Bane Wraith |
1)A Kitsune is "Agile(EX)"; +2 on acrobatics checks.
2)A Kitsune can "Change Shape"; an effect equivalent to a polymorph subschool spell (alter self), which changes you into a specific appearance/form.
3)While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form.
Question; When a Kitsune is in Human form, (or fox shape if that feat is taken), do they lose their Agile racial trait?
EDIT: What about their "Kitsune Magic(EX/Sp)"?
EDIT2: Bonus Question: Is a Kitsune in human form immune to size-changing and involuntary polymorph spells?
BigNorseWolf |
Question; When a Kitsune is in Human form, (or fox shape if that feat is taken), do they lose their Agile racial trait?
Unknown/Dms call. It could be from their body shape, the balance of their tail, or a cultural penchant for kung fu fighting.
As a practical matter, i wouldn't bother recalculating it.
EDIT: What about their "Kitsune Magic(EX/Sp)"?
I'm leaning very heavily towards that one not being form dependent. Magic is more inherent in something being than its shape.
EDIT2: Bonus Question: Is a Kitsune in human form immune to size-changing and involuntary polymorph spells?
Probably. Keep in mind though that baleful polymorph (and anything based on it) removes all the polymorph effects and then goes to town. After that, a kitsune that knows they're a kitsune can take a standard action to resume their form (as a shapechanger) A kitsune that misses the will save probably doesn't have the knowledge that they can do that.