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Happy New Year, everyone.

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Happy New Years Mistress Rysky! *hugs and kisses*

Any New Years Resolutions?

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Happy New Year.

Silver Crusade

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Selene Spires wrote:

Happy New Years Mistress Rysky! *hugs and kisses*

Any New Years Resolutions?


*hugs and kisses back*

Kinda, take up painting again, actually finish some games, and get back on antidepressants.

Silver Crusade

Hope everyone has a great New Year as well ^w^

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So Rysky, what nefarious schemes do you have planned for the Pugwampi Army this year?

*prepares to take notes*

Silver Crusade

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Master Pugwampi wrote:

So Rysky, what nefarious schemes do you have planned for the Pugwampi Army this year?

*prepares to take notes*

For starters Infrastructure... maybe dentistry.

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♫♪ "We don't need dental education.
We don't need no plaque control.
No orthodontics in our mouth holes.
Hey, dentists! Leave us pugs alone!
" ♫♪

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wait... or did she mean we wampis would train to be dentists? 'Cause I'd be up for that!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

♫♪...blr blr bl glrp glorb b brrrbl bu blrrbl♫♪*

Translated: All in all, it was all just a hole in the tooth...

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Wait... or did she mean we wampis would train to be dentists? 'Cause I'd be up for that!


Captain Killjoy wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Wait... or did she mean we wampis would train to be dentists? 'Cause I'd be up for that!

Wait...I thought sorcerers were OK, but wizards weren't...now I'm confused...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vingorg wrote:
Captain Killjoy wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Wait... or did she mean we wampis would train to be dentists? 'Cause I'd be up for that!
Wait...I thought sorcerers were OK, but wizards weren't...now I'm confused...


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I this thread has too much goblins and gremlins and not enough sex...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Selene Spires wrote:
I this thread has too much goblins and gremlins and not enough sex...

I think this thread has too much sex and gremlins and not enough goblins!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

...and I think this thread has too much sex and goblins and not enough gremlins!

*spits in everybody's eye*

Silver Crusade

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*sits back chewing caramels*

How needlessly crude...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think this thread has too many gremlins and goblins having sex? wait... i think i said that wrong >^.^<

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{quietly continues to hump cushion that fell behind the sofa}

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Greeting, Oh Great and Risky Mistress Rysky,

How are you Doing?

Do you have Netflix or Hulu or any streaming Service?

Have you seen any good movies lately?

Have you read any good books lately?

Silver Crusade

Selene Spires wrote:

Greeting, Oh Great and Risky Mistress Rysky,

How are you Doing?

Do you have Netflix or Hulu or any streaming Service?

Have you seen any good movies lately?

Have you read any good books lately?

Okay so far, you?

No but I’ve been thinking of getting Netflix.

Yeah, The Last Jedi. It was awesome!

No... >_<

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am doing much better since my sisters just left. Though Floyd still thinks the dogs are still here in hiding..,,

I have Netflix...there are a lot of good movies and shows on it. Hulu is good for keeping with shows currently on.

The Last Jodi was awesome!

Still finding it hard to find time to read?

Silver Crusade

Selene Spires wrote:

I am doing much better since my sisters just left. Though Floyd still thinks the dogs are still here in hiding..,,

I have Netflix...there are a lot of good movies and shows on it. Hulu is good for keeping with shows currently on.

The Last Jodi was awesome!

Still finding it hard to find time to read?

Poor Floyd... hope he can relax soon.


Yay! Glad you liked it too!

And yeah *sigh*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have you seen the new trailer for Perverts of Mars? (link probably NSFW)

Pillbug... In... SPACE!!! wrote:
Have you seen the new trailer for Perverts of Mars? (link probably NSFW)

... have you been licking those fish again?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

It might actually take less time to list the uses Rysky believes that you CAN'T use alchemical grease for. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

It might actually take less time to list the uses Rysky believes that you CAN'T use alchemical grease for. :)

Maybe it's also worth mentioning my character already has a girlfriend--one of the town guards is quite taken with her. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

And, presumably, various other items from Victoria's Secret as well?

