Darth Vader polling ahead of ALL the Candidates for President

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Dark Archive

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Darth Vader, The Terminator, and THE SHARK from Jaws are all pulling better numbers in the polls than the GOP candidates and Hilary Clinton.

Even Voldermort is ahead of most of those candidates seeking the to be the Republican standard bearer.

God Bless the USA.

Dark Archive

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Soon the stars will be right.

edit warning cthulhu fhtagn cthulhu fhtagn

Silver Crusade Contributor

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Soon the stars will be right.

Miiiight want to throw a warning on that. ^_^

Sovereign Court

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If you vote for Cthulhu, he'll eat you last.

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zylphryx wrote:
If you vote for Cthulhu, he'll eat you last.

Wha? But I voted for Aberzombie, because he said he'd eat me last!

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I know I'm not voting for Vader. His sorcerer's ways do not frighten me in the slightest.

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Perhaps it would be best to vote for neither the Evil party nor the Stupid party. For at the end of the day they're both getting the lion's share of their funding from the same set of multinational corporations, foreign governments, and incredibly wealthy people who get their kicks from playing power games in the background.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Don't blame me—I voted for Bail Organa.

Dark Archive

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We (both the Royal and the plural personal "We") blame Cosmo.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I noticed that in that poll the only non-fictional character that got a positive rating was Bernie Sanders.

Shadow Lodge

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Kalindlara wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Soon the stars will be right.
Miiiight want to throw a warning on that. ^_^

OK, I'll put a warning to it.

That link contains spoilers for Inauguration Day 2016.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Darth Vader, The Terminator, and THE SHARK from Jaws are all pulling better numbers in the polls than the GOP candidates and Hilary Clinton.

And absolutely no one is surprised.

Scarab Sages

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
If you vote for Cthulhu, he'll eat you last.
Wha? But I voted for Aberzombie, because he said he'd eat me last!

Yeah, but I promise everyone that. I blame spending too much time up in the northeast US.

I'm leaning towards General Zod from the 1980 "Superman II" movie.

"Kneel before Zod b@$%!es!"

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Well, the terminator does have the experience of running California.

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This really isn't that surprising: being a republican is a very hard if not impossible idea to live up to. Its almost two separate ideas that people don't realize can't exist in the same person until they try to find a person to vote for.

more serious political rant:
The real republican party is the party of the rich. And i don't mean the 1%. I mean the .001% . They're the ones that choose who wins, who wins the primaries, pay for the politicians, pay for the campaign, and the result of that is that they're the ones that policy is crafted for. The more money you make, the less of it you have to pay in taxes. Expanding, or at least preserving, that system is the goal of the republican party.

Obviously this isn't going to be a popular position. There's nothing genuine, equitable, fair, or even sensible about the policy: its simply the one that makes the rich richer. So you need some way to bring in voters.

Tout smaller government: The EPA costs a lot of money, both in red tape and in the very vital practices of NOT ruining the place we live. Social services are expensive, cost money, and the higher you set the standard of living on welfare the more you need to pay people cooking french fries or they'll quit.

The dissonance arises fairly quickly. You want a smaller government but the military wants to spend oodles of cash...and the contractors can buy your vote. And as long as you've spent all that money on the military anyway you may as well use it to invade that place with oil if the oil companies are going to throw buckets of cash at you. OH! and the investment companies want you to be their insurance policy because they're too big to fail So its smaller government *cough* except the military and the finance sector but ONLY when we need your help. If you want to regulate us its interfering with our FREEEDDOOOM!

Claim lower taxes! Its jedi truth of course. The only taxes republicans want lowered are capital gains and income taxes, which are disproportionately payed by rich people. They routinely call the poor parasites and say that 42% of americans don't pay taxes.. ignoring social security taxes, medicare/cade taxes, sales taxes, property taxes. In fact, when they lower federal taxes they make up for it by sending the states less money, which means your other taxes go up... unless you're a corporation living in a po box in delaware.

When in doubt: cheat. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.. so you need to stop the people you haven't fooled from voting against you. Keep voting on a work day. Don't allow early voting. Restrict ID laws to your base. Gerrymander districts.

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Yeah well, I still disagree with Vader's "Kill the Younglings" policy for reducing youth unenployment.

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Kajehase wrote:
Yeah well, I still disagree with Vader's "Kill the Younglings" policy for reducing youth unenployment.

Bleeding heart liberal.

You.. ahh.. got a bit of padawon on your shoes there.

Smaug would like to take this opportunity to support rand paul and a return to the gold standard

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I still am on the fence with Hillary and her whole "John Connor must die if I'm elected" stance

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Given a choice between Hillary and Count Dracula I'd go with Count Dracula. Count Dracula (at least as portrayed by Saberhagen) was actually honorable and even gave a damn about the people he was in charge of. Two traits which put him several light years ahead of most of the politicians on the scene today.

