I just don't have to bother for the Intimidate unlock or I have to?

My Plan is to get 5 levels of Phantom Thief and then go straight with Negotiator Bard to get a few spells and a coupple of bonus from here and there.

Right Choice?

By the way, I will be the party Face and healer at any point with wands or a few spells. So I guess that more than 3 unlocked skills and 2 Vigilante's Talents won't be necessary stay in Thief and can change to Bard.

Hello to everybody,
I'm making a small phantom thief with the Taunt Feat.


You may be small, but your remarks cut others down to size.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Small size or smaller.
Benefit: You can demoralize opponents using Bluff rather than Intimidate (see the Intimidate skill description for details) and take no skill check penalty for being smaller than your target.

Now as I will have Bluff, Perception and Disable Device as Unlocked Skills and Now I use Bluff as Intimidate, my question is if I will get Intimidate as Unlocked Skill too or just those 3?

Any Idea?

Patryn- wrote:

Ah that makes sense, yeah you could definitely be the supreme physical science user with Alien Archive. My only concern would be what you'd actually be making knowledge checks for.

The table on page 133 shows the identify creature checks and you will use either Life Science, Mysticism, or Engineering.

At level 8 Life Science untrained would be +14 like you said assuming +3 from Int. Mysticism would be +12 assuming +1 from Wis.

DCs to identify would at CR 8 would be 17, 22, or 27 depending on how rare the creature is so while scouting you could take 10 against common and average monsters and have an okay chance to identify rare monsters (40% for life science and 30% for mysticism).

Actually I just realized that I got confused between Physical Science and Life Science...

Indeed right now is not so really attractive to make the knowledge check because is pretty tough to do.

Spacefarer is still good with Jack of All Trades of Operative, but not with knowledge checks.

Patryn- wrote:

Jack everything looks like it would line up. You'd have the +4 BAB at level 5 for shot on the run so everything looks legal.

I'm unsure how alien archive and jack of all trades work together. They both double your operative's edge bonus.

How exactly are you getting +17 Life Science and +14 Mysticism? Is this untrained or with 8 ranks? Can't tell from the way you wrote it.

I'm not sure if I would want to delay all my trick attack dice and other operative abilities by one level but if anything would make it worth it I suppose it would be Blitz soldier.

I directly apologize for my bad english, I'm not native english so I know the words but a few times I mess with the sense of the idea.

Jack Brightbuilder wrote:
Patryn- wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm planning on playing an operative in our first campaign and like to get the most out of characters I play. I plan to max Dex and keep Int and Str competitive to be able to melee and fulfill the skill monkey role.

I'd like to know what people think about this build and if I should change anything. I'm open to all improvement suggestions.

** spoiler omitted **


The Spacefarer gives you the Phisical Science Class Skill, that is a +3, Edge x2 at lvl 8 for Alien Archive is +6 and 8 Ranks for +17 without Int Modifier that should be +3 (14 +2 @5) and be 20 if Trained.

Without Training and allowing mix Jack of All trades and Alien Archive, It will be Edge x3 that is +9, +3 In Modifier and +2 for Spacefarer for a +14 total.

I wrong writed between Mysticism and Life Science, my bad.

The blitz soldier is usefull for the movement and for the initiative, because you will need to react as fast as hell and move like that fast to escape even using jet dash to escape like no other..

Mysticism will be +16 with with 8 ranks: NO Class Skill and Wisdom 1 point lower than int.
And will be +13 if untrained and exploits mixed up.

I was reading another tread where someone says yes and other not. I guess DM choice. The tread is this : Stacking Exploit

Ravingdork wrote:
Yeah, I did something similar as well with my skill monkey.

Yeah is pretty good, but I guess that for scouting the better one is the scout, because there will be moments that you will seriously need to phase to escape or to get invisible while moving at 70 feets or more depending on your upgrades...

BTW I love all your PF build and I have your blog as favorite.

Patryn- wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm planning on playing an operative in our first campaign and like to get the most out of characters I play. I plan to max Dex and keep Int and Str competitive to be able to melee and fulfill the skill monkey role.

I'd like to know what people think about this build and if I should change anything. I'm open to all improvement suggestions.


Race: Android (Darkvision, Dex/Int, doesn't breathe, easier bluff, upgrade slot, and dump Cha). Biggest competition would be Ysoki for the cheek pouch swift action, stand up swift action, +5 tumble, and +2 to Engineering, Stealth, and Survival. Open to thoughts on these races or if there is another one I'm not considering.

