Dimension door question

Rules Questions

I friend of mine insist that his carachter could teleport with dimension door inside the stomach of a larger creature and then kill it easily (first of all buffing himself with Protection from acid, freedom of movement and something else).
I can't find in the core rulebook the exact rule stating that a creature can't teleport inside another creature, anyone could help me?

This stops that:

From Dimension Door

If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location.

So, no. No teleporting inside of other creatures.

It's weird that they specify solid body. If that means you can DD into hollow things, I don't know for sure that you couldn't DD into a creature.

Liberty's Edge

I think it's pretty clear that a stomach void is inside a solid creature. No need to break out Topology to figure this out.

This is a very 1st edition kinda thing to attempt.

I wouldn't allow it, per se. I just thought it was odd to use the "solid body" like a stone block or a tree or something...well, solid. Most creatures usually aren't solid by that standard. But, I suppose if they meant solid vs. liquid vs. gas, then yeah, most creatures are a solid.

I think it's a flaw of the pathfinder rules, in my opinion teleporting should be denied if the target is a place occupied by another creature. Full stop.
It should have been specified in the main rule of the conjuration school paragraph. -_-'

This is already covered:

CRB p209 wrote:
A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

Note: people argue that this does not cover dimension door since that is not 'your location' but the intent of the rule is quite clear. You cannot teleport into another creature.

All of the Teleport schools already call that one out though.

kestral287 wrote:
All of the Teleport schools already call that one out though.

Except the shady ones that advertise 5,000 gp courses that let you teleport into something and slash it to ribbons. Oddly, they don't get a lot of complaints from former students ...

Edit: Oh, and if it's something big enough to, say, swallow someone whole, there's usually rules about how attacking from the inside works. No twohanded weapons, for one ... so that's covered too.

I asked for that one. Teleport spells rather.

kestral287, what do you mean by 'all of the teleport schools (spells) already call that one out though'?

The quote I provided is the answer to why the OPs scenario does not work.

Dimension Door specifies what happens when you try to appear inside a solid object. Teleport simply won't let you, unless you've seen the inside of their stomach (good luck with that). Same for Ice Crystal Teleport. You can't even attempt to argue this until Greater Teleport, but even then-- how do you get a "reliable description" of the target's stomach in such a way that it's distinct from, say, your own stomach?

I didn't see your post though. I was a minute behind you, so when I was writing yours wasn't there. It is debatable whether or not yours applies though, whereas the actual rules of each spell are pretty clear about this not working.

kestral287, unless a spell provides a specific exception (such as D-Door providing a result of what happens when you try to teleport inside an object) the general rule stating that you cannot do it is in force.


The problem is that the general rule is arguable-- as you said yourself, Dimension Door does not bring something "to your location".

I wouldn't try to argue it, mind, but the fact that the spells all explicitly shut it down is a much more blunt and thorough denial than a rule that may not (though certainly should) apply.

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