Can Gust of Wind move?

Rules Questions

Gust of wind is a 1-round duration spell with a 60-ft line area of effect.

A line starts from a corner of your square and extends in a direction of your choosing.

A) If you cast the spell as a standard and move away with your move action, the line will continue for 1 round, but does the origin point stay in your original square, or does it continue to emanate from the corner of your square that you chose when you cast it, and therefore move with you?

B) If it moves with you, will the spell sweep over the area and affect everything caught under the line as you move equally?

The point of origin will stay fixed. What happens to you or what you do after you cast the spell is not relevant to the spells area of effect unless specific text says so. You might very well get Disintegrated or Plane Shifted by your foe prior to the duration ending.

Liberty's Edge

Well, technically, yes, it moves, otherwise it wouldn't be a gust of wind.

HangarFlying wrote:
Well, technically, yes, it moves, otherwise it wouldn't be a gust of wind.

LOL, yes but we are not speaking of the what goes on within the area of effect but the area of effect itself :p

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