Nations that have slavery???

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Does anyone have a resource that lists what nations in the inner sea allow slavery? I tried to read through the campaign setting guide but i think i missed some. Just researching up for a home game im planning.

Try here: Pathfinder Wiki Slavery

Some of the nations of the Inner Sea aren't mentioned at all, so they might frown on it, but not have outlawed it, or similar. They also might have been missed (Like Nidal, as an ally of Cheliax, they most likely allow slavery).

It should narrow the list of countries to check.
Depending the scale of your game, you might be able to just ignore some places as you might never go there.

Hope this helps

Scarab Sages

Actually it does a lot thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Was going to say it would be easier to list the countries that don't allow slavery, which to my knowledge are Andoran, Galt, and the River Kingdoms. However that wiki does a pretty good job.

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Deighton Thrane wrote:
However that wiki does a pretty good job.

"Pretty good"? I worked really hard on that article! ;)

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