Kadulu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey guys!
Well I didn't find any character sheet which was satisfying for me so I decided to be stubborn and to create one of my own^^
So here it is, I plan on implementing advanced classes. For now, only basic classes are implemented.
The character sheet includes an animal companion sheet, an eidolon sheet and a spellbook.
Let me know if you see anything wrong :)

Kadulu |

Kadulu |

Kadulu |

Kadulu |

Updated :
- New feature on the spell list to repertoriate spells prepared per day and spells used per day.
- A new table on the Character Sheet 2 allows you to artificially add class skills to your character
- Other bonuses to attack should now be taken in account and automatically calculated by the sheet
- Added a Kinetic blast sheet with auto completion of blasts and their burn cost. The sheet should also automatically calculate the adjustments of burn cost as the Kineticist levels up. Additionally, the Kineticist can now create blasts that she uses the most in order to access quickly to the information
- Improvements of lisibility throughout the character sheet
- Correction of little errors and bugs in formulas (as usual :p)

Kadulu |

Hello everyone, it's been a really long time since I updated my character sheet, and there was many problems.
I hope I corrected most of them, here is the changelog :
- Added a table to keep track of class pools in the spell sheet (e.g. Arcanist's Arcane Pool)
- Added a CMD formula on the left of CMB bonus on the main sheet
- Inspiration pool can now be selected in the spell sheet
- Added Energy resistance and damage resistance to the main character sheet, companion sheet and eidolon sheet
- Improvements on the spell sheet which was FULL of problems
- Added a missing magic item slot on the character sheet 2 : Feets
- Changed the way spells are referenced by players : Now there are two pages for spell, one that references all spells that are known by the character and one other which summarizes spells that can be cast each day by the character. It should be especially useful to prepared spellcasters and to users of metamagic to repertoriate which spell slot is used for each spell prepared
- Eidolon sheet base saves weren't correct. It should be ok now
- On the Eidolon Sheet, the evolutions weren't correctly accounted
- Updated the fonts for the sheet to have a better look
- Warpriest saves weren't correct
- Corrected and error that was occuring on class skills
- Numerous fonts that weren't in accordance to the style of the sheet were changed
- New blank skills have been added
- Spells known sheet has been modified, it does not include automated spell list anymore, it will give the user more freedom to organize its spells
Here is the download link

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Hello everyone, it's been a really long time since I updated my character sheet, and there was many problems.
I hope I corrected most of them, here is the changelog :
- Added a table to keep track of class pools in the spell sheet (e.g. Arcanist's Arcane Pool)
- Added a CMD formula on the left of CMB bonus on the main sheetV2.3
- Inspiration pool can now be selected in the spell sheet
- Added Energy resistance and damage resistance to the main character sheet, companion sheet and eidolon sheet
- Improvements on the spell sheet which was FULL of problems
- Added a missing magic item slot on the character sheet 2 : Feets
- Changed the way spells are referenced by players : Now there are two pages for spell, one that references all spells that are known by the character and one other which summarizes spells that can be cast each day by the character. It should be especially useful to prepared spellcasters and to users of metamagic to repertoriate which spell slot is used for each spell prepared
- Eidolon sheet base saves weren't correct. It should be ok now
- On the Eidolon Sheet, the evolutions weren't correctly accounted
- Updated the fonts for the sheet to have a better look
- Warpriest saves weren't correct
- Corrected and error that was occuring on class skills
- Numerous fonts that weren't in accordance to the style of the sheet were changed
- New blank skills have been added
- Spells known sheet has been modified, it does not include automated spell list anymore, it will give the user more freedom to organize its spellsHere is the download link
It just brings me to an upload link. Can you make it a pdf, please?

