Dimmer Dust (Caphorite Dust) question

Rules Questions

Kobolds of Golarion wrote:

Caphorite Dust: This small leather pouch is filled with a faintly radioactive ore called caphorite, with a small percentage of reactants that activate the dust. When used, caphorite dust must be sprinkled in a 5-foot square, which then becomes the center of the dust's effect. All bright or normal light within 30 feet of the activated dust is reduced to dim light, and any creature attempting to cast a spell with the light descriptor in this area must succeed at a DC 15 caster level check or have spell's effect be negated. If caphorite is exposed to sunlight, it immediately becomes permanently inert. Each pouch contains enough dust for two applications. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 25 Craft -(alchemy) check.

It's called Dimmer Dust on D20PFSRD, but regardless, my ninja pc is interested in buying some. However, I have a couple of rules questions that I'm not sure how to handle...

First, how long does this effect last? Given the cost, I wouldn't think it would be more than a round or two at most.

Second, it states the dust is permanently inert if exposed to sunlight - I assume this doesn't pertain to sprinkling to apply it? That would seem to negate a major use/purpose of the item.

Some help please?! (and thank you, in advance!)

Dark Archive

It is dust, it's gonna stay there an have its effect until it gets spread out or exposed to sunlight as it says. Yes it is inert in sunlight, the point of the item is to dim torches and other mobile light sources carried by people at night. To use it during the day you could use an umbrella or put it in a canister with a lid(the point is for it to not be hit by direct sunlight) there is another item that stacks with it to create pseudo-darkness, but I am AFB right now so I dunno what it is called.

1) The effect lasts until the dust is dispersed (i.e. through wind) or the reactants become inert (i.e. are exposed to sunlight).

2) Anytime it is exposed to sunlight it becomes inert. Note that as you are a ninja you can negate this by a) smokebomb b) sprinkle dust. Or use it at night. Or in caverns.

Dark Archive

If you wanted to know what the item is(with caphorite dust it will reduce the lighting to darkness): Darklight Lantern

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