Comment for Big Norse Wolf on his rant:

The first comment I have is that I only skimmed it. :-) The second is that while I consider myself to be a conservative, I am definitely NOT a Republican. I'm probably a lot closer to Ron Paul if forced to pick a political figure most people would recognize.

I have several comments on the "minimum wage" issue. The first is that the requirement for employers to pay their employees a reasonable/living wage is a moral requirement that goes all the way back to the Old Testament. So, when people are running around arguing that we need jobs/wages that will enable people to have a reasonable life/support a family they will get no argument from me on that score. What we likely will end up yelling, screaming and butting heads over is HOW one attempts to achieve that goal. :-)

The second comment involves an interesting little graphic that was produced by somebody back in 2013. The picture shows a quarter sitting on a table. The legend reads, "Back in 1964 the minimum wage was 5 silver quarters an hour. Today (2/27/2013), those quarters are worth $26.21 in melt value. We don't need to fix the minimum wage. We need to fix the money." I would argue that pretty much hits the nail on the head, and until you can fix the underlying problems with the federal debt and its resulting impact on the value of the money in circulation one will be suffering from a lot of economic and social problems that will have no easy solution.

The third comment is more along the lines of how one would set a minimum wage. The stereotypical "liberal" response is to create (or enlarge an existing) massive government bureaucracy or arrange for some other intervention in the market to arbitrarily dictate a one size fits all "minimum wage". This will have the net effect of driving up the cost of labor. The economic law of supply and demand is a real b*tch and effectively guarantees in situations like that you will end up with fewer jobs and as a result fewer people working with a rather large number of people you were trying to help actually harmed by the intervention.

But do not despair. There actually is a way to get the market working for you to not only have the effect of increasing wages in general, but also increasing the number of jobs available. Unfortunately in order to achieve that effect you're going to have to gore the oxen of some of the larger MNC's out there and send at least one liberal sacred cow into the care of Ronald McDonald. But it's actually quite simple. You hold the Congresses' feet to the fire (with a flamethrower if necessary) in order to get them to perform two of their legitimate Constitutional functions by balancing import tariffs and immigration quotas such that there is a mild labor shortage in the country. With a mild labor shortage there will be an increase in wages as employers compete to get people to work for them.

Then by carefully juggling import tariffs (yes, I'm talking about *gasp* "protectionism") you can arrange it so that there are advantages to manufacturing certain items here instead of importing them. The judicious combination of tariffs and immigration controls will increase wages across the board and create more jobs without the serious economic dislocations that can be caused by those who have no bloody clue about how things work attempting to micromanage that which they are proudly ignorant of.

I could go on, but I've probably poured more than enough aviation gasoline on the fire. Thus endeth my rant. :-)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Today's spot silver price for the silver in 5 silver quarters is $14.56.

Dark Archive

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
We (both the Royal and the plural personal "We") blame Cosmo.

I vould vant ze opportunity use zhis thread to open ze much awaited secret second front in blaming ze Cosmo.

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Queen Moragan wrote:
Today's spot silver price for the silver in 5 silver quarters is $14.56.

Yep, silver prices are subject to fluctuation. Regardless I will note that $14.56 is reasonably close to the $15.00 wage some people want to establish.

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I really hope we don't get Voldemort for president.

He's bad enough as the Governor of Florida.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:

I really hope we don't get Voldemort for president.

He's bad enough as the Governor of Florida.

that would certainly explain the invasive species constrictor problem...

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Put my name on the ballot. My campaign platform is "I WILL REND YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR PINSTICK BONES ONE STRAND AT A TIME". I think it'll do well in the primaries.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rynjin wrote:

I really hope we don't get Voldemort for president.

He's bad enough as the Governor of Florida.

Lex Luthor has already had his shot.

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SCP-682 wrote:
Put my name on the ballot. My campaign platform is "I WILL REND YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR PINSTICK BONES ONE STRAND AT A TIME". I think it'll do well in the primaries.

Hmmm, you're already polling at least 7 points ahead of the other Republican candidates. According to our latest focus groups, you could almost double that lead if you ate one of the others, say Lindsey Graham or Carly Fiorina. We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.

The Exchange

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Grarnold Smu^fenegger wrote:
SCP-682 wrote:
Put my name on the ballot. My campaign platform is "I WILL REND YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR PINSTICK BONES ONE STRAND AT A TIME". I think it'll do well in the primaries.
Hmmm, you're already polling at least 7 points ahead of the other Republican candidates. According to our latest focus groups, you could almost double that lead if you ate one of the others, say Lindsey Graham or Carly Fiorina. We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.

Nah, we're good with it.