Theme: Ace Pilot. None of the themes seem amazing for optimization. Bounty Hunter and Outlaw also have interesting options. Open to suggestions here.

Stats: Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8. Max dex for hit chance on all weapons, int for skill points, str for melee damage and grenade hit chance.

Specialization: Ghost. Skills Acrobatics and Stealth. +4 Stealth for trick attack (RAW). Cloaking field at level 5. This seems objectively the best but again open to opinions.

Skills: Acrobatics and Stealth from specialization. Other 10 ranks in: Athletics, Bluff, Computers, Engineering, Medicine, Perception, Piloting, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Surival. I considered switching Medicine for Mysitism to be able to deal with magical devices but I'd only have a mod of 2 which doesn't seem great. Could go priest theme to get Mysticism as a class skill...

Feat: Weapon Focus (Small Arms). I think ranged will be ideal at first. Later can pick up Versatile Focus to buff operative weapons and sniper rifles.

Gear: Second Skin, Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol (30 ft, 1d6), Tactical Baton. The small arm could also be the Azimuth Laser Pistol for the much better range of 80 but 1d4 damage dice. Curious what others think between these two starting weapons....

I think that is pretty optimized, I like the Stats, Specialization of course, skills and Gear but I think that the Ghost Specialization is useful at scouting and skill Monkey.

I'm making the pretty same build, just with different feat and Theme.

If you pick the Spacefarer theme, @6 you will get the Eager Dabbler ability that give to you a +2 UNTYPED Bonus on untrained skills that stack with the operative edge.
If you pick the Jack of All Trades Exploit, you will gain twice your edge in skills with no ranks.

I'm Building Operative 3/Blitz 1/Operative the rest, looking at lvl 8 a +8 on skills with no ranks.

Picking Blitz, and Fleet @lvl 1, Mobility @lvl3 and Shot on the run @lvl5 and Jet Dash @7, you will look to get 70 ft speed and 420 on run, plus invisibility and make your trick attack on ranged while moving.

The most of the operative is scouting, retrieving informations and step away from melee or a lot of damage...

Useful Exploits: Alien Archive (No Ranks and +8 at lvl 8, or +17 Life Science or +14 Mysticism with 8 ranks), Jack of All Trades of course, Uncanny Mobility, Hampering Shot (if someone is trying to follow you) and Sure Footed.

It's pretty the same, but the true skill monkey scout.

Tell me if I made all right!

Thanks for reading it.

Edit: It's up to your GM to approve if Jack of All Trades and Alien Archive doubling your edge stack, if it will stack, you will get another +3 @lvl 8 to identify creatures...

Abraxus Kord wrote:

I'm looking at some ideas I've heard proposed and cobbling them together... I've got some questions about how exactly some of the rules interact and whether or not it would all be considered PFS-legal.

Build and thread:

First, the build...

** spoiler omitted **

So, a few questions:

Presumably there is no problem with the mechanic of the Valet familiar archetype allowing the Tumor familiar to grant the benefits of Amplified Rage & Fighting Frenzy. I am curious however, whether the benefit from Skald's Vigor grants Fast Healing 2 (Skald Raging Song STR bonus of +2), Fast Healing 4 (Bloodrager Rage STR bonus of +4), Fast Healing 6 (Skald's Raging Song STR bonus of +2 and +4 from Amplified Rage) or Fast Healing 8 (Bloodrager's Rage STR bonus of +4 and +4 from Amplified Rage).

Will Raging Vitality allow Skald's Vigor to heal me from negative hit points back to consciousness?

Does the healing from Skald's Vigor count as 'magical healing' for the purposes of activating the feat Fast Healer? If so, would it boost the existing Fast Healing by the appropriate amount (half my CON bonus)?

Will Finish the Fight activate if someone is injured due to the effects of the Fiend Totem Rage Power?

How does Improved Familiar work with the Valet archetype? If I pursued this option would I lose my Teamwork...

How do you get the extra feat at lvl 2?

I think that the whole point of the ability of Sacred Weapon is falling apart and noone seeing for it.

There are many threads where you can find the progression by size increment or impact enchant or lead bleades that is the same.

Let's see the ability how it works:

Sacred Weapon (Su):
Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table 1–14; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon's base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made.

That mean that a lvl 10 medium Warpriest could use a dagger to do 1d10+Str mod to damage.

Now, if the same Warpriest use Fervor to cast a Righteous Might to become enlarge, his sacred dagger would do 2d8+Str Mod on damage.

