Wrath of the Righteous subscription and promo cards

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Hey all,

After having a blast with Runelords (and skipping S&S because of a strong dislike for boats and pirates :p ) I am quite eager to start PACG again with WotR. "Me likey" some promo cards, so I wanted to subscribe, to be sure I also get them, while the 20% discount pretty much absorbs the extra "regular" shipping costs to France so it's a pretty good deal.

The base set, however, must be sent via USPS, which doubles its cost to France, so this is a big no-no, and I'll get it from Amazon at normal price. I have seen that you can start your subscription with the character add-on deck, so that's what I'll do. But it leads me to the following question:

With the subscription, you get "any promo cards associated with that month's release". Since the base set and character add-on release at the same time (on the same month), I won't miss out on any promo cards when I subscribe from the add-on onward, right? Or is there one promo associated with the base set, and another one with the add-on, and I'll only get one of those?

No, you'll be fine - you'll get all the promo cards. For exactly the reasons you describe

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A subscription that starts from the Character Add-On deck will get all the promos. It's specifically made for your scenario.

Thank you both

Speaking of Promos for WotR, my subscription page shows that for May I have Promo #2 and Promo #3 scheduled for shipment... what/when was #1?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hmm. I'm not sure why you're seeing numbers—those are supposed to be internal only, and because of that, we didn't worry about assigning them in a useful order. #1 is Ekkie, which comes out *after* "#2" and "#3."

I see those numbers too

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