Help designing golem BBEG


So I'm working on a new campaign idea and I always like to start by working on the main antagonist of the campaign.

The antagonist is, at this point, something along the lines of a wizard that wants to bring about world peace and order by stripping the souls of people of most of their emotions and individuality and bonding them to golem-like bodies. Without emotions or outward differences in appearance, the antagonist feels that he could structure society to become far more ordered and peaceful.

Right now, I'm looking at the antagonist being something like a high level spellcaster that has bound his soul to a golem, possibly even something as strong as an adamantine golem. However, I have no idea how to create stats for this correctly. Do I build the character like normal and then change his HD to d10s and give him the resistances and defensive abilities of the adamantine golem (not the size though, this body would more resemble the antagonists original form)?

Sovereign Court

you can make him a soulbound mannequin , he gets to keep his personality. just add class levels. Soulbound mannequin has the benefits of working well, if you use the soulbound dolls too.

Or you simply take an adamantine golem and use the wizard creature template. , just give the golem an int score and adjust as necessary.

or last but not least, use the quick monster creation from pathfinder unchained, can make you one if you have an idea of the CR.

worth mentioning: Androids are perfect for that.

Dark Archive

Or you could just use the Clockwork Reliquary's stats from Pathfinder Adventure Path #66 The Spires of Xin-Shalast.
Let me tell you, that G is quite B, B, and E!

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