Radical's Agent's of Edgewatch (Inactive)

Game Master FreeRadical

Maps, Pictures, Etc

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I am looking for two more players for an Agent's Edgewatch game. I already have three other players that were interested in it, and I have brought on to play.

Building a character:
-Level 1
-Common or uncommon Paizo content. No rare ancestries etc.
-Free Archtype starting at lvl 2
-Alignment: Any non evil. Player characters should be interested in being a guard or law enforcement in some way.
-I won't be tracking xp but levelling up at appropriate times.
-Players should read through the Player's Guide found in the link. It is rather important as it gives detailed information of Absalom, the various Guards, the Festival, and Backgrounds with various other matter.
-Backgrounds should be short and to the point, nothing too long but giving enough detail to flesh the character out.
-A short description as well
-Oddities about the character, at least one. These can be anything from a tendency for the very specific color of Prussian Blue, susceptible to bribes in form of pastries, a conspiracy theorist always looking for connections to hundred-year-old cases and the like.

Recruitment Ends 1-25-2022 @11:00pm


Also interested. Should I pitch my character concept here, or send it via PM?

Pitch it here if you like or you can PM it. Your call.

If it's not too late, I have a character who could probably work for this campaign, a kobold inventor named Zirnikar. I'll work on getting his stats/backstory/whatever else is needed up on the forums.

It is by far not too late at all :D

Azelos is a lizardfolk, one of a small community who live in the Puddles district. He has certainly seen some horrors in the city's dark underbelly, but he has also seen the endless perseverance of folks who are just trying their best to survive. He's a part-time dockworker, but most of his time is spent working for the Muckruckers. He feels joining Edgewatch would make his family and friends proud, and perhaps it would even give him the means to make the Puddles a better place.

By lizardfolk standards, he's small - scrawny, even - but he's still a fair bit bigger than your average human man. He wears skillfully-crafted leather armor with metal bracelets and anklets. He carries a buckler and several sets of bola, but he has no melee weapons besides his own sharp claws.

He might look imposing at first sight, but he's actually quite friendly - even to suspects, most of the time - and he never uses lethal force unless it's absolutely necessary.

Quirk: He's addicted to salty food, especially cured meat. Might be bad for his health and/or Edgewatch's budget.

Crunchy stuff:
Lizardfolk (Wetlander) +DEX | +STR | +WIS | -INT

Grizzled Muckrucker +CON | +DEX

Swashbuckler (Gymnast) +DEX

Free boosts: +INT | +STR | +DEX | +CON

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)

General Feats
Breath Control (Aquatic Adaptation ancestry feature)

Ancestry Feats
Razor Claws

Class Feats
Buckler Expertise

Skill Feats
Experienced Tracker

Skills (unlisted = untrained)
(T) Acrobatics
(T) Athletics
(T) Labor Lore
(T) Underworld Lore
(T) Medicine
(T) Society
(T) Thievery


Max HP: 20

(T) Unarmored defense, light armor
(X) Perception
(T) Fortitude
(X) Reflex
(X) Will

(T) Leather armor
AC bonus: +1
Dex cap: +4
Check Penalty: -1 (negated by 10+ STR)
Speed: 25 -0

(T) Bola (x4)
Range: 20
Damage: 1d6 +STR (Bludgeoning)
Traits: Nonlethal, thrown, ranged trip

(T) Claws
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 +STR (Slashing)
Traits: Versatile P, agile, finesse

5 sp

Other Items
Adventurer's pack
Healer's tools
Thieves' tools

Here's the kobold inventor I mentioned in my earlier post, presented for consideration in the campaign.

I've got an ex-con token guard, who's got a smart mouth, and a flashing rapier.

He's a swashbuckler who is dependent on his quick wit.

He was a petty thief, who got caught because of his lack of planning, rather than lack of skills. He's decided that working for the Man is safer than working with other, truly bad people. He really thinks he is destined to be the leader, the planner, the man-in-charge.

