Campaigns disappearing from Active Campaigns tab

Website Feedback

I've been having an issue where campaigns I'm playing in are disappearing from my Active Campaigns tab without any warning. I haven't been marked as inactive in them, the game itself is not inactive, it simply disappears from my tab and I have to go through and look at the posts from my alias to get into the game.

You may accidentally have clicked on the ∅ button and hidden the gameplay thread. It's right next to the "x minutes ago" link you click on to get to the newest post in the thread and very easy to click by accident on a tablet or phone.

Try going to the Play by Post forum and clicking SHOW ∅. This will make hidden threads show up in grayscale, and you can scroll down looking for your campaign. If your gameplay thread has been hidden, you can unhide it by clicking on the ∅ button on the far right side of the screen again.

Nope, doesn't appear to be the issue. I didn't even have the option to show hidden threads until I purposefully hid some that I wasn't actually trying to track. They show up fine there, but not on my Active Campaigns tab.

If you're sure the GM hasn't checked you or your PC inactive, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until after the holiday weekend for Paizo staff to be back. Those are the only reasons I know of for Campaigns to disappear from your tab. Sorry. :/

There is one other reason, and I found it (Yay! - maybe - lol). If you have clicked on "hide hidden" on the bottom of your Campaigns page, it hides some of them. Chris Lambertz (sp?) found this corner bug when I did got hit by it.

Another way around it is from the Messageboards page, there is a tab to the right that says My Campaigns. Click that one and everything should show up.

-- david

Not the issue either, unfortunately. I'll just have to wait for the staff to be back.

Bumping this in the hope that I can get this issue fixed.

Community & Digital Content Director

Heya, after spending time this morning troubleshooting the problem, I'm sorry to say that I can confirm that this is a different bug than what had been found before. What I believe may have happened is that the display on your end under your main user profile was set to hidden (rather than your aliases). It turns out there's a way to completely hide these items from yourself (I just accomplished this under my own account actually). I'm detailing the behavior to see if our tech team can resolve this issue when they make changes to our forums next, but cannot provide an ETA on a fix. However, it does appear that these threads do show up under your main "My Campaigns" tab when viewing the forums.

Thanks for the update. It's unfortunate that you can't give an ETA on this getting resolved, but I do appreciate you taking the time to look into it. I don't know if this is connected, but a number of aliases were also ADDED to one of the games I have been participating in without my input.

Just figured I'd mention it in case it's connected in some way.

Community & Digital Content Director

Ack, can you indicate which ones you're seeing? That's something I *can* fix.

For the game GM Olmek's Iron Gods, the aliases "Jon, The Evil DM", "Jonathan Haykes", and "Nathan Thrawn" were added to the game this morning. Adrien Belmont and OZ-M1; Ozymandias are the two aliases connected to the game.

Community & Digital Content Director

Alright, those should be removed now.

Just out of curiosity, any update on what might have happened with my account?

Hate to post in this again, but I figure it's easier since anyone looking to fix it will see what was tried before. I'm having this same issue again, so far it just started today. My alias is still marked as an active character and I as an active player, but it's no longer showing up at all. I figured it was smarter to just ask about this now, instead of waiting to see if it comes back, since it didn't do that previously.

Bumping this thread again, in hopes of getting this issue fixed once again.

Community & Digital Content Director

Could you let me know which alias/campaign this is occurring on? We haven't been able to roll out any fix for the bug I mentioned above yet, but I might be able to take a look at the latest problem.

The alias is Jonathan Haykes, for the game The Faceless GM's Golarion Apocalypse.

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