Unchained Summoner and Story Summoner

Pathfinder Society

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

I searched but couldn't find a definitive answer for this question. The ruling on Unchained Summoner indicates that the class is compatible with archetypes that do not modify type or base form.

Does this rule out the Story Summoner? Their 8th level ability appears to break the ruling, but its use is optional.



I think that 8th level ability does indeed shoot it down. The ruling was as you said - archetypes that do not modify the base form are still legal. The 8th level ability does modify the base form; therefore not legal :(

The whole harrow deck thing does sound mighty cool though. Maybe they could consider an alternate ability for the 8th level and do some sort of errata; perhaps you may change the base form within what is allowed in the subtype? Though this would be rough on the one-form angels, devils, and divs.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

That's what I was figuring would happen. It's a shame, as story summoner is one of the more flavorful archetypes.


Doesn't the whole archetype violate the unchained summoner's most basic premise? Randomly drawing harrow cards which change the eidolon's alignment would seem impossible when the eidolons are actually things like angels, devils etc.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Well technically Celestial and Fiendish don't change alignment. So not necessarily.

Grand Lodge

Except the drawing ability for the Eidolon does change the alignment, it's the drawing for the summon monster ability that adds Celestial or Fiendish templates. This makes me think that the story Summoner archetype just doesn't work with the unchained rules

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

To tell you the truth my first thought was the rule meant that if an ability of the summoner replaces/modifies/alters the eidilion ability then it can't be used.

For example the ability in question from story summoner actually replaces transposition not the Eidilion ability.

But looking at the archetypes, now I am not so sure.

Grand Lodge

The thing is according to the Additional Resources the Story Summoner archetypes, which is on page 25 of the Harrow Handbook, is legal for play.


Valerius Trigold wrote:
The thing is according to the Additional Resources the Story Summoner archetypes, which is on page 25 of the Harrow Handbook, is legal for play.

It is... for non-unchained summoners that are grandfathered into the class.

Otherwise this archetype, as it appears, is sadly not compatible with the unchained summoner. Which is sad because while I already have a level 10 story summoner, this definitely is one of the few archetypes I was definitely hoping to revisit when starting an unchained summoner fresh.

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