Furthermore, if he has his dagger with the impact special ability, that would become: 3d8+Str Mod on damage.

The Sacred Waeapon change the BASE dice, it means that if he grows it would be increased, and for that exist the table for large warpriest.

Weapon can get one increase for size, and another one for the enchantment like impact or leadblades, but no more than those could stack.

So, a Warpriest of Sarenrae that has all the 3 abilities up, could make 3d8+STR and other bonuses, 18-20/x2 if not keen.

Be free to check earlier threads about the increasing size damage.


Captain Morgan wrote:
Any major changes to these builds? Looking to build one starting at 9 or 10 with ABP in effect.

I have been building a ranged version of the CoI and I have to say that I'm hitting for almost 200 dmg at round at lvl 20, without any lithany or mayor spells.

I'm on Jade Regent path right now, but at level 6, just beginning the build. I guess that on lvl 11, will be ready enough to stay alone and help a lot of people.

What's up my ppl????
So long time since last time we take a good note or gave a quite helpful advice on CoI prestige class.

I would like to know who thought about making a CoI but ranged one instead of punching.

Picking Sohei has Monk to get the Bow Mastery (and gloves of martial mastery too), Paladin and only 2 levels of CoI.

Making: 8 Monk for the FoB with the bow, plus Rapid Shot and Manyshot, and 10 levels of pally...

It could be quite useful... Even with 14 wis, He could have 7 Ki Point, 2 for the ring and 5 to use, but each Ki Channel, using the philactery of good channeling, could restore 5 point... And with 20 Cha, they would be 8 Channels/Day, for a total of 45 Ki Points Daily and the hell from that bow....

Who could Imagine something better to make the perfectionist of the air wave and sense of the arrow?

I was reading all the forum and I didn't get anything abot if a Barbarian's Mount will get the benefit of rage class feature when his rider spend the additional round of rage for the Ferocious Mount Power.

If the answer is yes, could the mount take vital strike chain and furious finish to maximize that?

Thanks. I will put it again in rules and deleting here.

Still no one knows about if it works?

Pounce is really good if you can afford it at low-mid level, because when you start to fight versus giant enemies with reach and special abilities like grab, trip and so on, if you don't have enough CMD to resist, you could just die or be incapacitated in your charge.

Reach is awesome since start, because you don't have to stand just in front of the enemy to hit him, something that will give you enough breath and good positioning.

Fly is good, but there are many ways to get that and there no many flying encounters...

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hello to everyone.
I have been looking for the entire paizo forum, even giantitp to find something that could answer my questions, but nothing complete about what I found.

First of all, as the Title says, I was going to Mix the Sensei with the CoI and Monk of four winds, up to lvl 12 monk, 4 paladin, 4 CoI.

Now on, I have a few doubt about if all work.

Mystic Wisdom (Su):
At 6th level, a sensei may use his advice ability when spending points from his ki pool to activate a class ability (using the normal actions required for each) in order to have that ability affect one ally within 30 feet rather than the sensei himself.

At 10th level, a sensei may affect all allies within 30 feet rather than himself (spending points from his ki pool only once, not once for each target). At 10th level, a sensei may instead spend 1 point from his ki pool (as a swift action) while using advice to provide a single ally within 30 feet with evasion, fast movement, high jump, purity of body, or slow fall.

As I can undestand, if I spend a ki point I can give any ability that I have related on activation to an ally.
Good, so now begin the fun.

CoI Ki Pool (Su):
At 2nd level, a champion of Irori gains a ki pool equal to 1/2 his class level + his Wisdom modifier; this functions like the monk ability of the same name, and levels in this class stack with levels in other classes that grant a ki pool. In addition to the normal uses of this ki pool, a champion of Irori may expend 2 ki points to trigger either his lay on hands ability (if he has it) or his smite evil ability. His class levels stack with paladin levels when determining the effect of such abilities.

As I can understan here, I can spend a Ki Point to activate either Smite Evil/Chaos or Lay on Hands to one ally at lvl 6 or to any ally at level 10.

Question are:
1) If I grant Smite to any ally, it would be bestowed with my bonuses like the paladin aura, or how?
2) If I grant Lay on Hands to everyone in the party, this will trigger Reward of Life for each ally that use Lay on hands in that moment?

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
WagnerSika wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Don't take the Feat. Leave it open for the next level.
You can do this? I have always assumed that you have to take the feat and skill points when you level up.

