ChaoticBlue |

The loot weapon Radiance(deck 1) states:
Reveal to use strength or melee skill +1d8; you may additionally discard to add 1d6 and the adventure number. If you have the Paladin trait, add an additional 1d4+1.
My question is: If you are Seelah and use this weapon for a combat check, do you have to discard the card in order to use the 1d4+1 for being a Paladin? Thematically, if you're a Paladin you should get a bonus from a Holy sword without having to discard, but "add 1d4+1" was under the discard instruction and said "add an additional". Either way I wanted to check to see what the intent was as to the wording.

skizzerz |

No, the additional 1d4+1 for being a Paladin is its own sentence, meaning it takes effect separately. Revealing the card is enough to get that bonus, discarding is unnecessary.

Talonius |
So by that logic Holy Radiance offers melee+1d8+# of mythic charges+1d10 base when wielded by Seelah?? Plus an potential 1d10 bonus if the bane has the demon trait... and 1d6+adventure deck number if discarded?
The card is a bit confusing as written because it states each bonus as an additional add on which implies you get it if you completed the preceeding condition.

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Go sentence by sentence.
"...reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6 and the scenario’s adventure deck number. If you have the Paladin trait, add an additional 1d4+1."
...lets a Paladin add the 1d4+1 whether or not they discarded the weapon.
"...reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8. You may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6 and the scenario’s adventure deck number; if you have the Paladin trait, add an additional 1d4+1."
...would let the Paladin add the 1d4+1 only if they discarded.
And, since you specifically inquired about the word "additional", this:
"...reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6 and the scenario’s adventure deck number. If you have the Paladin trait, add 1d4+1."
..would make a Paladin who discarded wonder if they were supposed to add the 1d4+1 instead of the 1d6 and the scenario’s adventure deck number.