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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Heh. Classic Magic: The Gathering joke.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

@Tacticslion --

Who said anything about a joke??! I'll burn your face off, dude! I don't always tap that, but when I do, it's red mana!

Grixis is the way to go -- UBR --, really. Stop all the things, kill all the things, burn all the things.

Oh! Oh! I got another classic joke!


"Red won a battle after two rounds."


EDIT: added an important emoticon

"Hoo. Hee. Hoo. Ha Ha . . . . And I thought my jokes were bad."

I will never deny that the only color that consistently does that type of thing is blue; that's just true because the Water Droplet Algebraic Thinking Conspiracy has a stronger lobby at WotC than do the red mages (we're too disorganized and uncooperative).

That being said, I *am* aware of an exception which proves the above rule -- Manaless Eggs: a Legacy format deck that wins on turn 1 or 2 by Threatening all the "I draws all duh cawds" they gave blue and all the "I gets stvp1d free manas" they gave black to either Grapeshot or goblin token opponents to death. Still trying to track down the last few cards I need for it . . . . Being financially overburdened *sucks*.

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Thermonuclear Hypersonic Firebreathing Raptor Divebomb @Tacticslion

ka-KAW!! ka-KAW!!

See? Red wins in 1.

Ah. Yes. One other thing -- there's also the truth that we red mages enjoy taking a little more time with things, because ending it too quickly means we can't smell the charred flesh of fallen foes to work up an appetite: throwing lightning bolts is very demanding work. I'll make an exception this time so you can pay the price for your barbarism. :) 8-X

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Hah! Indeed it does...

For myself, I'm not versed in M:TG culture enough to actually know the deck names, but I tend to like green, blue, and white as a general rule, as I like the concepts they have associated with them. I've had fun playing red, but... I can't ever actually win. At least battles with red don't last too terribly long (as it tends to win quickly or not at all, at least compared to, say, green, in my experience). I've had quite a bit of fun with black effects, but I never like devoting myself to that magic (partly thematic, mostly mechanics) and splitting my deck color is... painful.

In any event having a brother in law who knows and plays Magic a lot is a boon. He basically builds decks he thinks my wife and I would like and gives them to us as presents. It's pretty awesome.

EDIat: clarification

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I've been in the M:tG and D&D culture(s) for over 20 years. It's a vicious circle.

"Manaless Eggs" isn't a real deck name -- deck rebranding happens so fast in that part of the gamersphere that it's near impossible to stay up-to-date. I just call it that because the deck uses no lands and a lot of the "Egg" cards to generate mana and draw cards to hit the win-con. It's a project I have been working on for a couple of years -- trying to avoid 'netdecking' it so that I can say it's genuinely my own. Seeing that I'm not a member of the WDATC, I can't does maths make cawds do right = ragequit.

Best M:tG format ever? EDH (officially branded "Commander" by WotC). All the old, all the new, and almost never the same game twice. Fun times.

Tangent to the tangent -- I probably have a game session to run tonight (PF/3.5 gestalt, level 3), and I have hit a wall. I know exactly what I want to play through for 4th level, but not 3rd! I don't want to build anything -- encounters, loots, hooks, whatever. I'm in a weird, weird gaming funk . . . .

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Have you considered trying a published adventure, at least looking at one to get the creative juices flowing again.

You obviously enjoy coming up with your own stuff, but they can help. What genre are you most into. Perhaps I can suggest one that fits your style.

What! I'm not putting off anything, that's cray-cray. Besides, it isn't even open yet.

I... understand.

One thing I do, when I feel similarly, is bust out something so old it's new again as a GM. What I do is paint it new and let the books build themselves. I've yet to run that thing in a manner that goes down the same way twice.

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I like modding existing APs to suit me. Using them as a skeleton that I build the flesh upon.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
I like modding existing APs to suit me. Using them as a skeleton that I build the flesh upon.

Pretty reasonable! I like to go by them as much as possible, if we're following an AP. But I'm darn tootin' that most groups go off rails somewhere. And then no matter what, you (the GM) have to adapt. Fun times. :)

This and this have inspired me. I'm starting to brainstorm a new mini-setting/society concept...