I don't see why not.

It isn't done because players always want all the power they can get as soon as they can get it.

But there are rules for retraining feats at the cost of extra money and time for most campaigns, prestige points and money for PFS campaigns. Why no just wait to fill the slot until the next level?

It might be possible to re-orgainize the levels you take in different things so you don't have to delay. I'm open to suggestions.

So, there does seem to be a lot of opinion that you can't leave a Feat Slot open, that you must take a Feat when you gain the level. So, if you think your GM is going to put that on you, then how about changing the build like this?

1Druid1: Saurian Shaman, Improved Grapple, Blind Fighting
2D2: Totem Transformation: Claws&Bite, +2AC, or Senses
3D2Warpriest1: Weapon Focus Claws, Minor Blessings: Destruction, Earth, Aura, Spells, Sacred Weapon 1d6, Martial Versatility Weapon Focus
4D3W1: Level 2 Spells
5D4W1: Wild Shape, Shaping Focus
6D4W2: Fervor 1d6, Huge Reptiles
7D4W2Ranger1: Natural Spell, Freebooter Archetype
8D4W3R1: Greater Grapple
9D4W4R1: Hamatula Strike
10D4W4R1Monk1: MOMS, Monk Stuff, Snake Style
11D4W5M1: Sacred Weapon 1d8, Fervor 2d6, Martial Versatility Snake Style

The build could be good, the matter is that my DM is old fashoned, where less multiclass is going to be, better is.

Allowing at least 2 or 3 classes as much, or a prestige class if needed.

By the way, Improved grapple couln't be at lvl 1, you need improved unarmed strike to get it.

I was thinkg about Druid, Monk for a few feats and then quitting lawfull to get barbarian or something that could push damage "legally" and without mixing too much...

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

What I recently discovered is this Awesome Belt

Would this increase apply to the charging hit with the Janny Style on a charge attack with pounce?

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I don't see why not. With Janni Rush, you roll the dice twice and add them together. With the Belt of Thuderous Charge, those dice are treated as if they are 1 size bigger. Janni Tempest gives you a +4 on your Bull Rush and Trip. The belt gives you a +2. Both are unspecified types of bonuses, and they come from very different sources, so they should stack. And Janni Style only increases your AC (offsets the penalty) when charging or when being flanked.

My only reservation is that the Belt' seems like an expensive magic item for a small benefit. I'd prefer to get my virtual size increase via Improved Natural Attack or Strong Jaw.

Well, the 6k of the extra belt's cost is a good fee to pay. Worth it.

Now, I will have indeed the Strong Jaw already cast on me, and wildshaped on a dire tiger.

So it would it stack again between Strong Jaw and the belt?

Damage with claws will be:
2d4 base - 2d6/3d6 strong jaw - 4d6 with the belt and 8d6 with janny rush in a pounce attack.
Making about 32d6 for the 4 claws (2+2 rake) and 6d6 for the bite.


Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Jack Brightbuilder wrote:

What will happen if we take Hive Totem Ferocity while wildshaped in a Hippo with strongjaw and the Improved Natural attack (Bite)?

Would it stack to get 16d8 or 18d8 of bite damage?

I don't know about Hive Totem Ferocity, but Strong Jaw and Improved Natural Attack don't stack. I might acquire a Wand of Strong Jaw even if I took INA for just such an occasion when I had time to buff myself 2 sizes instead of 1, but that would be to get 2 sizes instead of 1, not 3 instead of 1.

Thank you Scott.

By the way I already reread Hive Totem Toxicity Power and doesn't stack here in this build.

What I recently discovered is this Awesome Belt

Would this increase apply to the charging hit with the Janny Style on a charge attack with pounce?

I was already thinking about the Phylactery to get 4d6 for each channel from the paladin and 3d6 for the cleric's ones.

Indeed I wouldn't use all of them for the ki point restore, but I'm the healer in a 3 party's member...
And a Wizard and a rogue, wouldn't heal a lot indeed...
About the headband of CHA/WIS, I will try to buy something that will be crafted to have both bonuses.

I'm thinking a lot about the ki channel feat, because I'm playing another game with another party, and with my sohei, I'm using a ki point each round for the extra attack on the flurry with the bow... and we have more than 6 fight per day...

I talk about the Ki Channel, because if I need more AC or an additional attack with the flurry of blows, I will need those ki points to make everything, unless the Ring of Ki Mastery will lower to free the AC boost or the extra attack in flurry.

