Describe the magic item

Homebrew and House Rules

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It's a boring Thursday, so here's a little game. The end of each post in this thread should name a magic item, then the next person to post describes the magic item (crunch or fluff), then posts the name of a new one. And so on and so forth.

The next person shall describe:

+2 twerking mace.



Price +5 bonus
Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight —


This object works as a Dancing weapon, but may only be put on weapons that cause bludgeoning damage. When let loose, the twerking weapon finds the most well to do (henceforth referred to in this guide as 'pimpingest') creature in a 60' radius and grinds on their laps or other sensitive regions. This nature allows them to treat their crit chance as if it were doubled by the Keen or Improved Critical properties (though these features do not stack). For the nature of this ability, the pimpingest creature is one that displays either the greatest outward wealth or the highest Charisma bonus, subject to the DM's discretion.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, irresistible dance; Cost +5 bonus

Robes of the Spoony Bard

Liberty's Edge

Robes of the Spoony bard
Price: 12,000
Aura: strong Enchantment, CL 12

These flamboyantly colored robes when worn increase the DC of any bardic performance by 2, this bonus is doubled if the wearer is attempting to do something silly or absurd (GMs discretion) also the character is able to read aloud stories of great adventures by long lost souls. This acts as a fascinate bardic performance but can be ended at any time to duplicate the effect of a hideous laughter spell. The DC is the same as the bardic performance but otherwise is as the spell. He may use this ability once per day for a total number of rounds equal to his charisma modifier +2. Should he ever act too serious the robes lose their power for one day.

Construction: craft wondrous items, Hideous laughter, bardic performance (fascinate), must be a bard.

Barbarians Deft Lockpicks

Barbarian's Deft Lockpicks

Price; +1 Bonus

Aura; Moderate Evocation; CL7th

this property, only able to be placed on 2handed weapons that deal slashing or bludgeoning damage, allows the barbarian to ignore the hardness of secured barriers, whether locks, doors, portculli, gates or chests and gives them a +2 circumstance bonus on sunder checks.

Strings of the Monochrome Puppeteer

Barbarian's Deft Lockpicks
Price: 300 per lockpick
Aura: Moderate alteration

At first glance these appear to be ordinary lockpicks. At second glance it will be apparent that they are all the same and that there are too many of them. If any attempt is made to use a Barbarian's Deft Lockpick to pick a lock (no matter how unskilled the wielder) the lockpick will slam itself against the mechanism. This will inflict a number of points of damage on the mechanism equal to the wielder's strength bonus. If the wielder is a barbarian his strength is calculated as if he is raging even if he is not. The lock has only half it's normal hardness against this sort of attack.

If even one point of damage is actually inflicted the mechanism is destroyed beyond any usability. If it inflicts three points and the lockpick was actually inserted into the mechanism that locks the door the destroyed mechanism ceases to hold and the door can be opened (presuming nothing else is holding it.) Unfortunately, if the locking mechanism is such that you are only accessing something that draws back a locking mechanism (for example, consider a door on a warship--you have a wheel that is turned to dog or undog many catches on the door. If you lock such a door you lock the wheel, not the dogs) you simply destroy that mechanism without activating it.

It is possible to insert multiple picks before attempting to unlock the door, each pick inflicts the stated damage. Rarely is there any point to this, though.

Construction: craft wonderous items, knock, bull's strength

Now, to resurrect one from the long-ago thread over on WotC's epic magic item thread:

The Kitten of Doom

The Kitten of Doom

Minor Artifact

Strong Necromancy Caster level 25th

this kitten figurine, carved from onyx with eyes of jade, with a command word, can transform into a hellcat with the advanced creature template up to thrice per day. the hellcat has the following additional spell like abilities usable at will

Insanity (DC28)

Mass Harm (DC 30)

Heightened Trap the soul (DC30)

next item to be revived

Strings of the Monochrome Puppeteer


Strings of the Monochrome Puppeteer

Price 66,000gp
Aura strong enchantment; CL 11th; Weight 2lbs.

Three times per day, the holder of these strings can assert their will over someone as if using Dominate Person. However, the power of these items allow for the spell to be cast at a range of 11 miles. A likeness or body part of the person to be dominated must be provided to the holder of this item.


Craft Wondrous Item, Dominate Person; Cost 33,000

Mafioso's Revolver

A long barreled black handgun with numerous distorted skulls and twisted faces in the gun's finish, for such a large gun it is incredibly easy to conceal making it a weapon for assassins seemingly appearing from nowhere in the wielders hand, actually the gun hides itself on the wearers person

Aura moderate conjuration

CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Gun-smithing, Craft magical arms + armor
Teleport, secret chest


Plushy slippers of the fish king

Liberty's Edge

Plushy Slippers of the Fish King

Price: 20,000
Aura: Moderate Transmutation and Conjuration

Description: These scaly yet oddly soft slippers automatically fit to the wears feet or tail fins. The slippers rant the wearer the ability to breather water and increase the swim speed of the wearer by 20 Ft or grant it a swim speed of 30 FT. They may also be used to summon an Advanced Shark once per day after 1D4 rounds 3 additional sharks arrive, these sharks follows the wearers commands and can understand whatever he says through a telepathic link. It is summoned for 5 minutes.

Construction Requirements:
Craft Wondrous Item, Water Breathing, Summon Moster III, 5,000

Marks Moderately Magnificent Mantel of Mediocre Might

Marks Moderately Magnificent Mantel of Mediocre Might

Price: 16,000 gp
Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Slot: shoulders

Description: This well made, but ultimately unimpressive looking leather coat is known for marginally improving its wearers weaker abilities. conveys a +1 enchancement bonus to all skill checks made with skills in which the wearer does not have maximum rank, attack rolls if the wearer has at least one hit die of d8 or d6, and all saves, that do not have the highest amon base save bonuses the wearer possesses, and armor class, as long as the wearer is wearing light or no armor at all, as well as a +2 enhancement bonus to damage rolls with nonmagical weapons the wearer is not proficient with. Also the wearer gains a +10 competence bonus to all charaisma based checks when attempting to influence someone via alliteration.

Construction requirements
Craft wondrous item, magic weapon, mage armor, fox's cunning, resistance, 8,000gp

Writhing Wreath of Wraith's Wrath

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