D-daggummit. This... this may conflict with my page-by-page interpretation of Wind Waker into a Pathfinder AP...

(Page-by-page being via the Game Guide.)


Tacticslion wrote:
This and this have inspired me. I'm starting to brainstorm a new mini-setting/society concept...

I really should add this, if only to satisfy myself for completeness sake.

Thinking, thinking...

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Tacticslion wrote:

This explains so much of my life...

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Well, gents, many thanks for offering the tips and suggestions you did. I never had to handle any of it -- my *other* brother, the non-"phalanx" brother, got himself an insta-family a couple years back, and that insta-family includes a 7-year-old petri dish. They traveled here to SW TN this past Friday night, and I gave the little one a hug. No one had mentioned that her mother had had the stomach virus earlier that week. They (brother and daughter/petri dish) went on to camp Sunday afternoon, and all was well. Monday, I went in to work for about 4 hours, then got some stuff at the Evil Empire (aka "Wal-Mart"), then stopped over at "phalanx"-brother's place to play Diablo II for a while. And then it hit. I went from A-OK to catastrophically zombified stomach virus victim in about 45 minutes. I did a lot of "ascending the great white throne" last night. Called the whole thing off, game-wise; and that's too bad -- been nearly three months since we had a session . . . .

tl;dr -- saved by the stomach virus


Sorry, dude. That sucks.

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Yeah, it was pretty bad. Fortunately, now I have more time to put together something a bit better than "Oh! Look at these threatening thugs on the streets! Perhaps they need bashing?" I'm still gonna have thugs, of course, but now they'll have stories that tie in with the rest of the game.

Homebrew is *so* demanding . . . . But so worth it!

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@Tacticslion --

Dude, surely you're gonna favorite the above post! . . . . Right?

look left, look right, look left, hide

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Sure! You just have to wait for me to:
- clean my son's room
- take my wife's car to the oil change
- stop long enough to read the thread and favorite things


Hm. In a Wind Waker adaptation, I'm going with the variant potential canonical age of 16: Link and Tetra look "young" for that, but no one is really "correctly" aged, and comparing OoC's ages, he can't be nine as WW people only know the older hero of time... who I'd taken to be nineteen, but it seems impossible to reconcile with a seven year gap and his younger/older ages and comparative 'Zelda sources/presumptions. Anyway, 16 synchs up with 'Zelda lore and Pathfinder presumptions. Also, and perhaps most importantly, allows the avoidance of potentially squicky events else wise.

(It's worth noting: I think that Link in WW is supposed to be younger... but the lore and primary and secondary sources don't synch up with this interpretation.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Sure! You just have to wait for me to:

- clean my son's room
- take my wife's car to the oil change
- stop long enough to read the thread and favorite things


You've changed, man. You've changed!

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I remember when he used to favorite things within seconds of posting.

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So... I'm left with the question: what do about populations?

While adapting the story/expectations to PF, should I boost island populations? The largest and most populated island, Windfall, has... 32 people. Dragon Roost has, I think, ~22 (up to ~26 if you include gods...), and Outset has ~11 (if you include Link, Aryll, and Grandma). Nothing except Windfall exceeds the size of a Thorpe.

Even the smallest Cay in a place as small as, say, the Abacos have more people than that living on them, unless they're a private island.

(It also causes me to question who, exactly, writes the signs and builds the "nope" places around the islands...)

Even without infinite respawn, the monsters easily outnumber humans - and I don't mean the edible kind.

I'm thinking of muiplying every settlement by about five or ten. This puts the settlements within reasonable parameters, population-wise, without going beyond the game's expense-limit. It also helps explain "missing" characters, like the one guy's wife, Pirates other than Tetra's and people you hear vaguely of, but never meet.


Hey! I read those things!

EDIT: besides! I'm busy! I'm sitting at a parking lot typing this stuff! :P

As far as our Corneria game, I need to run four micro encounters (more or less) and then get to an adventure I'd planned from the beginning. Hm.

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On the other hand, I convinced my wife to put up a giant map of Wind Waker on our living room wall...

