Eidolon Grab discrepancy between books and Iconic example

Rules Questions

OK, so the text for the Grab evolution for eidolons states that they can only use it on creatures one size smaller then themselves.

This has always been the case, and was not updated with the bestiary ability of the same name... nor was it changed in the Unchained version.

But, looking at the Iconic unchained summoner's eidolon (Padrig) included with the Fane of Fangs quest (@ level 5)...

The text for it's Grab ability does not match the Grab ability in the Unchained book, instead following the bestiary language.

Is this an error in Padrag or an error in the Unchained/APG?

Some clarification from the powers that be would be nice.

I know I've avoided this evolution for some time due to the size limitation.

Probably an error to Padrig. If they intended it to be exactly the same as the Bestiary version they could/would have copy pasted it. Likely thats what someone did for Padrig, not realizing that it was different for Eidelons.

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