I want help with a character


I made a barbarian in game recentlly and i decided to make him by forgetting everything about defence and focusing fully on pumping damage. It was a low lvl game and my character is lvl 4 but i was hoping to try and make it to at least lvl 8 or 9 and i would love some help. Its a core rule book only campain and i start with 6000gp. I also want to keep him ignoring defence but still keeping him alive. I am thankful for any advice

I messed up on where i posted this can someone move this to the advice board. Please and thank you.

even though you forget everything about defence, you still need a lot of HP, so maybe you can take some magic items to increase your constitution.

+2 CON belt

Power Attack,
Thoughness Feat
Weapon Focus: Greataxe

Your Race?

Scarab Sages

You will need LOTS of Hit Points. Anything that increases Constitution is good. Anything that increases Strength is good. Focus on those areas and you're golden.

Power attack + Furious focus is a good feat combo.

Definitely use a big two-handed weapon with lots of damage: Greatsword, Greataxe, Falchion are all good. Beyond that I don't know. Hit stuff!

I'm fine with any race and furious focus is in the advance players guide so i can't take it. Also thanks for the avice

Alright so you start with a character that is already love 4 or you already have a character that is level 4?

For a core Rulebook barbarian the selections of rage power is not the best but we can work with it!

I think ideally we would either take a half orc character, you get dark vision and lot of ability that will help you stay in combat longer to do that extra damage! What point buy are you using? 20 or 15?

Try to have your stats look like this:
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 15 -> increase +1 at level 4 to 16
INT 10
WIS 12

You have only 2 feats for now but it should be enough
- Power attack
- Weapon focus: Falchion

Level 2 Rage power: animal bite
Level 4 Rage power: Superstition

Invest your skill all your skill points in acrobatics and knowledge geography, put the rest where you want, perception is always good. Acrobatic will allow to move better on the battlefield. knowlege geography 5 ranks grants you access to

Invest all your class bonus from favored class into HP

For damage it's best to stay with a 2 handed weapon, let's go with a Falchion because having a good crit range is always great! so 2375 GP down the drain for a +1 Falchion.

You will still need some armor to be able to stay in melee longer
Grab yourself a +1 breastplate for 1350 GP

There is a few magical items you should buy to help you last longer in combat. Look for potions of lesser restoration, they are 50 GP a pop but remove the fatigued status and it's very important for you. Oils of bless weapon and other combat enhancing tonics should be bought too. Consider buying a cloak of protection +1 for 1000 GP, it will help with your saving throws.

When enraged you can do about 2d4+ 1 (enhancement bonus) + 9 (from STR and having a 2 handed weapon) + 6 from power attack. Average damage per swing 19 damage, not bad! Plus with 18 to 20 crit range that is about 15% crit rate you will do double that damage. When you get the opportunity you can full attack with a bite attack for 1d4 + 3 (half you STR modifier) + 4 (power attack) for average of 10 damage per bite, sadly if you do that you will lower a bit the power attack of your falshion swing by 50%. So one attack of 16 and another of 10 for an average of 26 per round, it's not the best but you get a bit of diversity in your attack pattern and your falchion always get that chance to crit.

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