Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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The story behind FN-2199 (aka "Nines" aka TR-8R)

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The story behind FN-2199 (aka "Nines" aka TR-8R)

Yeah, I saw that... And it's cool and all... But it doesn't explain why he didn't at least have a blaster pistol (or did he have one and I simply don't remember?). Finn and his soon-to-be-killed friend were carrying rifles at the start of the movie.

I gotta say. I like how TFA shows the Stormtroopers as competent soldiers. I know the original trilogy didn't sell it very well, but at they are supposed to be really good at their job.

Dark Archive

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Irontruth wrote:
That trooper also had a small shield. I'd guess the baton and shield are used for subduing people they don't want to immediately kill, but haven't surrendered yet. They aren't standard issue, because the FO doesn't do a lot of subduing prisoners, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to keep around in a squad.

He was part of Finn's squad and trained as a Riot Trooper, as opposed to a Scout Trooper or Flame Trooper, hence the additional specialization and gear.

(Also a West End Games creation and seen in the Force Unleashed video games I might add.)

Dark Archive

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Lemmy wrote:
Yeah, I saw that... And it's cool and all... But it doesn't explain why he didn't at least have a blaster pistol (or did he have one and I simply don't remember?). Finn and his soon-to-be-killed friend were carrying rifles at the start of the movie.

He threw down his blaster and blast shield to subdue Finn (and to throw down some kewl action bits).

FN-2199 had a rivalry with Finn in their squad training. I'm sure there was some anger and over confidence in there as well.

Dark Archive

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
You left out that she was also easily intimidated into compromising the defense of that vitally important First Order base.
I wouldn't say "was also easily intimidated into" so much as "made an informed decision to adversely modify her side's defenses in order to ensure she would survive to fight another day".

While I *want* to love Phasma, because I love the actress and I love the 'chrome trooper' visual, she might have been better served by not appearing in this film, or having been dealt with differently.

Didn't she mention earlier in the film that her psych profile on Finn suggested that he wouldn't kill? Would this not make him threatening her something of a bluff, that she would absolutely not fall for in the first place?

It sure would be interesting if Phasma's decisions had some sort of shocking explanation, like that she is deep, deep undercover and deliberately sabotaging Stormtrooper training (to encourage 'failures' like Finn) and then doing whatever she has to to protect her charges...

Dark Archive

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Again I would have loved to see Captain Phasma take down an X- Wing from the ground using only her blaster.

Dark Archive

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JoelF847 wrote:
Oh, the super gimmicy dumb stormtrooper with the powered weapon that only exists in the one scene where Finn puts his light saber training wheels on? I guess the First Order only had one of them.

You see several of them in the movie, and at least two of them with officer pauldrons.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The story behind FN-2199 (aka "Nines" aka TR-8R)

I like him. I hope he survived the blaster shot.

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The story behind FN-2199 (aka "Nines" aka TR-8R)
I like him. I hope he survived the blaster shot.

He took a hit from Chewie's Bowcaster in the center of his chest. I don't think he made it.

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Set wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
You left out that she was also easily intimidated into compromising the defense of that vitally important First Order base.
I wouldn't say "was also easily intimidated into" so much as "made an informed decision to adversely modify her side's defenses in order to ensure she would survive to fight another day".

While I *want* to love Phasma, because I love the actress and I love the 'chrome trooper' visual, she might have been better served by not appearing in this film, or having been dealt with differently.

Didn't she mention earlier in the film that her psych profile on Finn suggested that he wouldn't kill? Would this not make him threatening her something of a bluff, that she would absolutely not fall for in the first place?

Her psych profile on Finn also suggested that he wouldn't rip an enemy's arms off. Wookies are known to do that.

Dark Archive

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Set wrote:
I'd love for her shiny shiny armor to be some sort of expensive experimental stuff that can at least partially mitigate blaster fire (if not lightsabers), to make her that one stormtrooper in the galaxy whose armor actually has some sort of protective value.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Captain Phasma salvaged Chromium from a Naboo yacht used by then Senator Palpatine before his rise to Emperor to create her unique armor.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Set wrote:
I'd love for her shiny shiny armor to be some sort of expensive experimental stuff that can at least partially mitigate blaster fire (if not lightsabers), to make her that one stormtrooper in the galaxy whose armor actually has some sort of protective value.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Captain Phasma salvaged Chromium from a Naboo yacht used by then Senator Palpatine before his rise to Emperor to create her unique armor.