Link to character sheet

Hello All!

I would be interested in applying for this. Any thoughts on what the 3 slotted players would be playing?

Thank you for running!

I would love to play! But I also plan on running it in the near future. Hopefully.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

Hello All!

I would be interested in applying for this. Any thoughts on what the 3 slotted players would be playing?

Thank you for running!

One of us already made a cleric, I'm still trying to decide (but probably some sort of martial/frontline character, and the last one said they'll fill depending on how the group ends up, based on our discussion so far.

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Right now I only have a player set upon a Cleric atm. I will let you all know when other players come to class and build they want.

crazncanuck wrote:
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

Hello All!

I would be interested in applying for this. Any thoughts on what the 3 slotted players would be playing?

Thank you for running!

One of us already made a cleric, I'm still trying to decide (but probably some sort of martial/frontline character, and the last one said they'll fill depending on how the group ends up, based on our discussion so far.

Thank you!

My initial thought is Summoner. Abbot and Costello cops...lol.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very interested, always on the hunt for more PF2e to play.


Vuzzik the Oath-Witch (NG goblin Rogue/Pact Binder) one of the Crooktoes tribe who led Watcher Lord Ulthun to safety and followed him to Absalom. Desperate to win his approval but not well suited for being a knight, Vuzzik joined the city watch and is always on the hunt for good deeds to include in his weekly fan-letters ("If writin'z good enuf for Uttun, s'good enuf for Vuzzik!"). He's always had a strange, uncanny tie to spirits and entities from the Great Beyond, and a knack for dealing with them--skills that now help him solve crimes instead of merely finding food and a safe place to sleep. Grizzled Muckraker background, I think.

Since Pack Binder is Uncommon I would of course require GM permission.

@RadicalGM This portion of the Player's Guide has me reconsidering any Ancestry other than Core.

Of course, in a city as massive as Absalom, people of
any and all ancestries can be found wandering its streets,
though anyone playing a character of an ancestry other
than those mentioned above may find few others of their
kind among their precincts or the people they’re charged
with protecting.

I am conjuring a Kobold Summoner (snare crafter).

I have had this idea for a bit, and making a Trapper for this seems perfect.

Please let me know if any of the Base would be fine for this AP?

Thank you.

I've made some adjustments to my character equipment and backstory. Zirnikar is an engineer from the Hookclaw clan who joined the Post Guard to support himself while he studied. He has a strong tendency to fidget, and he heavily relies on the tried-and-true method of "percussive maintenance." As for the free archetype, I certainly look forward to role-playing extremely fortuitous incompetence with the Unexpected Sharpshooter archetype.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

@RadicalGM This portion of the Player's Guide has me reconsidering any Ancestry other than Core.

** spoiler omitted **

I am conjuring a Kobold Summoner (snare crafter).

I have had this idea for a bit, and making a Trapper for this seems perfect.

Please let me know if any of the Base would be fine for this AP?

Thank you.

Core and Uncommon are allowed. I am only excluding Rare Ancestries.

RadicalGM wrote:
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

@RadicalGM This portion of the Player's Guide has me reconsidering any Ancestry other than Core.

** spoiler omitted **

I am conjuring a Kobold Summoner (snare crafter).

I have had this idea for a bit, and making a Trapper for this seems perfect.

Please let me know if any of the Base would be fine for this AP?

Thank you.

Core and Uncommon are allowed. I am only excluding Rare Ancestries.

Game on! Thanks!

Well, this alias is an odd character, but it's a bit unusual. He's starting as a ghost, which can only happen with GM permission.

Horizon Hunters

Here is my submission. Crunch is in the profile.