Str* 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha* 20

These are my rolled stats, I'm human with the double talented trait.

prototype00 wrote:

Ah, well chalk that up to Herolab being a bit over-enthusiastic.

Oh yeah, Crane Style works... differently these days from when I first wrote a full build, but it is still worth taking for the Fighting defensively modifiers it gives (which in turn feeds into Osyluth Guile for very good AC).


How we could make the Perfect Opening trick to work now?

It seems that Paizo saw to many CoI avoiding critical attacks and decided to change entirely Crane Wing...

Any idea how to do don't die for a frightful critical hit?

supervillan wrote:

CoI advances smite and lay on hands, but not channel. There is no mention of advancing channel in the class description or class abilities.

Hospitaler is still worthwhile though, especially with a cleric dip. You'll have two separate channel pools. In my view using the bronze gong is plenty sufficient to enable you to smite all of the things.

Thanks, I know perfectly tbe prototype00's guide, but as I didn't go for channel smite, I have 1 open slot, I already taken Noble Scion of War for Cha to init.

And I guess that more ki points would help me with more AC, more hits on FoB and so on...
Furthermore, I guess that CoI don't mention Channel energy as he intend to enter at lvl 1 or 2 of paladin, not 4...
And there falls my doubt...

And with bronze gong is one-one trade, Ki Channel is more...

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I recently started an adventure with a few friends, and I decided to create a CoI.
I'm Already at 3rd lvl, and with awesome stats.
I Picked Paladin 2 (Divine Grace), Cleric 1 and I will continue with monk from now on.
I would like to know if Channel Energy from Paladin (Hospitaler) get the level improvement like Lay on Hands or Smite from the Ki Pool ability from CoI:

Ki Pool CoI wrote:

Ki Pool (Su)

At 2nd level, a champion of Irori gains a ki pool equal to 1/2 his class level + his Wisdom modifier; this functions like the monk ability of the same name, and levels in this class stack with levels in other classes that grant a ki pool. In addition to the normal uses of this ki pool, a champion of Irori may expend 2 ki points to trigger either his lay on hands ability (if he has it) or his smite evil ability. His class levels stack with paladin levels when determining the effect of such abilities.

The idea came from the Ki Channel Feat:

Ki Channel Feat wrote:

Benefit(s): When you channel positive energy to heal living creatures, any creature that could be healed by the channeled energy can choose to regain ki from it instead. Affected creatures regain a number of ki points equal to the number of dice healed by the channel. A creature regaining ki in such a way must either regain ki or be healed by the channel (it cannot gain both).

If the 1st quote works, a Paladin (Hospitaler 6), CoI 10, should have an efective level of 13. Adding the Phylactery of Positive Channeling we get 9d6 of Channel Energy or 9 Ki Points at the same point...

With 10 uses of Channel daily, we are talking about 90 ki points from this source only...

If doesn't work, I guess that 4d6 or 4 ki point by each use is quite better than 1 by one of the bronze gong...

What do you think people?

What will happen if we take Hive Totem Ferocity while wildshaped in a Hippo with strongjaw and the Improved Natural attack (Bite)?

Would it stack to get 16d8 or 18d8 of bite damage?

MisterDoug wrote:
I think the FCT MAY have killed the build, but I'm not sure. Sad, as it one of the most fun builds I have ever played.

By the way yes, Almost killed, but we could still apply dragon, snake, crane style and almost a few thing, but we can forget the augmentation damage of the fist...

No more monastic legacy or monk's robe...

Zodiac107 wrote:
Dunno, tetori monk + lore warden fighter for the ultimate grappler?

Dunno, but in High levels, with huge monsters or bbeg I don't know how useful is grapple...

Jack Brightbuilder wrote:
Idle Champion wrote:

When you get the Broad Study Arcana, you pick one and only one class, and you can use those spells with spellstrike and spell combat - you don't cast them as magus spells, they remain Oracle or Sorcerer spells.

Can't use both lists, can't select broad study twice, at least as it is described.

Shocking Grasp and electricity is Bronze - Copper is Acid.

Can't have Eldritch Scion/Kensai - they both replace knowledge pool and spell recall- if Canny Defense is the thing you want, and you're only using Eldritch Scion to keep the bloodline going... can't do it without reworking a lot of things.

Oslyth Guile is more limited than you are describing - it only works while fighting defensively/total defending, and it only works against one designated target's melee attacks.

What is your Oracle mystery?

