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So I think my google-fu is broken....
I have a player coming into my game, existing player, with a new character. A conjurer.
He has decided to create half-a dozen scrolls or so, mostly summon monster III.
Given it is a scroll, is there a limit to the number of monsters summoned?
I know the spell itself has limits, but what I am asking is can he use a scroll and summon 1d3 2nd level monsters, use another scroll and summon one 3rd level monster and so forth until he exhausts his scroll supply?
Or is the limit of the spell what it "says" in it's description. Did I miss a wording?
Or could he basically create his own animal army given enough scrolls?
I just want to make sure I understand the rules for this before we go into any fight. I would hate to be "that DM" and when he gets ready for a big bad and go, "yeah... sorry, you only get 1d3 eleentals. period". I'd rather be the one who says, "well, it is a 20x20 room, how many do you think can fill it? Go."
So... any and all help in understanding this is appreciated!

Claxon |

When the scrolls are made, all decisions about the spell must be made. He must decide whether to make the scroll as 1d3 creatures from the Summon Monster 2 list or 1 from the Summon Monster 3 list in advance.
Edit: Wait, I may be thinking of potions. It's too early for me.
I'll try to get back to you.
Do keep in mind it should still be a full round action to use the scroll.
Activating a scroll is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and it provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does.

wraithstrike |

So I think my google-fu is broken....
I have a player coming into my game, existing player, with a new character. A conjurer.
He has decided to create half-a dozen scrolls or so, mostly summon monster III.Given it is a scroll, is there a limit to the number of monsters summoned?
I know the spell itself has limits, but what I am asking is can he use a scroll and summon 1d3 2nd level monsters, use another scroll and summon one 3rd level monster and so forth until he exhausts his scroll supply?Or is the limit of the spell what it "says" in it's description. Did I miss a wording?
Or could he basically create his own animal army given enough scrolls?
I just want to make sure I understand the rules for this before we go into any fight. I would hate to be "that DM" and when he gets ready for a big bad and go, "yeah... sorry, you only get 1d3 eleentals. period". I'd rather be the one who says, "well, it is a 20x20 room, how many do you think can fill it? Go."
So... any and all help in understanding this is appreciated!
He can keep summoning monsters until he runs out of scrolls. He decides upon using the scroll how many monsters he wants to summon.

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Given the 5 round duration, and the 1 round casting time, your player won't really be able to conjure an army using this tactic. At higher levels, perhaps, but that's also a lot of gold expenditure for one fight.
Plus, casting from a scroll is audible. If the BBEG hears them, it has an equal chance of starting the fight with minions or buffs of its own.

master4sword |

So I think my google-fu is broken....
I have a player coming into my game, existing player, with a new character. A conjurer.
He has decided to create half-a dozen scrolls or so, mostly summon monster III.Given it is a scroll, is there a limit to the number of monsters summoned?
I know the spell itself has limits, but what I am asking is can he use a scroll and summon 1d3 2nd level monsters, use another scroll and summon one 3rd level monster and so forth until he exhausts his scroll supply?Or is the limit of the spell what it "says" in it's description. Did I miss a wording?
Or could he basically create his own animal army given enough scrolls?
I just want to make sure I understand the rules for this before we go into any fight. I would hate to be "that DM" and when he gets ready for a big bad and go, "yeah... sorry, you only get 1d3 eleentals. period". I'd rather be the one who says, "well, it is a 20x20 room, how many do you think can fill it? Go."
So... any and all help in understanding this is appreciated!
The spell itself does NOT have any such limit. You're thinking the Summoner's spell-like ability, which is limited to one at a time. So yes, he can spam minions, but with a 1-round casting time and one-round-per-level duration, he can be targeted while casting and there will never be more than the scroll's caster level (probably 5) spells active at once.