Jawgrim is a member of the guard in the town of Shoreline, just outside of Absalom proper. He is a slender but athletically built half orc with dark green skin and burning orange eyes. He has recently been selected to be sent to the newly established Edgewatch Guard and is excited to begin his new assignment.
Jawgrim has a couple of oddities. First of all, he has to have his morning cup of coffee before his shift or he is in a bad mood all day. Secondly, he tends to hone his close quarters skills by participating in fights in the Crimson Coin Tavern in the Foreign Quarter. When fighting he goes by the moniker 'The Oni'.

This is Dorian Grey's work in progress.

I still need to decide what type of Eidolon. I am torn between Dragon (seems too on the nose), Fey (more casting), or Plant (if party needed another melee)....

The Background is a 1st draft.

Thank you.

Rocky Burnham wrote:
Well, this alias is an odd character, but it's a bit unusual. He's starting as a ghost, which can only happen with GM permission.

I sadly will not allow the Ghost variation. As well, just as reminder, we are starting at Lvl 1. You get the free archetypes on lvl 2.

Rocky Burnham wrote:
Well, this alias is an odd character, but it's a bit unusual. He's starting as a ghost, which can only happen with GM permission.

I love his boss. "You died? Sucks to be you. Get back to work." XD

RadicalGM wrote:
I sadly will not allow the Ghost variation


Heeeeeeere's Vuzzik! I'll get a short background formalized asap.

I do believe that they are ready.....

I like that it is labeled Guardian Plant...lol.
Costello seems a bit wiser...lol.

I am learning toward Wizard Dedication for Free Archetype for more spells, but that is fluid.

Brain farther! Snare Crafter Dedication duh!

Thank you!

Any questions, concerns, comments are welcome.

Unless you will allow Eidolon to imbibe Alchemical Items?
Although, Alchemist Dedication would be interesting too....

To let folk know, current players are looking at a...

Cleric of Naderi
A Ruffian Rogue Political Scion
And Potentially a Paladin of Iomedae that was a Squire

Grand Lodge

RadicalGM wrote:

To let folk know, current players are looking at a...

Cleric of Naderi
A Ruffian Rogue Political Scion
And Potentially a Paladin of Iomedae that was a Squire

In that case ... an INT-based Psychic might actually be a thing!

I have been in this AP like twice that it pretty much failed to launch.

INT-based Telekinetic Half-Elf whose family has lived in the Precipice since before the great earthquake.

Evindyll wrote:
RadicalGM wrote:

To let folk know, current players are looking at a...

Cleric of Naderi
A Ruffian Rogue Political Scion
And Potentially a Paladin of Iomedae that was a Squire

In that case ... an INT-based Psychic might actually be a thing!

I have been in this AP like twice that it pretty much failed to launch.

INT-based Telekinetic Half-Elf whose family has lived in the Precipice since before the great earthquake.

Hey there, Cleric player here. Would your account be the character being played or would it be an entirely new character?

Grand Lodge

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Entirely new (it just seemed themeatically appropriate to respond from my MindSword account)

That said, they would have a lot of similarities, like a lot of daggers for TKP, maybe worshipping Yuelral, but def not a Paladin/Champion. Pure Psychic and Lore-guy

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm interested, if there's still room? If so, I'm reading the player's guide right now to pitch a character.

Subparhiggins wrote:
I'm interested, if there's still room? If so, I'm reading the player's guide right now to pitch a character.

Still recruiting.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Heres my boy.

LN Tiefling Hobgoblin
Thaumaturge Level 1
Background - Grizzled Muckrucker
A deserter from the Ironfang Legion who had enough of butchery and warmongering, and gave it up in favor of the simple service of keeping the law. Ended up in the city at the center of the world, took the first job in enforcement he could get, expecting to start at the bottom. Muckruckers, a stinking job that's kicked him around for a few years, ended up being no better, no cleaner than being rank & file infantry. He's done his time, and he's got his chance to move up now, and he's taking it. The law is still worth keeping, he just needs to scrape some of the muck off it.

