Unarmed Fighter question: New to pathfinder society


I'm thinking about joining a Pathfinder Society game this Thursday for the first time.

I've decided upon a Human Unarmed fighter build at L1, which then switches to the Goliath Druid (growth domain) for the next several levels.

When looking at the unarmed fighter in UC it says the Unarmed fighter can take any style feat without meeting all the prerequisites. I'm interested in taking the "Snake Fang" style feat even though I wouldn't be able to use the feat until I got "Snake Style" at level 3 (earliest) as "Snake Fang" can only be used when using "Snake Style."

Is there something I'm missing that says I can only take the starting feat of the feat chain? If so, where is it?


Also, where can I find a list of all the traits available in Pathfinder society?

Scarab Sages

This is best served in the rules forum. That said, style feats only refer to the initial style. Snake fang does not have the style descriptor, only snake style does.

Hello. welcome to the institution.

This is really more of a rules question than a PFS question. Your post may get moved.

I don't think that works. Only snake style appears to be marked style. The other two parts of the chain are simply combat feats. Monks aren't my thing though, I don't know if they've decided that they are style feats after all.

I can go ahead and answer your traits question. You'll probably be hard-pressed to find a list of "PFS legal traits", but if you just search through sources looking for ones you like, then cross reference them against the Additional Resources list, you should be good to go.

Chovesh wrote:

Also, where can I find a list of all the traits available in Pathfinder society?


You want to look for the funny white X in the traits name. Its the glyph of the open road, symbol for the pathfinder society. That means its legal for pfs. You may want to double check additional resources to see if its legal, but nethys is pretty accurate.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I don't think that works. Only snake style appears to be marked style. The other two parts of the chain are simply combat feats.

I think this answers my question if they are listed as simply "combat" feats. Thanks!

The master of many styles monk has the ability to take the style feats and the rest of the chain sans prerequisites. The unarmed fighter just isn't that cool.

If doing PFS, you will want to checkout the Archives of Nethys a lot. Style feats are listed here: http://www.archivesofnethys.com/Feats.aspx?Category=Style

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