Yes, I know that darkmantles aren't a kind of lingerie, but they sound like they ought to be...

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

It might actually take less time to list the uses Rysky believes that you CAN'T use alchemical grease for. :)
Maybe it's also worth mentioning my character already has a girlfriend--one of the town guards is quite taken with her. :)

Oh ho ho, slip n slide fun times ^w^

(My Changeling in Eberron always kept vials of preserved Ooze in order to deal with Minotuars)

Silver Crusade

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Master Pugwampi wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

It might actually take less time to list the uses Rysky believes that you CAN'T use alchemical grease for. :)

Putting out a fire.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

How many uses can you think of for a pot of alchemical grease?

Because in the Ruins of Azlant game I'm in, the party's investigator just gave my barbarian girl one... we've been running into chokers and darkmantles.

And, presumably, various other items from Victoria's Secret as well?

Yes, I know that darkmantles aren't a kind of lingerie, but they sound like they ought to be...

Pretty sure the Drow are way ahead of ya...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Pillbug... In... SPACE!!! wrote:
Have you seen the new trailer for Perverts of Mars? (link probably NSFW)
... have you been licking those fish again?

{hides psychedelic frozen iguana behind back} Nope.

Besides, the trailer was by the Oglaf crew, so it didn't seem too out there to mention here.

And alas, I no licka the fishy in years. No toucha the fishy either. No fishy at all. {sighs}

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug... In... SPACE!!! wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Pillbug... In... SPACE!!! wrote:
Have you seen the new trailer for Perverts of Mars? (link probably NSFW)
... have you been licking those fish again?

{hides psychedelic frozen iguana behind back} Nope.

Besides, the trailer was by the Oglaf crew, so it didn't seem too out there to mention here.

And alas, I no licka the fishy in years. No toucha the fishy either. No fishy at all. {sighs}

Nope :3

And awww *offers hugs*

Dark Archive

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*Staggers out of thread. Straightens clothes, does best to brush off goblin-induced ashes, and assorted pugwampi-induced blemishes.*

"Well, that was an interesting experience."

*Re-enters thread*

Just spent the last week reading this thread from beginning to present. I also went through the Shattered Star pbp you started, and I'm really liking the action there. These are the type of people I feel like I would really enjoy playing with, or eventually GMing for. So if you don't mind, I'll be sticking around, and occasionally interacting here.

Silver Crusade

Lol np, glad you’re having fun ^w^

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oooh, we have a lurker!

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?

Dark Archive

If that was aimed at me, Nosferatu is the one I used the most as a ST.

World of Dim Light wrote:
If that was aimed at me, Nosferatu is the one I used the most as a ST.

I was asking Rysky, but that's okay too. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.


Yeah, I only found out about them in the anniversary edition.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.


Yeah, I only found out about them in the anniversary edition.

I'd let you play a Malkavian. They're one of my 3 favourite clans. :)

Silver Crusade

Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.


Yeah, I only found out about them in the anniversary edition.

I'd let you play a Malkavian. They're one of my 3 favourite clans. :)


Dark Archive

I wasn't sure, given my choice of name.

Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.


Yeah, I only found out about them in the anniversary edition.

Dark Ages offshoot of the Cappadocians, and followers of Lilith. I can see where you would like them.

I played one briefly. A bit outside my comfort zone, but interesting.

Silver Crusade

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

A little Vampire: the Masquerade question, if you will...

What's your favourite clan?


If it has to be main then Malkavian (which I never been allowed to play due to the Storyteller stating and I quote “You would be way too good at it.”)

Well, THAT'S kinda unfair. :(

And I gotta admit I had to look up what the Lamia bloodline was.


Yeah, I only found out about them in the anniversary edition.

Dark Ages offshoot of the Cappadocians, and followers of Lilith. I can see where you would like them.

I played one briefly. A bit outside my comfort zone, but interesting.


I like the bodyguard aspect.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So Rysky, how do you feel about their being a new linnorm for Pathfinder after so long?

True, it isn't the gremlin-fey linnorm some of us were secretly hoping for, but still...

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