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Tacticslion wrote:

Sure! You just have to wait for me to:
- clean my son's room
- take my wife's car to the oil change
- stop long enough to read the thread and favorite things


Those things can all be handled sequentially!! What'd you do with your multitacticsing skills?

Totally kidding, dude. I was merely remarking upon how late it seemed that you'd gotten around to reading posts here -- didn't see the requisite number of new faves to know you were well and in this area of the Matrix ----> had to poke the bear. :)

And as for the Wind Waker stuff:

Closest I ever got to "Wind Waker" was "Wind Fish" on Link's Awakening on Ye Olde Gaming Boyo. And Link to the Past will always be my favorite. But that may be just because I never got a chance to play Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, or Wind Waker.

The fact that Tacticslioness has allowed you to put the gameworld map up in the living room is full on aces, though. Inferno Affirmative!

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What's wind waker, hippie anime?

captain yesterday wrote:
What's wind waker, hippie anime?

... that's ... closer than I'd care to admit.

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Hippies are cool! We're not all into the reefer and muddy circle jerks.

Some of us just want peace and love for all, and as few chemicals as possible in our food, and with trees to hug. :-)

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I loved whichever Zelda I had for N64. I think it was Ocarina of Time.

captain yesterday wrote:
I loved whichever Zelda I had for N64. I think it was Ocarina of Time.

That and Majora's Mask! :D

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One of the greatest gaming experiences I had involved running my eponymous character in a homebrew game run by a (former) buddy of mine. I had just gotten Complete Scoundrel for 3.5, and had found the ultimate item, the rod of ropes, aka Hookshot. Gave the DM fits, I did.

He wanted to tell a story based on Feist's books (I don't remember which one), and it called for a bit more railroading in the beginning than I was willing to accept. All the principals of the party got set up in a "sting" operation, it seems, and once Terrigan pulled a low-down, super-dirty trick*, the feces hit the oscillating ventilation unit. Syrus Terrigan used that Hookshot to its fullest potential that day, evading more town guards than a by-the-book community of that size could muster (I was giving him more trouble than he had reckoned, so, no biggie, I can roll with it) -- I think the number of guards increased by an order of magnitude twice in the space of 3 rounds. I can't recall what DM fiat he used to nix my efforts, but when he wouldn't let the 300-foot range on the Hookshot's primary ability get me over the town wall, I got a little upset. So Terrigan got captured, and was told, effectively, "Cooperate or die!" Really peeved me, to say the least.

Nevertheless, even with an army regiment breathing down my neck, guards that could sprint up five stories of stairs to the rooftops in one round, and whatever crummy "Can't Do That" effect kept me from getting away, I had a blast doing the Matrix "Rooftop Run" with the occasional assist from the greatest transplanted item from the Zelda mythos WotC ever pulled.

After being informed of my character's death by hanging (Terrigan *never* cooperates with "authority figures" making death threats), I sulked a few minutes and then decided I would appeal for a DM-retcon just so I could game.

Fun, aggravating times. :D

I knew I put that in there for a reason . . . . Derp.

S L O W starter game session. Terrigan approaches backalley gossipmonger to try to get something started. Monger wanted a gold crown to get more info than inane bullcrap. Too high a price for the ol' merc Terrigan, who offers him an unsnapped sheathed masterwork dagger with: "I'll do you one better." Monger grabs hilt, pulls, baring the blade. I pass the DM a note -- "Roll initiative." Terrigan stabs monger, monger dies (That was abrupt!!). Watching washerwoman screams, alerts town guards. My defense was, "He tried to stab me with my own knife!!" Turns out, it was all part of the sting. Wow.

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Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I loved whichever Zelda I had for N64. I think it was Ocarina of Time.
That and Majora's Mask! :D

He said he actually liked it. Therefore, it couldn't be MM.

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Here's another one, Tac. It *has* to merit a fave. It's about bacon!

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I loved whichever Zelda I had for N64. I think it was Ocarina of Time.
That and Majora's Mask! :D
He said he actually liked it. Therefore, it couldn't be MM.

It's actually a very popular and influential game thatI'veneverplayed!