Dark Archive

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Kylo Ren: Look what I got on ebay! My grandfather's helmet! (Non mint condition)

Phasma: Neat! I've been collecting Chromium hull pieces for my armor from there, I've almost got a complete set!

Scarab Sages

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Kylo Ren: Look what I got on ebay! My grandfather's helmet! (Non mint condition)

Phasma: Neat! I've been collecting Chromium hull pieces for my armor from there, I've almost got a complete set!

Maz Kanata: I sniped you both on that Lightsaber and Hand auction. I'm keeping the lightsaber, but you can have the hand if you want.

Dark Archive

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Imbicatus wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Kylo Ren: Look what I got on ebay! My grandfather's helmet! (Non mint condition)

Phasma: Neat! I've been collecting Chromium hull pieces for my armor from there, I've almost got a complete set!

Maz Kanata: I sniped you both on that Lightsaber and Hand auction. I'm keeping the lightsaber, but you can have the hand if you want.

Snoke: Check out my cool throne with built-in hologram generator. It's amazing that it survived the fall from Death Star 2.0 to Endor, but hey, the Force works in mysterious ways...

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Yeah, I saw that... And it's cool and all... But it doesn't explain why he didn't at least have a blaster pistol (or did he have one and I simply don't remember?). Finn and his soon-to-be-killed friend were carrying rifles at the start of the movie.

He threw down his blaster and blast shield to subdue Finn (and to throw down some kewl action bits).

FN-2199 had a rivalry with Finn in their squad training. I'm sure there was some anger and over confidence in there as well.

Ah! So he does throw a blaster away! Cool. That satisfies my curiosity and fixes the only problem I had with the scene.

Here's hoping the following movies keep on showing the Stormtroopers as the scarily effective and cold-blooded soldiers they are supposed to be.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Snoke: Check out my cool throne with built-in hologram generator. It's amazing that it survived the fall from Death Star 2.0 to Endor, but hey, the Force works in mysterious ways...


(Little known fact, The Emperor issued a directive that each flagship in the Fleet would have a special custom seat he could use to take command of The Empire from anywhere in The Galaxy. With Star Destroyers numbering over 25,000, there's were literally over a thousand designated as such ships. In Darth Vader's personal fleet, The Death Squadron, five of the six vessels served as a command ship at one point.)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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Imbicatus wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Kylo Ren: Look what I got on ebay! My grandfather's helmet! (Non mint condition)

Phasma: Neat! I've been collecting Chromium hull pieces for my armor from there, I've almost got a complete set!

Maz Kanata: I sniped you both on that Lightsaber and Hand auction. I'm keeping the lightsaber, but you can have the hand if you want.

They were outbid by Torchwood.

Dark Archive

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Lemmy wrote:
Here's hoping the following movies keep on showing the Stormtroopers as the scarily effective and cold-blooded soldiers they are supposed to be.

In this movie they make sure the first shots fired all hit their target.

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Rey: Aw, man, all I managed to get was this old Rebel fighter pilot gear.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Here's hoping the following movies keep on showing the Stormtroopers as the scarily effective and cold-blooded soldiers they are supposed to be.
In this movie they make sure the first shots fired all hit their target.

Yeah, that's one of the things I love about this movie. :)

Liberty's Edge

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
(Little known fact, The Emperor issued a directive that each flagship in the Fleet would have a special custom seat he could use to take command of The Empire from anywhere in The Galaxy. With Star Destroyers numbering over 25,000, there's were literally over a thousand designated as such ships. In Darth Vader's personal fleet, The Death Squadron, five of the six vessels served as a command ship at one point.)

Just out of curiosity, where does that info come from? It's clearly not from the movies themselves ...

Dark Archive

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It's CANON folks.

The New Republic – After the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was reorganized into the New Republic. A peace treaty (The Galactic Concordance) was signed with the remnants of the Empire. Then, the New Republic turned its attention to galactic politics. The Old Empire withered away and after years of cold war and reparations broke away to rebuild in the Unknown Regions, under the name of The First Order.

Princess Leia Organa created The Resistance to watch over The First Order since the passive New Republic was too busy with politics. The New Republic tolerates The Resistance, though it’s wary of risking war with The First Order.

