Need 1 PC Replacement IRON GODS


Looking for another player to join our group. We play online using maptools for virtual tabletop and skype for chat. We have a closed facebook group for weekly chatter/updates. I'm seeking a player who is serious about playing weekly and can make a strong commitment to Saturday nights 8pm-12pm Eastern. We are currently halfway through Book 3.

Current 8th lvl Party
Human Gunslinger
Android Psion
Tiefling Wizard
Druid Gearsmen (cohort)

Iron Gods Character Creation Guidelines
• 15 Point Buy
• Max HP first level, (1/2 HP +1) additional levels
Example Barbarian 2nd lvl (d12) = 7 HP
Example Wizard 2nd lvl (d6) = 4 HP
• 2 Traits and Drawback are allowed
• Skill checks (natural 20 = +10 bonus, fumble = -10 penalty)
• 33,000 Starting GP
• 8th level Starting Level
• All Classes / Archetypes / Prestige allowed, 3PP subject to GM approval
• All races allowed, Monstrous Races (+20 RP) 10 point buy and subject to GM approval. Dozens of homebrew races available and subject to GM approval.

Curious about playstyles? Here is a video of an older session. Youtube link

This Mutagenic Mauler is from a failed Iron Gods campaign. I think he'd be useful as a beefy front-liner for your group.

Thank you for your interest. I currently have one applicant under review at the moment. I will get back to you should it not work out this week.

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