I'm happy to announce that Eric Jackson (CireJack), a long-time member of our community, has successfully earned his 5th star! Eric's really pulled some amazing feats in his pursuit of the final star, including attending multiple conventions on the same weekend, over a hundred miles apart! He's an absolutely pleasure to play with on both sides of the table, and I hope that more of you will have the chance!
Congratulations Eric, thank you for your service!
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The multiple-cons achievement sounds like a great story. Which conventions? Did you catch an overnight flight?
No planes involved. October 4, 2014. Ran a table in the morning at DieCon (Collinsville, IL) then drove to GateCon (Columbia, MO) that evening to run Stonelords, then back to DieCon to run more games on Sunday. It was an awful lot of driving.
Awesome job Eric. Glad to see you finally got that 5th star.
Congratulations!! Thank you for your contributions to the community!!
That is awesome, I hope to be in a Game you run
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Eric Jackson - St. Louis wrote: No planes involved. October 4, 2014. Ran a table in the morning at DieCon (Collinsville, IL) then drove to GateCon (Columbia, MO) that evening to run Stonelords, then back to DieCon to run more games on Sunday. It was an awful lot of driving. I recognize you as an equal.
Congrats Eric! Thanks for all the hard work you do.
Congratulations Eric!
Bards will tell tales of epic journey. (Hays, write the man a ballad!)
Congratulations! Welcome to the Island!
Thanks again everyone!
It was a journey to be sure. My first game run was in June 2012. I hit 3 stars in March 2014 and 4 stars in September 2014.
More stars for the Star Gods!
Seems like we started around the same time, too, so you're probably slightly more sane than I, at this point! :P
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