What item is this?


Grand Lodge

We were at PFS the other night, and my wife failed her will save on a death effect, rerolled and got a 1. Another guy at the table said something like "a knot hanging from my waist pops, you get another save". So what item was that (or ability if it wasn't actually an item)?

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I have no idea; I searched d20pfsrd and Archives of Nethys and cannot find anything that does what you described. There is a slight chance it may be a chronicle reward or item, but otherwise I am stumped.

magic sleeves

of magic doing

for magical porpoise

Grand Lodge

I can think of a few similar items from chronicle sheets, perhaps its a unique from a chronicle.

Grand Lodge

Shoulda asked the one using it.

Ooo, I know. I think it is a bracelet though? Gimme a bit.

Hm... I was thinking of the Bracelet of Second Chances, but it seems that might be different. Nevermind. Carry on.

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