To show that The New Republic is not The Empire, Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma restored the Galactic Senate, where the Republic would define it’s very nature.

Poe Dameron – Confirmation that Poe is raised on Yavin IV (hinted in the comics), near to the Massassi ruins from A New Hope. Poe was first a squadron leader in the New Republic but was frustrated that The First Order was not considered a threat. He joins The Resistance, which better resembled the old Rebel Alliance.

Lor San Tekka – During the era of Emperor Palpatine’s rule, San Tekka was a follower of the Church of the Force. They worshiped the Jedi ideals and believed that one day, their light would return to the Galaxy. In his travels, San Tekka uncovered much of the history of the Jedi Knights that the Empire tried to erase. Many seek him for his knowledge on Jedi secrets.

Kylo Ren – his birth name is never spoken by decree of the Supreme Leader. Snoke believes Ren is the perfect embodiment of the force, a focal point of both light and dark side ability. Ren uses his helmet to conceal his identity and add to his imposing demeanor. Ren commands from the Star Destroyer The Finalizer. The ship is 3km long, twice as big as a regular Star Destroyer.

Ren earns the nickname “Jedi Killer” after he betrays the other Jedi students taught by Luke and kills them all. His lightsaber has modern components but uses an ancient design, dating back thousands of years to the Great Scourge of Malachor. The stressed crystal inside it barely contains the power of the weapon, necessitating lateral plasma vents that become the crossguard quillons.

Captain Phasma – Phasma serves as the third partner in the unofficial triumvirate of the Starkiller operation, alongside with Kylo Ren and General Hux. We’ve seen in the movie that General Hux and Kylo Ren are rivals when they appear in front of Snoke. Now it appears that Phasma disagrees with Hux over what it takes to become a soldier. Hux has created automated training regimes that simulates battle situations. Phasma believes such programs don’t test the true heart and courage of the soldiers. Interestingly, Phasma is presented in a positive light in her page in the dictionary. Rather than focusing on her as a villain, she is shown to be one that places strong value in courage and duty. Kathleen Kennedy previously revealed that they have big plans for her in Episode VIII. Could we see Phasma switch camps?

Phasma’s armor is coated in salvaged chromium from a Naboo yacht once owned by then Senator Palpatine. It’s reflects harmful radiation but it serves primarily as a symbol of past power.

Rey – Rey learned multiple languages from the multiple interactions with offworlders, including Wookiee (Shyriiwook) and astromech binary. She is skillful with different short ranged melee weapons because of her skills with the staff.

History of Jakku – the planet was once a home to a secret Imperial research facility, and was the last rallying point of the Imperial fleet. The base was destroyed by Imperials before retreating to the Unknown Regions.

Niima Outpost was named after Niima the Hutt. She was the first scoundrel that sought to organize the collection efforts of scrap material, weapons and valuable metals from the scattered crash sites. She was killed by a Bounty Hunter, and the outpost she established was named after her.

The Niima Outpost militia consists of three Kyuzo warriors. One of them named Zuvio has a strong sense of justice and cannot be bribed. Too bad he was cut from the movie.

“Crusher” Roodown is a salvager whose arms were cut off by Unkar Plutt’s thugs over a misunderstanding.

General Hux‘s father was a highly placed official in the Imperial Academy of old. Hux’s experiences in warfare are entirely theoretical. He is considered a man of science and technology, skeptical on Kylo Ren’s mystics. Hux continues to use the stormtrooper training regimen pioneered by his father.

Han Solo – after the Galactic Civil War he became husband to an influential New Republic politician (Leia). He was also a racing pilot for a time. After a profound tragedy, Solo returned to his old life as a tramp freighter captain and a smuggler together with Chewie.

After the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca helped lead the New Republic effort to liberate Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. Once liberated, Chewie reconnected with his larger family on Kashyyyk.

The Guavian Death Gang soldiers are faceless killers who have sworn loyalty in exchange for cybernetic augmentation. A mechanical reservoir pump acts as a second heart, injecting a secret concoction, boosting their speed and aggression to deadly levels.

Kanjiklub hails from Nar Kanji, a Hutt colony world left in disarray following a gang war within the Hutt cartels. Formerly subjugated by the Hutts, the human colonists overthrew their overlords and struck out on their own.