Kadulu |

Hi guys,
I'm sorry, I didn't remark that the link was broken until now.
Here is a new link with the new version of the sheet, I hope you'll enjoy it ;)
Character Sheet 3.0. Do not mind the preview that will open on your screen, simply download the sheet and open it on Excel.
- Moved Favored Class option box from character sheet two to character sheet one
- Moved Energy pool box from Spell list page to character sheet two
- Changed Speed box and also included an option to change units in which distances are calculated
- Removed the Background Box, replaced it with a much larger Class Abilities table (I plan on adding a much more complete Background sheet)
- Modified character sheet 1 and 2 to fit the new layout
- Corrected an error occuring on the CMB and CMD formulas
- Corrected a flaw in the carried weight section
- Syntax and font corrections
- Added a "remove skill" table on the character sheet 2 to allow class skill removal in case something that modifies class skills is taken (i.e. an archetype)
- Armor Check penalty is now automatically substracted from physical skills
- Reworked that armor table for it to include the long forgotten Max DEX bonus
- Vigilante Class is now available
- Total skills should be calculated automatically by the sheet
- Carried weight unit can be choosen between "lbs" and "kg"
I will modify the compatibility of this sheet in later versions in order to make it compatible with earlier versions of excel and openoffice.

bitter lily |

Wow! This looks fabulous! Thanks for what's obviously a lot of hard work.
And yet... ummm, a small nit to pick: Did you deliberately call the bottom slot "Feets" in the Magic Item Slots section?
(Sorry, I just downloaded your character sheet, and haven't even had the chance to use it yet, but that one just leaped off the page at me. And then some more questions--will your work never be done?)
Is there an easy way to use this character sheet for witch hexes?
Finally, how can I replace the magus picture? (And is there a library of iconic art?) Or I may just put in a text box for backstory.

Kadulu |

Thank you for your support Bitter, I'm always happy to see people using this character sheet :p
I just made the correction on "feets" and made it "feet". Was it the error you pinpointed or did I just understand it wrong?^^
I didn't include any easy way to use Witch Hexes, I guess it wouldn't be too hard, I will see what I can do. In the meantime, you can use the "class abilities" table.
Actually, if you or anyone sees any other improvements to bring to this sheet, do not hesitate to tell me so I can correct and include new features.
About the pictures on the sheet, you can normally select it and delete it. To put another picture on the sheet, you can insert it directly with excel.
If that's not clear, or if it doesn't work, do not hesitate to tell me so I can imagine an easier way to use this function.

bitter lily |

Kadulu: Yes, feets to feet was the nit I was picking.
I will await a hex sheet; in the meantime, I may be able to use the spell sheet. I got ambitious just because you went to all that trouble for Kineticist! :))
I'll try with the pictures. Again, is there a library of iconic art?
Thank you again...

Kadulu |

I usually search on google image for character arts.
The kineticist sheet was a lot of work for a very complicated class^^ I'm not sure if it's actually working, I did it just for the fun of it.
I'm not sure I will include any other class specific sheet like that in the future because it requires me to refresh the database every book Paizo releases. That's actually why I deleted the spell database that was previously included. For example, on the kineticist alone, there are new elements that have been released recently and including them requires a lot of efforts for few actual results.
Right now I'm going more on a semi-automated Character Sheet with a maximum adaptability, but I will probably make a Hex sheet where it will be easier to keep track of hexes chosen each level and their effects. It won't be automated though...

Kadulu |

Here is the new version of the sheet : Character Sheet 3.1
- Compatibility changed, the document should be compatible with more softwares
- An option to change the character sheet language from english to french has been added on the top left corner of the first page
- A new Hex sheet had been created
I integrated the Hex sheet so I decided to release this new version earlier ;)

bitter lily |

Right now I'm going more on a semi-automated Character Sheet with a maximum adaptability, but I will probably make a Hex sheet where it will be easier to keep track of hexes chosen each level and their effects. It won't be automated though...
Yay! I got your v. 3.1! And no, I didn't need automated, just a spot that was a little better-suited than the spell list for manual updating.
Thank you soooo much!

Greystaff |

I recommend TOS+ at www.theonlysheet.com. It is very affordable, easy to use, allows for custom classes, monsters, races, etc and easily facilitates networked play. The sheet itself is the most detailed I've seen and answers all questions at a glance. I've been using it for over 10 years and all my friends have now started using it as well. In all, a superior product in every way.