the best of a bad thing- living with curses.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I've always loved curses, to be honest.
Not the "static penalty to a stat" curses, the ones that are a little more creative.

So, I deicde to make builds around coping with living with a specific curse.

I'm going to start with chaos beast's corporeal instablity.

The class that works best for living with corporeal instablity, I would say, is martial artist monk.

At seventh level, you're immune to the wisdom drain.
You rely very little on magic objects that aren't always on, and these are small enoguh (belts, headbands) to not trigger the negative four to DEX from corporeal inotability.

Contributing in combat, however, would end up quite a challange, with a -4 to hit and a 50% miss chance that isn't acutally concealment.

I'm thinking there's an item that gives you blindsight to the reach of your weapon.
That could work.

If you are looking for interesting curse ideas one that may be interesting is that you need double normal rest for all purposes. It would work well I think as an oracle curse. Could have interesting benefits, like you gain greater benefits from rest as you level. An easy one would be you gain an extra 1st level spell per day at level 1, an extra lvl 2 spell at lvl5, an extra lvl 3 spell at lvl 10, and an extra lvl 4 spell at lvl 15.

If you want though it could just be a curse, maybe you could barter an extra trait from your gm for it.

As for living with the curse and making the best of it, well be a thassilonain sloth wizard. Then you actually like sleeping 16 hours per day. You would probably sleep more if you could physically do it, and otherwise get away with it.

I'm not exactly lookign for curses.

I'm makign builds to make curses suck less without acutslly removing them.

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