Ok, So I have to choose wich of those 2 spellcasting abilities to use... I guess Sorcerer could be good, and with the Mistyc Theurge, 1/day will be using one spell from both sides.

Yes I was meaning Bronze dragon, but it was 4 am and I was half asleep while answering lol...

I took the Kensai for the Canny Defense and the most important the help on the initiative and on criticals.

But I guess that it could be better continue the bloodline in order to reach the other benefits.
Or just swap the dragon disciple with the initial eldritch knight and forget the bloodlline and keep abilities from that.

I'm Nature Oracle, for the CHA to AC, don't know well the other revelation at lvl 19 for oracle 7...

By the way, I took Inspired Blade to get Int + Cha as Panachea, actually 10 at lvl 1... and the 1st Deeds like parry and riposte.

Additionally I will take level 2, to get Cha to ST 3/day not bad at all..

Doomed Hero wrote:

Totemic Skald/Master Summoner is amazing.

Pick up Community Minded and Augment Summoning. Take Bear totem, and summon up hordes of high-strength critters who get your Rage song and Rage powers (beast totem ftw).

Add in Linneorm Death Curses and when your summons die they start tossing around some really hideous no-save debuffs.

Could be good, but no summoner or summoning allowed... we are just OP for a normal adventure path.

Idle Champion wrote:

When you get the Broad Study Arcana, you pick one and only one class, and you can use those spells with spellstrike and spell combat - you don't cast them as magus spells, they remain Oracle or Sorcerer spells.

Can't use both lists, can't select broad study twice, at least as it is described.

Shocking Grasp and electricity is Bronze - Copper is Acid.

Can't have Eldritch Scion/Kensai - they both replace knowledge pool and spell recall- if Canny Defense is the thing you want, and you're only using Eldritch Scion to keep the bloodline going... can't do it without reworking a lot of things.

Oslyth Guile is more limited than you are describing - it only works while fighting defensively/total defending, and it only works against one designated target's melee attacks.

What is your Oracle mystery?

Ok, So I have to choose wich of those 2 spellcasting abilities to use... I guess Sorcerer could be good, and with the Mistyc Theurge, 1/day will be using one spell from both sides.

Yes I was meaning Bronze dragon, but it was 4 am and I was half asleep while answering lol...

I took the Kensai for the Canny Defense and the most important the help on the initiative and on criticals.

But I guess that it could be better continue the bloodline in order to reach the other benefits.
Or just swap the dragon disciple with the initial eldritch knight and forget the bloodlline and keep abilities from that.

I'm Nature Oracle, for the CHA to AC, don't know well the other revelation at lvl 19 for oracle 7...

Yes, I rolled 17, 16, 16, 15, 13, 10.
Can I use spell from both spell lists? Oracle and Sorcerer? And which level I'm using with those spells?

I finished with +19 BAB, just loosing at fifth level.

I would have to change something because both magus archetypes replace spell recall that I was not noticing (my bad)...

There is a way to boost for 7 levels my bloodline to reach 17 levels? Is to get up to +7 natural armor bonus.

My AC with the canny ability of Kensai, using my CHA to AC a coupple of times (instead of Dex, as Dodge Bonus thx to Osyluth Guile and as Armor Bonus from Boon 2 of Arshea) I was wondering like 70 at least... So yes basicaly the roof to get the attention of the bbeg quickly.

The Rime spell is part of the chill touch, intimidating, scaring and disabling enemies. The other side there is the intensified Shocking Grasp that synchronize really well with the draconic bloodline of copper dragon...

Any help to set it well?

Every build I have seen are really good, but when you will rize it from the bottom, and for an adventure with just 3 players, you have to think about it...

I just have made one, copying a most of the Kaouse's build

Kaouse wrote:

Fixing up the above Charisma-whore build, we have this:

Sorcerer 4 || Oracle 4
Mystic Theurge 10 || Magus (Eldritch Scion) 9 / Eldritch Knight 1
Eldritch Knight 2 - 7 || Oracle 5 - 10

My Character is a C/G Female Angel-Blooded Aasimar called Niramour "The Spontaneus" follower of Arshea...

She is practically an easy "woman" that pursue the pleasure of the flesh... You ppl know what I mean...

She is venerable, but with the Aged Curse, She has these Ability Score:
Str* 13
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 13
Cha* 22
Since we are lvl 1, near lvl 2, this is before lvl 6, because then change to +2 to each physical.