{struggles to open locked door} Guys, can I get a hand? It's hard to grip the door handle with my blinged out teeth.

Awww, crap. It's raining all over my charts and graphs.

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Remember your Telekinesis!

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Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

{struggles to open locked door} Guys, can I get a hand? It's hard to grip the door handle with my blinged out teeth.

Awww, crap. It's raining all over my charts and graphs.

I'll start with this one.

Scarab Sages

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Deranged PETA Protester wrote:

Nah, we're good with it.

We decided during the last meeting that, regrettably, it would be in his best interest and the interest of all those around him if we ended his suffering before his mange got any worse.

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This news is especially surprising given the numbers of Jedi revealed by the census to be living in the United States.

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Scythia wrote:
This news is especially surprising given the numbers of Jedi revealed by the census to be living in the United States.

They are both few in number and know that using their tricks on the weak of will for political purposes will lead you to the darkside. Look what was left of poor bush after years of darth cheneys mind tricks.

Find me a vice president!

*I should be your vice president*

"you should be my vice president!"

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Grarnold S wrote:
We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.

What do you mean mistakenly?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Grarnold S wrote:
We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.
What do you mean mistakenly?

Bassed on the way he eats pizza...WITH A FORK! I want to see proof of his birth status as a New Yorker. I want that long form birth certificate.

AND HE STACKS HIS SLICES! You don't stack your slices, otherwise the steam coming up from the lower slice is going to make the upper slice saggy!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Grarnold S wrote:
We would recommend Trump, but we're worried PETA mistakenly believes he is an orangutan, and would thus boycott you.
What do you mean mistakenly?

While Trump obviously has the requisite mental faculties and personality traits, he has too little hair. That hair he does have is the wrong color, and he is most definitely not cute enough to be taken for an orangutang. Maybe a gorilla with mange, but not an orangutang. ;-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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LazarX wrote:
AND HE STACKS HIS SLICES! You don't stack your slices, otherwise the steam coming up from the lower slice is going to make the upper slice saggy!

Isn't his motto "Build High for Happiness?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Scythia wrote:
This news is especially surprising given the numbers of Jedi revealed by the census to be living in the United States.

They are both few in number and know that using their tricks on the weak of will for political purposes will lead you to the darkside. Look what was left of poor bush after years of darth cheneys mind tricks.

Find me a vice president!

*I should be your vice president*

"you should be my vice president!"

"Blaspheme! You blaspheme against the master!"

Scooter Libby wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Scythia wrote:
This news is especially surprising given the numbers of Jedi revealed by the census to be living in the United States.

They are both few in number and know that using their tricks on the weak of will for political purposes will lead you to the darkside. Look what was left of poor bush after years of darth cheneys mind tricks.

Find me a vice president!

*I should be your vice president*

"you should be my vice president!"

"Blaspheme! You blaspheme against the master!"

So much talking. Always talking. I'm going to tear out your veins and hang them on the walls.

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Ugh. I keep forgetting that I'm wearing my Joo Janta 200 Super-Roddy Piper Sunglasses. I gotta remember to...

( ⌐◼︎_◼︎)

( • _ •)>⌐◼︎-◼︎

( • _ •)

...before watching Trump give a speech.

CarusoBot wrote:
...before watching Trump give a speech.

... hey, who the hell let him out of containment and not me?

You know, it might help if you had money for bribes. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SCP-682 wrote:
CarusoBot wrote:
...before watching Trump give a speech.
... hey, who the hell let him out of containment and not me?

That douchebag Walter Peck from the EPA.

{glides into a cardboard box, gets stuck} Damnit Maru, you make this look so easy.

Heh, many fictional characters would rank better than most real life candidates.

Even Kefka (FF VI), Aizen (Bleach), Kuja (FF IX), Alduin (Skyrim), Goku/Gohan/Vegeta/Piccolo/Bulma (Dragonball/DragonballZ), lots of characters from Marvel, lots of characters from DC, Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto), Makarov Dreyar (Fairy Tail), etc...

Be a good person, try to get people to work together, trust in the goodness of humanity...

We're coming up on 7 years of a naruto presidency.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Be a good person, try to get people to work together, trust in the goodness of humanity...

We're coming up on 7 years of a naruto presidency.

His Talk/Jesus no Jutsu could be useful, and he (in the ending and gaiden) has shown the be competent at delegating stuff.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gars DarkLover wrote:

Heh, many fictional characters would rank better than most real life candidates.

Even Kefka (FF VI), Aizen (Bleach), Kuja (FF IX), Alduin (Skyrim), Goku/Gohan/Vegeta/Piccolo/Bulma (Dragonball/DragonballZ), lots of characters from Marvel, lots of characters from DC, Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto), Makarov Dreyar (Fairy Tail), etc...

Vote for me, sure! I'm an equal-opportunity psychopath.

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