An older hobgoblin, not as in shape as he used to be, with unfortunately citrus orange skin, bald like you'd expect, except the great bristling infernal beard of spikes along his jaw, and the pinpoints of red in his dark eyes. His resting face is a glower, but he's well spoken. His scalemail, shield, are worn, scuffed from use. His badge however is a pristine symbol of his duty.

Oddities - Very superstitious, and keeps good luck charms on his person. Claustrophobic. Has an antique badge from the early days of Absalom's law enforcement, not standard issue, very attached to it.

Looking at a LG Elf Swashbuckler.

Bare bones.


Added equipment.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here's some stats for Hakklin, Hobgoblin (Tiefling) Thaumaturge.

Finished character.

Zelos (JR Klein)- Lizardfolk Swashbuckler-Muckrucker
Zirnikar (Mokmurian)- Lizardfolk Inventor- Post Guard
Mick Tuler (Ira Kroll)- Humam Swashbuckler- Token Guard
Jawgrim (WalkerOhmsford) Half Orc Monk- Guard(?)
Abott and Costello (Dorian Grey)-Kobold Summoner- Token Guard
Vuzzik (Crusader Wolf)- Goblin Rogue- Muckrucker
Hakklin (Subparhiggins)-Tielfing Hobgoblin Thaumaturge- Muckrucker
Elros (Camris)- Elf Swashbuckler-Sleepless Suns

I believe we have this relatively so far

Grand Lodge

RadicalGM wrote:

Zelos (JR Klein)- Lizardfolk Swashbuckler-Muckrucker

Zirnikar (Mokmurian)- Lizardfolk Inventor- Post Guard
Mick Tuler (Ira Kroll)- Humam Swashbuckler- Token Guard
Jawgrim (WalkerOhmsford) Half Orc Monk- Guard(?)
Abott and Costello (Dorian Grey)-Kobold Summoner- Token Guard
Vuzzik (Crusader Wolf)- Goblin Rogue- Muckrucker
Hakklin (Subparhiggins)-Tielfing Hobgoblin Thaumaturge- Muckrucker
Elros (Camris)- Elf Swashbuckler-Sleepless Suns

I believe we have this relatively so far

I can withdraw being interested :)

There are only 2 slots as it is ...

There will be another chance to play this AP at some point

Evindyll wrote:
RadicalGM wrote:

Zelos (JR Klein)- Lizardfolk Swashbuckler-Muckrucker

Zirnikar (Mokmurian)- Lizardfolk Inventor- Post Guard
Mick Tuler (Ira Kroll)- Humam Swashbuckler- Token Guard
Jawgrim (WalkerOhmsford) Half Orc Monk- Guard(?)
Abott and Costello (Dorian Grey)-Kobold Summoner- Token Guard
Vuzzik (Crusader Wolf)- Goblin Rogue- Muckrucker
Hakklin (Subparhiggins)-Tielfing Hobgoblin Thaumaturge- Muckrucker
Elros (Camris)- Elf Swashbuckler-Sleepless Suns

I believe we have this relatively so far

I can withdraw being interested :)

There are only 2 slots as it is ...

There will be another chance to play this AP at some point

I would say it wouldn't hurt to put a profile if you want to. That will ultimately depend on the GM though.

Just to be sure, initial money for 1st level is 175, right?

Jereru wrote:
Just to be sure, initial money for 1st level is 175, right?

15 GP

Okay, so prices must be lower than in 1e... I hope :p

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Jereru wrote:
Okay, so prices must be lower than in 1e... I hope :p

They are. The whole economy is different.

Grand Lodge

Mazaari wrote:
Jereru wrote:
Okay, so prices must be lower than in 1e... I hope :p
They are. The whole economy is different.

tbh, it's incredibly disconcerting at first, like mind-blowing, then you kinda get it after a bit

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It honestly makes getting gold more valuable when you get it. As well, makes usage of smaller currency potentially more common.

I'm totally in for managing tens of gold instead of thousands. Most people didn't even get to see a single gold piece in their entire life.

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