claws and bites...

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

question for yous...

if i were to multi-class barbarian, sorc, and dragon desciple...

barb i would go the beast totem route,
beast toem, lesser:
While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus.

sorc dragon bloodline:
you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus.

dragon disciple: dragon bite
whenever the dragon disciple uses his bloodline to grow claws, he also gains a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage

so...the question is,
does the 2 claw attacks gained from both beast rage, and dragon blood basically in do i only get 2 attacks..
do i gain them as seperate attacks, so i would get 4 claw attacks.

from the dragon prc i gain a primary bite...

so...are my claws and bite considered all primaries, and if so, how many attacks would that be?

thank you for any constructive help :)

No, you only have two arms, so only two claw attacks.

What having the two sets of claw attacks does provide is having two different pools of duration for those attacks. You rage and grow claws; when you're out of rage, no more rage-claws. However, you still have Dragon claw rounds to use.

You'd have three total attacks with the bite as presented.

Scarab Sages

However, while you are raging, you would not be able to use your bite from dragon disciple. The bite only appears when you are using your bloodline claws. When you are raging, you are using your beast totem claws, so the bite would not manifest.

You would be better off going Bloodrager for this concept.

Only if your GM makes the reasonable equation between Bloodrager Dragonic Bloodline and Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline.

(Or did they ever FAQ them to be equivalent?)

Scarab Sages

Saldiven wrote:

(Or did they ever FAQ them to be equivalent?)

Yes, they did.

Imbicatus, there is nothing preventing him from having the bite from Dragon Disciple while using the claws from Lesser Beast Totem.

Activate both types of claws, benefit from the Lesser Beast Totem claws (overrides the bloodline claws) and the Dragon Disciple bite.

Scarab Sages

The draconic claws are a SU ability, some may rule that they cannot be activated while in a rage. Even if they can, you are still using your limited rounds of claws to enable the bite.

Bloodrager works better. If you want to use rage powers, you can go primalist.

Imbicatus wrote:
Saldiven wrote:

(Or did they ever FAQ them to be equivalent?)
Yes, they did.

Thanks, glad to hear that.

I played it that way at my table; I'm glad that it became official.

Scarab Sages

Gauss wrote:

Imbicatus, there is nothing preventing him from having the bite from Dragon Disciple while using the claws from Lesser Beast Totem.

Activate both types of claws, benefit from the Lesser Beast Totem claws (overrides the bloodline claws) and the Dragon Disciple bite.

Sorry if I'm slow on understanding this..

But, even when I rage I can still get the bite since it's from a different source even when I'm raging?

I'm looking at the primalist right now, would it's ability to stack with the "sorcerer" level count with the bloodrager, since it is a barbarian /sorcerer?

Imbicatus, there is no basis for ruling that way. SU abilities generally do not require patience or concentration. They are not SLAs or spells.

nekoyami, yes, there is nothing that conflicts in this case. Both types of claws are active but the stacking (overlap) rules state that the better ability (better claws) take precedence. Since the sorcerer claws are still active the bite is active.

Its like having an enhancement to strength from two sources. If one enhancement is at +2 for 20minutes and the other at +4 for 2 minutes you get the +4 for 2 minutes and then the +2 for the remaining 18 minutes because it never went away.

Scarab Sages

OK, Thank you for the help

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