Link and List this Entry are hard to find on high-def displays

Website Feedback

It's much harder to share blog posts on other websites when you can't find a link on Perhaps some CSS styling similar to the tags only in a different color would help?

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

The same is true of links to PRD in rules discussions, or links to PFS Organized Play rulings in the forums. Links in general are hard to see.

I'm totally fine with reducing the clutter of underlines in the side bars, but in message bodies something has to change with regard to links. They're *very* hard to distinguish. (An underline for links—only in the message body—would be the easiest.)

Or, at the very least, un-break the ability to [u]underline links[/u] explicitly.

Community & Digital Content Director

You're right. I have some bigger impact ideas on how I'd love to see blogs formatted, but I'll play around with display locally and see if there's something smaller scale we can request from the tech team in the short term.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

If it helps (and it's pretty simple, so I'm sure someone on your side can handle it), this seems to work just fine

Awesome CSS Code wrote:

.post-contents :link,

.post-contents :visited {
/** One or the other of the following; both not really needed **/
background-color: #e5e5e5;

And, as long as I'm asking for design changes, how 'bout a darker background for quoted content (more visible than #f5f5f5, anyway; #e5e5e5 is better), a left border (say, 3px?) for spoilered content, and a way to do non-breaking spaces in posts?

Community & Digital Content Director

Definitely something to consider. I'm wary of opening a door to a bunch of style changes (since they're site wide), but I'll add this note to our forums wishlist.

Yeah, I understand the appeal of site-wide styling vs. using CSS class entries. You can update the web site very quickly if you know there aren't a bunch of individual cases to consider.

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