(Mostly) Automated Kingdom Management Spreadsheet


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Hi all,

I'm in a group playing Kingmaker (just finished 2nd book). Since I'm a a bit of a spreadsheet nut, I am handling kingdom management. NOTE that this is based on the Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Management and NOT the system listed in Kingmaker book 1.

I created a mostly automated google sheets document to allow for easy management and sharing. This sheet allows us to run a turn in about 5-10 minutes (1 city with a <10 size kingdom).

Please leave any questions here, and I will try to generate a guide and FAQ based on what people find unclear.

Usage basics:

  • Blue is for manual entry / drop down selection
  • Grey is for formulas and (do not touch) cells
  • The name of each city must match the name of the city's tab
  • Lock the data tab once you have copied the sheet ;)

Manual operations:

  • Add/remove treasury BP
  • Generate magic items
  • Add/remove building discounts
  • City map layout
  • Army management not included yet (working on it)

(Mostly) Automated Kingdom Management Template:
Kingdom of Template

Our Kingdom as an example:
Barony of Greenbelt

Credit - The basic layout was modified from a completely manual spreadsheet but I cannot remember the source. I'm happy to credit that person once I figure out who they are.

I'll just say thank you, my player's a still a few weeks off from starting their kingdom, but I'm sure this will be invaluable.


Let me know if you have any questions or find any mistakes once you're underway.

My PC's are just finishing Book 2, and their kingdom almost collapsed because of Grigori. I thought this was odd, as they were building up very well. When I went back and reviewed their sheets, they were missing some modifiers, and some of the ones they had were out of date.

Knowing how much bigger kingdom building was going to get, I designed my own excel sheet to track everything, much like Grifta did...

Ghormagon's Kingdom Template

Most of the drop down menus and cell references didn't carry through during the upload to googledocs, but it gives you an idea of what it tracks. Let me know if you want the excel sheet, and I can send it to you. I'm totally open to feedback and pointers on how to improve it. Thanks, guys!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, if we're sharing...

Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreasheet (Excel)
Open Office version
Discussion Thread.

There's a work-in-progress Ultimate Rulership version, too.

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Not to take anything away from the OP and what he/she t together, but Chemlak's sheet is absolutely outstanding.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wholeheartedly endorse the idea that anyone who comes up with a tracking spreadsheet themselves is flat out amazing. The one I'm caretaker for has become too unwieldy for GoogleDocs (or so I'm given to understand), and suffers as a result. Furthermore, there are always ideas that I hadn't thought of in every sheet I see, so the more the merrier!

(Disclaimer: I will not, ever, plagiarise someone else's work without permission and full credit.)

So if anyone who makes a sheet wants to suggest ideas for mine, or will let me use parts of theirs, please let me know!

(Second disclaimer: the building images and map sheets are used under the community use license. Always read the small print.)

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Hey people!

I came by (my first post) to say that, since I'm playing a kingmaker-like campaign (custom scenario, and we only have access to the rules on pfsrd anyway), and I much prefer Google Sheets to an offline sheet manager like OpenOffice and Excel, I got Grifta's spreadsheet and worked around it a bit. I'll post it here for everyone to enjoy:

Countie of Template
Changes are:

Integrated Law/Corruption/Productivity/Crime/Lore system on the settlement sheets

Created an Event Roller which makes it wasier to run turns and makes it pointless to look at tables (just roll the dice and type the result in the roller and it will tell you which event you got and its description).

Integrated the Fame System (tough haven't messed around infamy yet) on the Kingdom Sheet.

Created a "Cabinet Members" (or leaders if you want to rename it) sheet where you post your leaders along with their stats and some whatever special abilitie they might have that you want to remember (like "Dan, the wizard, my magister, has "Create wondrous items"). It auto-feeds the leaders' information to the kingdom sheet, for ease of use.

Included places in the settlement sheets for settlement qualities/defects (tough their bonuses are manual entries) and custom discounts (like when you build on top of a ruin) and automated the discount table.

That's it! I made it for my personal use, but decided to share it here. Anyone who wants it may do whatever they want with it. Just copy to your Drive folder.

Also, since we're sharing, I came up with a Google Sheet that I'm pretty proud of, but it hasn't been heavily tested. If anyone wants to see the sheet, here is the thread where I ask for help testing it.

@xzyx: Cool, I like the Cabinet Members tab and the auto feeding into the overview. Armies are looking good too.

@xzyx: Damn, I see that guests don't get the drop down list from my template. I'll try to figure out how to share that properly, but let me know if you want a proper copy of my template.

Hey Grifta, I was trying to input the cities into the Kingdom Sheet and when i typed in anything other than what was already there, it freaked out and said #REF! in every gray space to the left of the city name. Did I mess something up somehow?

This thread seems to not send my notifications anymore. Please just PM me if you have a question. Then I can PM you and post the answer here.

@BossModeSlayer; This is probably way too late to be useful, but you have to;
-make a copy of "City #" sheet
-give it a name. ("Cool City")
-input the identical name into city section on the Kingdom sheet. ("Cool City")

All the cells look at the sheet names at the bottom, then grab the data from the identically names sheet.


Someone just requested edit privileges from me. Please just make a copy for yourself if you want it.

Some more interest in this since the CRPG was released.

If your would like to use this please simply go to "File" -> "Make a Copy"


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