I'm Ending in this Somehow:
01 - Inspired Blade 1 - Oracle 1
02 - Sorcerer 1 - Oracle 2
03 - Sorcerer 2 - Oracle 3
04 - Magus - Oracle 4
05 - Mistyc Theurge 1 - Evangelist 1
06 - Mistyc Theurge 2 - Dragon Disciple 1
07 - Mistyc Theurge 3 - Evangelist / M2
08 - Mistyc Theurge 4 - Evangelist / M3
09 - Mistyc Theurge 5 - Evangelist / M4
10 - Mistyc Theurge 6 - Evangelist / M5
11 - Mistyc Theurge 7 - Evangelist / M6
12 - Mistyc Theurge 8 - Evangelist / M7
13 - Mistyc Theurge 9 - Evangelist / M8
14 - Dragon Disciple 2 - Evangelist / M9
15 - Dragon Disciple 3 - Oracle 5
16 - Dragon Disciple 4 - Inspired Blade 2
17 - Dragon Disciple 5 - Mistyc Theurge 10
18 - Dragon Disciple 6 - Oracle 6
19 - Dragon Disciple 7 - Oracle 7
20 - Dragon Disciple 8 - Oracle 8

The Sorcerer is a Crossbloded Fey / Draconic
The Oracle is a dual Cursed (Aged to advance and Tongue frozen)
The Magus is a Kensai / Eldritch Scion, using INT for the kensai abilities and Cha for the other things.

My DM allowed the Evangelist's Aligned class to pick up the Magus and continue the draconic bloodline from the sorcerer.

So at lvl 20, I will be a Magus 9 / Sorcerer 18 / Oracle 18.

Now a few questions:
1) When using broad study arcana, I will use the oracle or sorcerer caster level or the 9th magus level?
2) Which route is useful? Chill touch rimed and intimidating chain or just leaving a massive damage?
3) How I could Improve my defenses and attack? Any spells or something like available?
4) Other Advices?


Azten wrote:
There's some debate over arcane deed getting precise strike to work because Arcane Deed doesn't allow you to use your magus levels in place of swashbuckler levels.

Actually you are wrong.

Arcane Deed (Ex): Prerequisite(s) Flamboyant arcana

Benefit(s) When a magus takes this arcana, he can pick any one deed from the swashbuckler class feature as long as that deed can be used by a swashbuckler of his magus level. The magus can use that deed by using points from his arcane pool as the panache points required for that deed. A magus can take this arcana multiple times, each time gaining a new deed.

The feat itsealf state that the magus will need enough levels to reach the swashbuckler to use the ability.

Gisher wrote:
For a Magus the Arcane Accuracy Magus Arcana is the obvious thing to use. It does better than replace Str (or Dex) with Int; it adds an insight bonus equal to your Int modifier on top of your Str (or Dex).

That will be using a Swift each round of melee and 1 point, so I will run out very quickly.

Still researching anything ;)

Dekalinder wrote:
S-Kirin style

This work only for damage on hits, not to attack rolls.

But thanks to all!!

Really thanks to anyone!
I will beg for the houserule to apply int to attack.
I'm a Kensai with a Lot of Int...

I would like to know if there is any chance to do it, because I can't find anywhere, and I didn't see any old threads about this point of the game.

Thanks in advance!!

Wizzy6 wrote:

So I am being very creative and I made a Halfling Haunted Life Oracle....

Lvl 0 - You Know Only 6 Orizons


Ghost Sound

Detect Undead - Lvl 1 Spell
Lesser Restoration - Lvl 2 - Spell
Read Magic

Lvl 1 You Know only 4, including Detect Undead.


Divine Favor

Cure Light
Forbid Action

Lvl 2 You Know only 4, including Lesser Restoration.


Cure Med

Sound Burst


Check every spell that you got, and check what you can throw away...

Far Away since last post:
Let me ask something:

If I have an Half-Orc Barbarian with the Toothy trait + Lesser Beast Totem, I will get 3 Natural attacks.
I will accomplish the requirements for Multiattack?

Far Away since last post:
Let me ask something:

If I have an Half-Orc Barbarian with the Toothy trait + Lesser Beast Totem, I will get 3 Natural attacks.
I will accomplish the requirements for Multiattack?

Really Thanks!!!
I was figuring out about an Oracle, Sorcerer + Dragon Disciple, to get 42 on STR and +54 AC and still casting 7th level spells.

It's better to do Awesome Display or better go with Nature or Lore and get CHA to AC instead of DEX?

I will try to post it here.

