PFS PbP GameDay IV: PFS 06-06 - The Hall of the Flesh Eaters

Online Play

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. The only problem is that the Pathfinders are not the only visitors to the Gloomspires.

The below blurb is shameless stolen from a friend's recruitment page for another scenario, but it works so no need to reinvent the wheel. XD

This scenario will be run as part of the PBP Gameday #3, and will run from 19 September to 20 December 2015.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day so we finish on time. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:

I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Player Name: Beatrice Pscheidl
Character name: Ragnar Northman
Race/Class/Level: Human Ranger 4
PFS#: 123480-4
Faction: Dark Archive

Ragnar is a shapeshifter, he can change to a more ursine version of himself.

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Ragnar Northman wrote:

Player Name: Beatrice Pscheidl

Character name: Ragnar Northman
Race/Class/Level: Human Ranger 4
PFS#: 123480-4
Faction: Dark Archive

Ragnar is a shapeshifter, he can change to a more ursine version of himself.

Just as long as you remain fleshy, the flesh-eaters won't mind. =)

Silver Crusade ** Venture-Captain, Texas—San Antonio

FiddlersGreen (great name and I wonder if you have ever been to the one at Knox),
I would love to apply for a position.
Player Name: Mike D.
Character name: Titus Minicius Parthicus
Race/Class/Level: Human Fighter Level 2
PFS#: 122287-3
Faction: Grand Lodge

Titus is a human fighter, he has no special tricks, but clearly exhibits signs of post traumatic stress and hyper vigilance after four years worth of campaigns in the Army of Cheliax.

I am not sure what the sub-tier break out may or may not be, but if I don't throw my hatin the ring, one will never know.

I'd love to play, if possible!

Player Name: Joe Cohen
Character Name: Aldur Sanvell
Race/Class/Level: Half-Elf Investigator 1
PFS#: 158431-1
Faction: Dark Archive

I will get my character sheet posted in my profile shortly!

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

A tengu crossbow user waves to the growing group.

Player Name: Jim Page AKA Wei Ji The Learner
Character Name: Zykon Gibbs
Race/Class/Level: Tengu Bolt Ace 2
Faction: Liberty's Edge

"Always carry a knife."

If we're playing by post, would prefer Google Drawings or Tiles. R20 for a pbp sounds clunky? No offense.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Player Name: Ian Shannon
Character Name: Nagaki
Race/Class/Level: Kitsune Psychic 2
Pathfinder Society#: 94305-15
Faction: Grand Lodge

My discipline allows me to enter a sort of psychic rage that allows me to cause bleed damage.

My sheet is coming.

If there is still room I would love to do this, but probably need to make a new character. Never done PbP before either. Let me know if that is all right and I will get a character together for it so it would be lvl 1.

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There's room, mcoppel, so you can still join if you post your character info. The party don't start till 19th September per the game day rules. I'll probably start the briefing a little earlier than that, but no dice-rolling till 19th September.

I'll do a roll call so we can see where we're at:

Beatrice Pscheidl as Ragnar Northman - Human Ranger 4, 123480-4, DA
Mike D. as Titus Minicius Parthicus - Human Fighter Level, 122287-3, GL
Joe Cohen as Aldur Sanvell - Half-Elf Investigator 1, 158431-1, DA
Jim Page as Zykon Gibbs - Tengu Bolt Ace 2, 145296-3, LE
Ian Shannon as Nagaki - Kitsune Psychic 2, 94305-15, GL
mcoppel as?

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Arklore wrote:

FiddlersGreen (great name and I wonder if you have ever been to the one at Knox)

I was thinking of the mythical paradise island Fiddller's Green, rather than an actual place, but I think the place you're referring to got their name from the same legend. =)

Great I will play

Player Name: Matt Coppel
Character name: BoomAhg
Race/Class/Level: Elf / Alchemist /lvl 1
PFS#: 163153-03
Faction: Silver Crusade
Any special tricks I should know about your character:
None that I know yet

Silver Crusade ** Venture-Captain, Texas—San Antonio

Looks like a good crew. Looks like we need to stock up on potions of healing.

Fiddler, you are correct same place of legend, in mind, but in its day, Fiddler's Green was a magnificent watering hole that attracted many a fine lady and cavalry Soldier.

Do you want copies of character sheets and chronicle sheets?

Silver Crusade

My dropbox character sheet is in my profile. I'll post as my character in this thread from now on.

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Just character sheets will do, unless I get curious about a boon or other.

Final roll call:

Beatrice Pscheidl as Ragnar Northman - Human Ranger 4, 123480-4, DA
Mike D. as Titus Minicius Parthicus - Human Fighter Level, 122287-3, GL
Joe Cohen as Aldur Sanvell - Half-Elf Investigator 1, 158431-1, DA
Jim Page as Zykon Gibbs - Tengu Bolt Ace 2, 145296-3, LE
Ian Shannon as Nagaki - Kitsune Psychic 2, 94305-15, GL
Matt COppel as BoomAhg - Elf Alchemist 1, 163153-03, SC

I'll open up a gameplay thread this weekend and post the link here.

Silver Crusade ** Venture-Captain, Texas—San Antonio

how do you want us to send character sheets? PM, email, drop box, etc?


Silver Crusade ** Venture-Captain, Texas—San Antonio

Was a game day thread ever opened up?

Arklore wrote:
Was a game day thread ever opened up?

Not that I've seen. I'm eagerly awaiting it as well.

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Sorry, my bad. Weekend got hectic. Will open up the gameplay thread shortly.

Having a link to your character sheets in your profile will be fine.

Edit: Here is the link to the gameplay thread.

Fyi, I have a couple changes to Aldur's sheet. I had a chance to play him again this weekend, and wanted to settle on a final version before this game began.

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That's fine, as long as he is still within tier when we start. So you'll be fine as long as you don't hit level 6. ;)

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If you are signed up to this, note that I have begun a prelude to the briefing. I understand that it has been awhile since the table filled, so I'd like to make sure that people are still watching the thread.

We begin in earnest in 3 days' time.

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