handing out loot at end of the adventure

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


in the guide it says use the standard rule. is this the rules from season 0? a lot of my players do not like those loot rules. We had heard their was talk about changing from rolling on every piece of loot you are contesting to, each player chooses which loot the want for round 1, roll off any contested, but those that loose the roll have to wait till all round 1 roll are done than pick from what is left. Are we allowed to use a different loot handout as long as everyone is informed of it? I do not have a issue with using the new system and their is no prize support that would be effected by this change.

No. The Guide, p.8:

"The procedure for earning scenario rewards (or adventure rewards, or adventure path rewards) follows the standard rules with one exception: When you would be rewarded with a card from the box, you instead take a
random card of the same type from your Class Deck box. The card you take cannot have an adventure deck number higher than that of the scenario you completed."

This has nothing to do with "deck upgrades" (what you think of as "loot"). This has do to with random rewards only. Like in 1-1A, the reward is something like "Pick weapon, item or spell. Choose a random card of that type from the box."

You pick the type then draw a random card of that type of the adventure or lower from your character's virtual class deck box, and that is your reward. If you put in a Iconic Heroes promo into the character's box then that's eligible to be picked randomly.

"Discuss your choices for deck upgrades with the party and come to consensus about who’s taking what. Resolve any contested upgrades with a die roll; highest roll wins."

So no, you don't actually have to wait. Although in the games I run it's very rare for people to ever actually contest. I suppose if there's only a 1 weapon in the pile and you have 3 fighters or something.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, out of all my playing this season, I've only had one contested upgrade and it was a weapon that was wanted by the rogue and the cleric. So they diced off.

Basically, we put all the cards together. Sort by adventure deck level within the type. Then decided what we wanted. It wasn't "weapon first up; two people wanted the highest weapon; they roll off and the loser then picked armor; but the armor was already picked by someone else; so there's a roll off." No, we would pick and everyone would get what they wanted first off. If there was a contested boon, then there's a roll-off. Then the loser would choose from what was left over after all the first choices.

1/5 *

Normally we talk and agree on deck upgrades, but we've diced off a few times. More than once we've stared at a loot pile of one 1 and everything else letters. :(

With two people playing at home, I don't think we ever had a conflict beyond "well I'd kind of like a spell, but you're a primary caster and we acquired a weapon anyway." If the rule is "if you lose the roll off for your primary choice, you pick from what's left" it makes sense to stop hybrid characters from being greedy. Otherwise you have Kyra rolling against Valeros for a weapon, failing, stepping over to Amaryllis and rolling against her for a spell, then going "well I don't MIND a blessing..." And so on.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

If I knew it was going to require dice rolls in some fashion (strangers at a convention with some repeat character types), I think I'd recommend everyone roll a die to establish an order and just quickly go through.

4/5 ****

90% of the time we come to complete agreement. Other times 2 people have to dice off for a particular upgrade. We've never had any disagreements or had to roll dice more than once (baring rerolls from ties).

Ok, this brings up another question.

I have my new character, that has picked 4 weapons to start. I complete the first scenario and get one random weapon. I pull a Weapon 1 randomly from my class deck box. Which I'm adding to me character. Does the weapon I'm no longer going to use go back the in box or is it always available for me to use as one of my 4 weapons?

I hope its the second other wise you could end up getting an item you gave up previously.


1/5 *

JDragon_ITTS wrote:
I pull a Weapon 1 randomly from my class deck box.


JDragon_ITTS wrote:
Does the weapon I'm no longer going to use go back the in box or is it always available for me to use as one of my 4 weapons?

It goes back in the box and is available for you to select randomly or as a deck upgrade if you decide you want it back.

I've had pretty bad luck with the random deck rewards; B Basics I've already replaced (or didn't want originally) are my typical draw. Hopefully your group has good luck finding and keeping advanced boons during the game.

Sovereign Court

It goes back to the box and is treated as if you never had it in the first place. You don't build a pool of "owned" cards to build your deck with.

Thanks for the clarifications.

Is this a change from version 1 of the guild rules?

I ask because we did not do this in any of the sessions I played at PaizoCon. We pulled the random item from the base set, then choose a corresponding Boon from our deck. IE draw a weapon 1 from the base box as our reward, then choose from one of the Weapon 1's we had in our class box to swap in to our character deck.


Sovereign Court

You always draw your random reward cards from your class deck box. It seems like it might not matter, but the proportions are set in your class box so you have different odds of getting the different card levels than if you go to the base box for your random draw. Also, it means you don't get to choose from a set of cards in your class deck. You draw a random card from your class deck, and that's it. Some scenarios do specifically let you choose the card you get.

This, and the fact that you don't keep a bank of previously earned cards when you upgrade them, have been in place from the beginning.

Ok, I will keep that in mind at my event I'm running on Tuesday,

Thanks for the information.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Worst case scenario, you forget, and the official Paizo hitman comes to take you out.

That hitman is public knowledge, right?

2/5 *

In my group we resolve disputes with a game of "Knivsies".

I'm glad they simplified loot distribution in season 1, the system in season 0 was too complicated and hopefully most situations everyone can work towards the greater good. If not, a simple die roll should suffice.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Andrew L Klein wrote:

Worst case scenario, you forget, and the official Paizo hitman comes to take you out.

That hitman is public knowledge, right?

Well, Mike Selinker was quoted about what happens if you die in the organized play, so I'm sure the hitman is public knowledge.

Sovereign Court

That killing is the responsible of your party members to carry out though...

Are we all Paizo hitmen?!?!?!

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