Nurah Dendiwhar how can i redeem her so one of my players can date her

Wrath of the Righteous

Grand Lodge

ok one of my players is playing a halfling and when i introduced this character he thought it would be fun to try and date her but shes suppose to try and saboteur them and i'm sure the other to players will kill her in a sec and i don't think he will like it so any ideas? i would like to try and see him redeem her and have to deal with trying to adventure and worrying about her

Sovereign Court

Well the PC has to discover her treachery which can be very difficult considering her Bluff check. Once she has been discovered and confronted or captured the PC needs to question her motives and try to convince her she has been making a huge mistake. As the GM you might decide whether or not she's actually taken a liking to the PC by way of how the PC has treated her before the confrontation.

From there if the PC can convince Nurah that she won't be executed and in time be forgiven for her mistakes and really proves in your eyes he's willing to genuinely vouch for her then she can begin to perform penances as detailed in the WotR Player's guide. Note that falling in love with a good character is a suitable penance (per Demon's Heresy).

In my campaign our female dhampir sorcerer/ lore oracle/ archmage has taken Nurah under her wing during the rebuilding of Drezen as she tries to recover the lost lore of the city which is a natural fit for a bard.

--I wanna Vrock!

The Exchange

Why not fail in love, only to find that she is a spy for the enemy. Happens all the time. Depending on how much the players character cares. Our maybe she will bring him down. Lots of good RP here.

Personally I'm with Jeff Morse. Let him fail. I'm sorry, but not everyone can be redeemed and no every character should really be a love interest.

My personal thought is she will use the PC to get close to the party to make the betrayal easier. Eventually the PC should find out that she is a spy and have to make a hard decision. She should probably not be attached at all, in my opinion.

Not everything works out to be sunshine and rainbows. Especially when her job is specifically to harm you.

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I have to disagree. Nurah written specifically as a character that's chosen evil, but not completely consumed by it. She's actually one character that seems specifically written for redemption. And with the introduction of the Cleric of Shelyn in this book, it's a very good time for a 'love redeems' plot line.

Consider altering her background a bit to make her a more reluctant betrayer and make her a little more understandable or sympathetic. It depends on what kind of players you have, but if they're getting into the feel of the game, they should be willing to accept surrender from a defeated foe. Have the cleric advocate for giving her a chance to fix her mistakes and try to keep the party from going full executioner, then use the relationship with your player as a framework for her to become a better person.

I agree with kamenhero25. If you want to her to be redeemable, as Gm, you can make her be more redeemable.

You could write her as more coerced or threatened, and willing to switch sides if protection is offered. Maybe she breaks down in tears with a high enough diplomacy check, and says that she wants out, but is fearful of the consequences from her masters?

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