At what level should I be able to afford a 16k item?

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

THIS is the item in question. Specifically it's 15,600g. Assuming average wbl, when should I be able to purchase said item?

Expected Wealth by Level There's a rule somewhere about how much of your wealth can tied to one item.

Table: Character Wealth by Level can also be used to budget gear for characters starting above 1st level, such as a new character created to replace a dead one. Characters should spend no more than half their total wealth on any single item. For a balanced approach, PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins. Different character types might spend their wealth differently than these percentages suggest; for example, arcane casters might spend very little on weapons but a great deal more on other magic items and disposable items.

15 600 * 2 = 31 200 GP, so if your GM follows the advice from the GMG it should be attainable around level 8 at the earliest.

If you save up all your gold and never buy anything, then level 6.

However many GM's have a policy of no spending more than ____% of your wealth on one item when making a brand new character.

official suggestion wrote:
For a balanced approach, PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins.

This item falls under the "other item" category so you would need a WBL of 64000.

10 62,000 gp
11 82,000 gp

So level 10 or 11 depending on how strict your GM is.

Grand Lodge

wraithstrike wrote:

If you save up all your gold and never buy anything, then level 6.

However many GM's have a policy of no spending more than ____% of your wealth on one item when making a brand new character.

official suggestion wrote:
For a balanced approach, PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins.

This item falls under the "other item" category so you would need a WBL of 64000.

10 62,000 gp
11 82,000 gp

So level 10 or 11 depending on how strict your GM is.

Thanks, this is what I was looking for.

Another option is to earn a favor from someone capable of crafting the item for you. 7,800gp is a much easier target to reach. You could talk to your GM about it. =]

Grand Lodge

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Cuuniyevo wrote:
Another option is to earn a favor from someone capable of crafting the item for you. 7,800gp is a much easier target to reach. You could talk to your GM about it. =]

No crafting in our campaign, but I told my DM that I wanted to write home about getting one (I'm a skinwalker and it's made for skinwalkers so I figured "writing home" would be a good way to get one) and he surprised me with a discount. So it'll show up when I hit lvl 9 and I get it for 10k.

Sovereign Court

claudekennilol wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

If you save up all your gold and never buy anything, then level 6.

However many GM's have a policy of no spending more than ____% of your wealth on one item when making a brand new character.

official suggestion wrote:
For a balanced approach, PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins.

This item falls under the "other item" category so you would need a WBL of 64000.

10 62,000 gp
11 82,000 gp

So level 10 or 11 depending on how strict your GM is.

Thanks, this is what I was looking for.

Those rules are only intended for new characters who start past level 1 - the idea being that a normal character is unlikely to save up and not benefit from their wealth for that long, and it's unfair for a new character to not have to go through that.. If you save up - you should be able to get it as soon as you can afford it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The downtime rules will allow you to craft it at as little as 1/8 of the market price. Less than that with the right traits.

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I would not follow that percentage advice. For instance wizards do not need to spend 25% of their cash on weapons. I am generally of the mind that characters should do whatever they want with money; if they want to forgo some traditional purchases for one big purchase, that's their prerogative.

Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
I would not follow that percentage advice. For instance wizards do not need to spend 25% of their cash on weapons. I am generally of the mind that characters should do whatever they want with money; if they want to forgo some traditional purchases for one big purchase, that's their prerogative.

For most casters you replace "Weapon" with "Rods/Staves", and for a Wizard specifically you probably can even extend that to "learning new spells". Those things are a Wizard's weapons.

Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
I would not follow that percentage advice. For instance wizards do not need to spend 25% of their cash on weapons. I am generally of the mind that characters should do whatever they want with money; if they want to forgo some traditional purchases for one big purchase, that's their prerogative.

I think this was mentioned earlier. I don't imagine many monks or sorcerors spending 25% of their cash on armour for some strange reason, either. And as mentioned, it's a guideline, probably to help simulate what a character of that level would have picked up at that point--after all, you're not supposed to look at it as a letter of credit and a one-time shopping spree. (They even try to have you not look at starting cash that way. And that can vary in extreme between characters.)

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