Onesiphorus |

I've been buying the cards off a guy in London who plays the miniatures game but not the ACG. Got the first two sets fine, but no word on the third. It's a pain, as Alain and Balazar are waiting to have a go at wrath, but we want them to have their cards.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might want to start without them. The third is for SS characters (I assume the fourth will be as well). We probably won't see WotR until sets 5 and 6.

Parody |

My bad, should have fact checked that one. Though I'm glad to be wrong, why the skip over SS?
My guess is that the order has more to do with the order they were published in the RPG and the miniatures line than the card game.
The first two Iconic Heroes sets are all Core Rulebook characters.
The third set is only Advanced Player's Guide characters.
The missing Core Rulebook character is Lem the Bard.
The missing Advanced Player's Guide character is Feiya the Witch.
The only Ultimate Magic character is Seltyiel the Magus (repurposed from Eldritch Knight).
The Ultimate Combat characters are Lirianne the Gunslinger, Reiko the Ninja, and Hayato the Samurai.
That's six; of this group, only Feiya has a potential companion mini. I don't know if they plan to do another fox for her (and probably skip Hayato for now) or not.
Ten other characters (including Jirelle and Oloch from PACG S&S and Enora, Adowyn, Crowe, and Shardra from PACG WotR) are from the Advanced Class Guide, which is much more recent. Adowyn and Shardra are the ones with potential companion minis.
Stuff to think about.