C-3PO has upgraded his TranLang III communications package to increase his language fluency to over seven million forms of communication. He is uncharacteristically quiet when it comes to discussing his salvaged arm; it’s a memento of another droid’s sacrifice.

R2-D2 was a constant companion to Luke during his journeys across the galaxy following the Battle of Endor. He has never had his memory wiped.

Korr Sella (who we see on the balcony as Star Killer Base Superlaser comes burning a hole in the atmosphere) is sent by Leia to the Senate in hope of securing military assistance from the New Republic and to take direct actions against the First Order.

Maz Kanata has only felt comfortable openly acknowledging her affinity for the Force since the death of The Emperor. Though she has known Jedi, she never walked that path herself, instead relying on her strong connection to the Force to keep her out of danger.

Maz’s castle is thousands of years old standing on land that was an ancient battleground between the Jedi and the Sith.

Dark Archive

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Marc Radle wrote:
Just out of curiosity, where does that info come from? It's clearly not from the movies themselves ...

Originally from West End Games The Imperial Sourcebook but has been used in many other later material including The Death Star Technical Readouts, The Thrawn Trilogy, and Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare .

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Liberty's Edge

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
Just out of curiosity, where does that info come from? It's clearly not from the movies themselves ...
Originally from West End Games The Imperial Sourcebook but has been used in many other later material including The Death Star Technical Readouts, The Thrawn Trilogy, and Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare .

Oh, OK, thanks!

Liberty's Edge

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
It's CANON folks.

... aaaaannnd the inevitable follow up question ... where does this all come from? :)

Dark Archive

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Marc Radle wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
It's CANON folks.
... aaaaannnd the inevitable follow up question ... where does this all come from? :)

Sorry that's on me.

The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary and now officially canonized from Star

Dark Archive

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On this lovely Friday where we finally have broken Avatar's painful stranglehold on the box office thanks to the fans of The Force Awakens, let us always remember


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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
After the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca helped lead the New Republic effort to liberate Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. Once liberated, Chewie reconnected with his larger family on Kashyyyk.

And just in time for Life Day!

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
After the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca helped lead the New Republic effort to liberate Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. Once liberated, Chewie reconnected with his larger family on Kashyyyk.
And just in time for Life Day!

Ah! The one movie where Boba Fett is actually somewhat competent. XD

Sovereign Court

Lemmy wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
After the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca helped lead the New Republic effort to liberate Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. Once liberated, Chewie reconnected with his larger family on Kashyyyk.
And just in time for Life Day!
Ah! The one movie where Boba Fett is actually somewhat competent. XD

Using a jetpack and being knocked over by a blind man doesn't really scream competence.

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Hama wrote:
Using a jetpack and being knocked over by a blind man doesn't really scream competence.

But that happens in RoJ, not the Holiday Special... I think... Maybe it happens in the Holiday Special as well. I don't remember that movie very well.

Sovereign Court

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Oh sorry. Didn't catch the reference. I've erased the holiday special from my mind.

Anyay A Obi-Wan trilogy might be in the works.

I'd be good with a single movie too. I loved McGregor in the role.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I will freely admit that, for all my problems with prequel trilogy, I thought McGregor nailed the role of ass-kicking young Obi Wan Kenobi.

Sovereign Court

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Oh yes. Mannerisms and all. Perfect Obi Wan.

Dark Archive

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Disney animator and Marvel comic artist Brian Kesinger, has a really fantastic Instagram of his drawings, took some of The Force Awakens characters and imagined them in a Calvin and Hobbes world.

Dark Archive

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Hama wrote:
Oh yes. Mannerisms and all. Perfect Obi Wan.

Very respectfully on top of that!

Dark Archive

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Castings for Episode VIII The Swiss Bank Accounts Overflow

Dark Archive

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JJ Abrams finds your lack of faith disturbing

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Hitdice wrote:
I will freely admit that, for all my problems with prequel trilogy, I thought McGregor nailed the role of ass-kicking young Obi Wan Kenobi.

I only wish they had costumed him in Revenge of the Sith like they had in the Clone Wars cartoon - wearing that clone trooper armor/robes combo really sold his role as a Jedi General without saying a single word.

