Yarr! The pirate crew challenge

Skull & Shackles

Grand Lodge

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Note: if you are one of my Skull & Shackles players, leave now! Captain's orders!

Here's a challenge for all of you who love creating characters. Design one (or more) character for my PCs' pirate crew!

The gist
I'll be running the Skull & Shackles AP, mixed with Razor Coast, as a sandbox adventure using the P6 rules. One of the important features of that campaign is the PCs will be able to recruit valuable NPCs to have them join their pirate crew. Later on, these recruited crew members can join the PCs on their adventures as if the PCs had the Leadership feat. Those characters need to be memorable, and the PCs should really see the interest of each character. I'm not really good at designing characters, so I'm turning to you for creative ideas!

The rules
Each character submitted can only have 6 class levels (since level progression stops at 6th in the P6 ruleset), but can have up to 10 additional feats to complete his/her build. If you're familiar with the E6/P6 systems, signature feats are not necessary. Any class/archetype in Paizo material is fair game, except for the pre-unchained Summoner and its archetypes. The game has guns and cannons, so any black powder type is welcome. Lastly, it's a game that won't be using alignment, so you need not bother with it, and the pre-requisites based on alignment don't exist.

The goal is to create a character that my PCs would love to have as part of their crew, either crunch-wise or flavor-wise (or both!). The submitted characters I like the most will be added to my campaign, with full credit to you for creating that character, of course.

Here's an example of the format for your ideas of characters.


Race (ethnicity):

Why your character should like to join a pirate crew (short... or not, your choice):

Your character in one sentence:

1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
Additional feats:

Key pieces of gear (magical or not; apart from the Big Six):

May Besmara look favorably upon your sails!

Note: this thread was also posted in the Advice forum.

Name: Xultan Rocker

Race: Pink scaled kobold

Why join: Xultan loves gold, plunder and breaking things.

Character design: Xultan was born in a red kobold warren under the Six Kings Mountains (he'll insist it's called that as he has great respect for Daralathyxl), but wanted to build his own hoard and see the world. How he got to the Shackles is something you'll have to ask him (Don't mention his pink scales)

1st - Oracle, stone mystery, rock throwing, weapon focus (natural attacks), has the kobold bite attack. 18 Str, 12 Dex, 15 Con, 14 Int, 9 Wis, 16 Cha

2nd - Nothin' special

3rd - Grabs Scaled Disciple and Crystal Sight revelation

4th - Nothin' special, but stat pt to Con

5th - Power Attack

6th - 1st lvl of Dragon Disciple! Inexplicably has bronze dragon as a bloodline which horrifies him, but gets the claws bloodline permanently instead of x per day.

Key gear Rocks, and a belt of mighty hurling of course.

Notes: Obviously Xultan is not rules legal with that Str score and permanent claws, but this is a 'DM' character anyway. He's designed to be a scary melee combatant that claws and bites things apart, or chucks rocks at them. His spells are basically buff and heal spells and he often forgets he has them unless someone reminds him that he can do that.

Grand Lodge

Xultan looks like an amazing character, I could see him become a very high-profile member of the crew! Who wouldn't love a small rock-throwing, clawed menace?

I didn't know of the Scaled Disciple feat, it really allows for interesting combinations! I also love the part where he forgets he can cast spells and he'll have to be reminded of that constantly. Definitely a keeper!

Ty. I can post more of backstory if ya want.

Xultan was born in the kobold warrens underneath the Five Kings mountains, just like the other thousands of kobolds there that serve the sleeping Daralathyxl. Unlike those others though, he was born with pink scales.

Now, for some creatures, having such a different color to his scales might inside something like 'he must be a prophet!' or similar nonsense. Not kobolds. Pink scales means he's not red scaled, so needless to say, he got quite a lot of flak for that.

If it was for his natural gift with the stone of the mountains they lived under, a very strange and prodigious physical strength unheard of among his kind, and the favor of some of Daralathyxl's half-dragon children, he certainly wouldn't have survived.

Still, he proved to be a fairly loyal follower of the Sixth King as he grew up, until one day fate intervened. He managed to find the dragon's very well hidden slave chambers and as you might expect, it's bevy of beautiful women.

Not exactly being known for caution or common sense, the kobold was easily seduced by several of the neglected women (Daralathyxl is cruel and only lets them do 'things' with him of course, leaving them pent up) and it wasn't until an amazing 4 days later, a few bathroom and sleep breaks put in, that the kobold's stamina and libido finally was quieted enough for him to hear his inner good sense screaming it's head off to leave.

He calls his inner good sense Tiffany by the way, after the name of one of the slave women, a human.

Realizing that the chances of Dalathyxl not finding out about his indiscretions, he ran, he ran far far far away. Which is too say he found a greater teleport scroll and tried to use it the dragon's hoard, along with a magical belt that made him far more accurate with his beloved rocks and stronger to boot. Hey, if he was a dead kobold walking, why not go all out right?

Of course, he mishapped on the scroll and ended up underwater in a net just as it was being pulled aboard a certain pirate ship. Having no clue where he was, but not really prejudiced against humans (he had just gone almost a week boning several of them), once he figured out that he was over a continent away from his old master, it was good enough.

Pirate life turned out to suit the kobold fine, gold, things to break, and occasionally, women! Hasn't been allowed to keep any slaves of his own though he certainly would like one. He often thinks back to the various slaves and wonders if he has any half-kobold children.

He himself isn't cruel. He's generally quite loyal, is definitely too curious for his own good, a bit absent minded, libidinous to a fault, but also smart enough to conduct his own spell research. He made his own personal first level spell called Pet Rock. As you might imagine, it takes a rock and makes it into a permanently animated rock, roughly the size of a small dog like a dachschund and gives it an Int of one (no attacks), and a playful personality.

He currently has a single pet rock named George, which is only tolerated by the bo'sun because it doesn't actually leave any waste or eat anything, and Xultan will use it as 'returning' ammo occasionally if he has no other rocks.

Grand Lodge

I love the backstory! I was wondering how to introduce that character, imagining that he would pester the PCs to become one of the crew and eventually challenging one of them to arm-wresting... which he could probably win! The teleport to the net is also an amazing idea!

Softskin, take a gander at a real pirate. Look at this character's profile. See what you think.

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