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ERK~! But... we can't find my character sheet.


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We lost all our stuff for Jade Regent except the first character sheets in the nefarious flea infestation, which were kept elsewhere for posterity because it was our first campaign.

It's never any fun. :-(

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Mostly listened through a combined tirade from two of my coworkers about the evils of Christians just a little while ago. I'm reminded of what greentea said a few days ago about being held to a standard based on the premise that we're not good enough to begin with . . . . I hate being lumped in with those whose testimony is so repugnant that it drives people away from Jesus; I understand their objections -- I really do --, but if I am a part of what's worst about humanity just because I would be called by the name of Christ . . . . I cried for a few minutes. Which happens pretty infrequently.

I hate being the "bad guy" by default. Thanks for reading.

In other news: *so* much work to do today. Ugh. I want a lottery win worth at least $10 million -- lots folks would retire shortly thereafter. lol

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Tacticslion wrote:

ERK~! But... we can't find my character sheet.


In fact, just double-fave that one. Story of my GMLife.

As for me, until relatively recently, I'd wanted to somehow get my hands on 18 trillion dollars (US) after tithes and taxes. So I could pay off the national debt single-handed and then resume normal life*.

There's a dream that'll never pan out.

* Well, okay, I figured there'd likely be a way to monetize that puppy enough to retire off of, but still. The point is, I wanted to pay off our national debt. In fairness to me, I came up with this number many, many years ago, and it was not only still viable until relatively recently, it also allowed me to have plans for pushing most of the rest of it into various charities (like Bibles, clean water, sanitation, basic education, basic health assistance, and types of food production in broken countries), and maintaining a retirement fund. This is not that day.

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Tacticslion wrote:

As for me, until relatively recently, I'd wanted to somehow get my hands on 18 trillion dollars (US) after tithes and taxes. So I could pay off the national debt single-handed and then resume normal life*.

There's a dream that'll never pan out.

* Well, okay, I figured there'd likely be a way to monetize that puppy enough to retire off of, but still. The point is, I wanted to pay off our national debt. In fairness to me, I came up with this number many, many years ago, and it was not only still viable until relatively recently, it also allowed me to have plans for pushing most of the rest of it into various charities (like Bibles, clean water, sanitation, basic education, basic health assistance, and types of food production in broken countries), and maintaining a retirement fund. This is not that day.

Y'know, that might be just a tad more depressing than my earlier sidebar.

Noble goal, though, man. *applause*

Grand Lodge

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I tried verifying the clock source, but there isn't really anything to go off of. I don't doubt the numbers are close enough for illustrative purposes, but I don't think the counter is accurate.

I figured it functioned like a world population clock. I guessed it runs off of statistical, averages, and trends. Thanks for looking, though!

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Tacticslion wrote:

My Friday night group may be finishing Book 5 this month. This week's session will be very poignant.

They've managed to...:
worm their way into Irovetti's palace, chock full of soldiers, trolls, his bodyguard, his general, and the were-tiger bandit leader
...so this week's session may be one of the most spectacular combat's of the campaign, or a horribly devastating TPK.

I'm avoiding the spoiler, as I'm a player and just starting book 5!

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Tacticslion wrote:
I'm avoiding the spoiler, as I'm a player and just starting book 5!

Enjoy! If done well, it can be quite good. Seeing as I've done adequately, my players have moderately enjoyed it, I think.

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The only Paizo AP I ever participated in was RotRL. It was pretty fun; too bad it kinda died.

Started out with a CN cleric of Rovagug who was meant to be a secondary front-liner, but then everybody else went full-BAB martial, with one exception (and monks were martials even *before* Unchained). So, Attoraxx wound up scooping up all the loot while they slaughtered everyone else.

Attoraxx died in a fire at the sawmill. Along with the rest of the party. But he went out chopping down all the supporting timbers in the place, collapsing the building, so he took his foes with him, too, I'm pretty sure.

Next, actually read the core paladin, and LOVED. IT. We left off in the middle of an assault on "Fort Ogre". And that was last fall.

Edit: Ugh. Cantst not types todays.
Edit: Twice, even.

Man. I want to see all of these now...

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