Dark Archive

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Grey Lensman wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I will freely admit that, for all my problems with prequel trilogy, I thought McGregor nailed the role of ass-kicking young Obi Wan Kenobi.
I only wish they had costumed him in Revenge of the Sith like they had in the Clone Wars cartoon - wearing that clone trooper armor/robes combo really sold his role as a Jedi General without saying a single word.


As a Jedi Master Obi-Wan could turn back blaster bolts even more effectively than armor though.

Dark Archive

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From a certain point of view.

Scarab Sages

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
From a certain point of view.

That brought a tear to my eye.

Dark Archive

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Imbicatus wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
From a certain point of view.
That brought a tear to my eye.

All that sap is why you have leaves growing out of your face.
Kylo Ren
Liberty's Edge

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Grey Lensman wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I will freely admit that, for all my problems with prequel trilogy, I thought McGregor nailed the role of ass-kicking young Obi Wan Kenobi.
I only wish they had costumed him in Revenge of the Sith like they had in the Clone Wars cartoon - wearing that clone trooper armor/robes combo really sold his role as a Jedi General without saying a single word.


As a Jedi Master Obi-Wan could turn back blaster bolts even more effectively than armor though.

And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.

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Krensky wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Grey Lensman wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I will freely admit that, for all my problems with prequel trilogy, I thought McGregor nailed the role of ass-kicking young Obi Wan Kenobi.
I only wish they had costumed him in Revenge of the Sith like they had in the Clone Wars cartoon - wearing that clone trooper armor/robes combo really sold his role as a Jedi General without saying a single word.


As a Jedi Master Obi-Wan could turn back blaster bolts even more effectively than armor though.

And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.

They don't care about that stuff anymore. For better or worse.

Dark Archive

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Krensky wrote:
And yet armor was quite popular with Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation.


There's always one. I am literally, respectfully face palming.

My issue with the Ruusan Reformation was it was introduced in the Star Wars timeline in order to explain several differences between the Old Republic as presented in the comics, and the Republic which appeared in the Prequel Trilogy which by definition was canon.

In brief, the Ruusan Reformation in which the Republic is reorganized following the already established defeat of the Sith a thousand years prior to the films at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan was invented by writers to give an alternate explanation of a SINGLE line Supreme Chancellor Palpatine made.

Some of it is jarring, and some of it could have been much better thought out, almost all of it was unnecessary.

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A few things I can't quite wrap my head around:

1) The riot baton. It's awesome, but why the hell would it be needed? If storm troopers wanted to quell riots or take prisoners, why wouldn't they just use the Stun setting on their blasters? Remember those weird blue circle-waves they knocked out Leia with in the first few minutes of A New Hope? They all have those. We've never seen them use them since. "Oh, dude's got a goddamn lightsaber! Better stay the hell away and switch to blue-ring knockouty wave." Nope. "Dude's got a goddamn lightsaber! Better hit him with my twirly stick."

2) Starkiller Base. Lets assume the second shot had worked just like the first one did. Now what? The sun (i.e. their ammunition) is gone. Were they just going to slowly tractor-beam the planet behind a few dozen star destroyers toward the next star? Does the planet have some kind of hyperdrive? How fast can it make the Kessel Run?

3) The New Order's complete tactical stupidity. So you have a fully armed and operational super-battle station. You are about to fire it and paint the biggest target in history on your planet-base. Wouldn't having a dress parade of all your military forces right on top of the main gun be a really bad idea? What are all those troops supposed to do when the Resistance armada comes out of hyperspace with guns blazing? Why the hell wouldn't they get absolutely everyone they could off-planet? Maybe even to the next planet over, waiting? In ships? Imagine five or six star destroyers hiding behind a nearby planet and about a 1000 TIE fighters ready to flank the Resistance fleet? Why didn't this happen? Why was the New Order caught with their pants down when they were the ones who picked the fight? Does Snoke have brain damage from whatever gave him all the scars on his head?

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Set wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Kylo Ren: Look what I got on ebay! My grandfather's helmet! (Non mint condition)

Phasma: Neat! I've been collecting Chromium hull pieces for my armor from there, I've almost got a complete set!

Maz Kanata: I sniped you both on that Lightsaber and Hand auction. I'm keeping the lightsaber, but you can have the hand if you want.

Snoke: Check out my cool throne with built-in hologram generator. It's amazing that it survived the fall from Death Star 2.0 to Endor, but hey, the Force works in mysterious ways...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

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