Osakaben |
My players needed a little nudge to Thistletop after the Catecombs of Wrath, so I had a quick message come in from Shalelu asking them to go check out Thistletop while she was away looking into some other stuff. They made their way there and through the passageways leading up to the bridge. They fought Gogmurt but he ran off before they could kill him, and he had heard them coming so he sent his warning wren or whatever it was. When they got to the bridge they saw the goblins on dogs on the other side and decided to cut down the bridge from their side to trap the goblins there and then observe what they are doing as best they can for a while. I didn't want to railroad them so I let them do it, but now I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas to get them back on track.
Given the context of what the knew or thought they knew about the upcoming bigger attack on Sandpoint and all I don't really think it was a dumb thing to do, just not what I expected, so I don't want to punish them for it. I need something to entice them to go over, even though they know the occupants know they are coming, and some way to either physically restore the bridge so they can go over, or have some alternative method of access. I don't think having them make the climb from below is realistic.
I could have the goblins restore the bridge, which could lead to some comic falls and splatters. I could do something to let them know they need to go over and then they will have to figure out how to fix the bridge themselves. Anyone have any good/fun/creative ideas of how to handle this? I'm hoping to have something that could reasonably fit the motivations of both the occupants and the characters, but haven't come up with anything yet.
Bellona |
Aren't your players' character worried about whoever/whatever "Malfeshnekor" is? Tsuto's journal is clear that Nualia is trying to free it from the subterrean levels of Thistletop, and that once it's under her command "we won't need to worry about being subtle."
Some parties have tried a sea approach to Thistletop. (This works best if a certain sea predator is already out of the picture.) It does require a certain amount of proficiency with boats - maybe they could hire a boat and captain in Sandpoint? It is possible to spot the dungeon level one exit from below, and that's not as high a climb as up to the ground level of Thistletop (remember that they can take 10 unless they are in combat). And there's a welcoming committee. :)
Christopher Mathieu |
...or you could allow for their choice to have its natural consequences, especially if they count 'dropping the bridge' as a victory. Let them pat themselves on the back a bit, maybe have a random wilderness encounter or two, then return to Sandpoint claiming to be the almighty heroes.
Then, three or four days later, have the town swamped by all the combined goblin tribes of the Hinterlands, led by the equivalent of a full adventuring party with three hounds driving everyone into a panic. Unless they have someone guarding the Smuggler's Tunnel, or blocked it off, part of the attack will come from within the Glassworks, and other attackers will boil out from more tunnels elsewhere. Basically, the wall would be useless as a defensive measure.
Arm these goblins with extra incendiaries -- torches, flasks of alchemist's fire, maybe even some bombs. Be sure to have every tribal leader and goblin hero at the front lines. It's entirely possible that Nualia might have figured out how to set the barghest free and put him in charge of the whole thing.
They were warned, if they paid any attention to Tsuto's journal. They should know that the attack is coming, it's larger than anything they could stop, and that the only thing making it happen is the group of leaders in Thistletop.
Lanassa |
My players are thinking of cutting the bridge as well, to see if the goblins have another way out of Thistletop. They suggested it last session and our next game is tonight, but I had a lot of time to think about what the goblins and Nualia would do. Fortunately for me, I still have time to suggest (via Shalelu) that this might not be a good idea because it would warn the occupants of their arrival (Gogmurt didn't have time to send the message) and because time is against them.
But if they decide to do it anyway and then wait to see what happenes, the following might happen:
At first Ripnugget will not bother Nualia with it and he'll have his goblins repair the bridge at night. They might succeed, depending on how alert the players will stay -none of them has darkvision or any means to gain it, so the goblins are at an advantage.
Yet if the problem remains, Nualia will soon find out and decide that those pesky adventurers need to be taught a lesson. She has various means of dealing with them and the bridge problem. She can send her three yeth hounds -good fly speed and decent Stealth, again at night. She can send a few goblins along, which will repair the bridge while the hounds deal with the PCs. Oh, and Bruthazmus is a good archer with darkvision as well.
Lyrie has spider climb in her Spellbook. I decided to also give her levitate, which can be used on objects. A small boat maybe? Now the occupants have a fairly safe means of leaving Thistletop if they need to. The yeth hounds are also strong enough to carry a person with equipment.
Nualia, Bruthazmus and Lyrie can leave Thistletoip flying and either attack the PCs or go to Sandpoint to wreak havoc while the heroes are away (ok, the latter I would only do if it takes too much time to restore the bridge or if the PCs continually cut it down and then just stand and watch the poor goblins get frustrated about it... this would serve them well!).