Anzyr wrote:
Always go with initiative. Because sometimes going First means going Last. And sometimes going Last means going Never.

Totally Agree!!!

By the way, Anzyr, taking Fey Foundling is an option when you are going to go dip into paladin for the Swift LoH in conjunction with Greater Mercy.
I agree that FF is good for ANY player that would receive more health for every cure... Even Barbarians....

ginganinja wrote:
You obviously misunderstood, it was either of those Mysteries rather than all three at once ._.

Ok. Thanks... I'm not an English main speaker, so many times I don't recognize humor sentences... lol...

ginganinja wrote:

Or you can go Lore/Lunar/Nature Oracle 1, Paladin X, Celestial Obedience (Arshea), and Guile for an effective quad CHA to AC.. I am currently playing a Oracle / Paladin / Mystery Cultist in WotR, before I retrained the Oracle level after realising that my AC was basically unhittable, and this was before I even decided to pick up Guile.

Worth noting Deific Obedience (Calistria), gives you roughly the same thing as Arshea, but is a 3rd level boon vs 2nd level, although if memory serves, Calistria lets you wear armor and still get the bonus.


Ugh, old thread.

Not much old. Just reviewed again.

I Guess that you could not use each one of your misteries, because Lore and Nature don't double the CHA do AC, because you are already avoiding your DEX for your AC.
If you don't use DEX, you can't trade it for CHA.
By the Way, Prophetic Armor is the same and they don't stack all of three...

I was looking for stack the Heaven and Nature Mistery.
Just to get one revelation of both.

There is a way?

Choon wrote:

A life oracle of mine is using both of these. :)

Plus, if you have a paladin in the party that can cast bestow grace (the spell) you can get your Cha to all saves Twice because the spell provides a sacred bonus. Therefore you can triple dip Cha for reflex saves, legally. :D

How could you Take 2 Misteries? As far I saw in different threads, an Oracle can hace just one Mistery...

Thanks to Every one.
Now i'm planning something really Powerful, cuz we will be 3 players in the Abyss...

Magda Luckbender wrote:

One level of Dual Cursed Heavens Oracle gives the wonderful Misfortune revelation and access to super-powered Colorspray through Awesome Display. Take Command and Murderous Command as Oracle spells, those never get old.

How did you get both Revelations if the Archetype give you the option to take another one? Maybe the Extra Revelation Feat?

Magda Luckbender wrote:

One level of Cleric gives Variant Channeling (Rulership). Unfortunately, you must worship the Archdevil Dispater - yuck - or accept a lesser Variant Channel. Variant Channeling (Rulership) is a large area daze-and-damage effect, comparable to a Dazing Fireball, with 8+ uses per day, usable as a Move action with Quick Channel. You must have the Animal domain, probably via the Separatist archetype.

I guess that would be 1d6 dazzling damage 8+ times daily. Why Animal Domain? I mean that Speak with Animals and Calm Animals a few times/day, are the only things that you get from that level, aside of the Separatist 2nd domain.

Magda Luckbender wrote:

Then Sylvan Sorcerer all the way. With Boon Companion you have a full level Animal Companion from level 3 onward.

It has a little mistake: 1 Oracle - 1 Cleric - 3 Druid = -5 on your level, and Boon Companion has 4 level higher, so you could get at lvl 20 a lvl 19 companion. The Cleric could help at lvl 4, but this won't happen, or it does?

Magda Luckbender wrote:

Get the Awesome Display revelation for your Sorcerer Colorsprays.

Where I can find the way to make this trick?

Magda Luckbender wrote:

This abomination of a build eats BBEG encounters for breakfast. Here's what you do:

1. Protect your entire party from critical hits and failed saving throws with Misfortune
2. Battlefield control like a wizard tossing weak Dazing Fireballs.

Misfortune is an inmediate action, so I guess that you can only affect 1 people/round. Or I'm wrong?

Magda Luckbender wrote:

3. Force the BBEG to make three tough saving throws versus your Save-or-Suck spells in one round. You cover all three save types: Will, Reflex, and Fortitude.

4. Full-level Animal Companion doing it's own thing. You even have unusual buff options for your AC, including Enlarge Person.

Of course, this build will flounder in high level play. Color Spray ceases to be viable around level 10 or 12, and it will be downhill from there.

How 3 ST so quickly?

Magda Luckbender wrote:
My favorite way to destroy BBEGs and other worthy foes is with a flurry of AoOs.

What BBEG mean? I looked so far and I didn't even found any other acronym...

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