As for flying goblins, you might want to check an interesting alchemist archetype in Monster Codex: Winged Marauder (scroll down a little).
And then there also is the possibility that Nualia will have the time and find the way to free Malfeshnekor... see suggestions above.
Hope this all helps ;-)
Skeld |
I'd love to see the goblins trying to repair it.
I just have visions of Goblins being catapulted over to the other side of the gap with some ropes tied round their waists......after the first would be engineers forgot the ropes altogether.
...or you could allow for their choice to have its natural consequences, especially if they count 'dropping the bridge' as a victory. Let them pat themselves on the back a bit, maybe have a random wilderness encounter or two, then return to Sandpoint claiming to be the almighty heroes.
Then, three or four days later, have the town swamped by all the combined goblin tribes of the Hinterlands, led by the equivalent of a full adventuring party with three hounds driving everyone into a panic. Unless they have someone guarding the Smuggler's Tunnel, or blocked it off, part of the attack will come from within the Glassworks, and other attackers will boil out from more tunnels elsewhere. Basically, the wall would be useless as a defensive measure.
Arm these goblins with extra incendiaries -- torches, flasks of alchemist's fire, maybe even some bombs. Be sure to have every tribal leader and goblin hero at the front lines. It's entirely possible that Nualia might have figured out how to set the barghest free and put him in charge of the whole thing.
They were warned, if they paid any attention to Tsuto's journal. They should know that the attack is coming, it's larger than anything they could stop, and that the only thing making it happen is the group of leaders in Thistletop.
Combine these two ideas. The PCs took the easy route and the goblins, bent on invading Sandpoint, and Naulia, bent on burning it to the ground, repair the bridge or find another way to mainland. Then the goblin invasion begins in full.
I'd probably structure it like this:
1) Goblins begin repairing the bridge. It takes a few days.
2) Goblins set up and staging area on mainland. this is a gathering place for the Thistletop invasion force (culled from its inhabitants), plus whatever other goblin tribes you want to include. Staging takes a few days.
3) The invasion begins. Maybe it starts the a night-time incursion to strategically place small assault groups inside the town walls, while a larger force invades the smuggler tunnels. The morning brings an external assault follwed up quickly by internal assaults once the defenses are mustered to the walls/gates. Make it very chaotic.
In the meantime, you might throw a local side adeventure or two at the heroes to give them opprtunity to advance in level AND opportunities to discover the impending goblin invasion before all hell breaks loose.
Alternatively, you can skip all this and when they report back to the Sandpoint authorities and tell them the bridge has been cut, have the Sheriff/Mayor/Someone simply ask, "How does that solve the goblin problem? Can't they just fix the bridge?"
Latrecis |
Most of this thread should have spoiler tags...
I'm not quite as gung ho about unleashing Malfeshnekor etc simply because the pc's cut the bridge down. First off, Nualia and her crew are the most incompetent adventurers in the history of Golarion - they've been in Thistletop for days (weeks?) and still haven't found the secret door in E5? Really? So it seems a stretch to assume that suddenly "tomorrow" it all comes together for her. Just in a DM response to player actions. The pc's need to believe there is urgency but the actual background suggests the urgency is moderate at best (written that way to give each DM leeway on timing I assume.)
I would only invoke the full assault on Sandpoint if the pc's were themselves incompetent or neglectful. If they cut the bridge, give each other high fives, declare "It's Miller Time!" and wander off on other personal quests, then yea, let 'em have it. But the OP is a bit sketchy on details. He says Gogmurt escaped or fled. What of the BirdCruncher goblins?
If the pc's cut the bridge so they could deal with the enemies on the mainland without fearing reinforcements from the fort - that seems like good tactics. And if they follow that up with watching the island and laying an ambush for goblins who come to repair it, that also seems like good tactics (or at least a valid option.) I'd follow that up with the Yeth Hounds ferrying goblins across Normandy invasion style (at night of course) and let the fight begin there.
If the pc's cut the bridge and head to town, I'd give them a warning message from the sheriff or mayor (along Skeld's line above) - what good does that do? When they return to the thistle top, they find the bridge repaired and held in force. By Orik or Bruthazmus and goblin commandos.
If they have to, the pc's should be able to repair the bridge themselves. The climb dc isn't that difficult if you take 10 and aren't wearing armor and if someone is lowering you down with ropes - go down, swim over get the dangling end of the bridge, swim back and climb up. If they go down and take care of the bunyip, it'll be easier. Magic such as levitate or spiderclimb might make it easer as well.