Ranzak's Klepto power temporary vs permanently closed

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Ranzak's Klepto role has a power that reads "When you close a location, add a plunder card from the box to your hand.". Does this apply to Temporary Closings as well? I have been playing that it doesn't, but now I'm not sure.

Ilpalazo wrote:
Ranzak's Klepto role has a power that reads "When you close a location, add a plunder card from the box to your hand.". Does this apply to Temporary Closings as well? I have been playing that it doesn't, but now I'm not sure.

I would say that close means close so grab the plunder even when it's just a temporary close.

Sovereign Court

A temp close is still a close, so his power does go off. Though I imagine the original idea was permacloses

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rulebook, Attempt to Temporarily Close Open Locations wrote:
Temporarily closing a location does not trigger any of the other effects of closing a location.

It's probably not gonna be a lot of extra plunder but I wouldn't say that it was unplanned. Thematically it's kinda like grabbing a little something as you lock the place up.

Sovereign Court

Is that in the physical book? I don't recall ever seeing that.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Rulebook, Attempt to Temporarily Close Open Locations wrote:
Temporarily closing a location does not trigger any of the other effects of closing a location.

Right, temp closing doesn't trigger the effects of "When Permanently Closed" but is Ranzak's power an "other effect"?

And wouldn't the Golden Rule apply here? The rulebook says no "other effects" occur when a location is temporarily closed but Ranzak's role card says grab plunder when you close a location.

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Is that in the physical book? I don't recall ever seeing that.

I don't have a page citation for S&S, but RotR's book has it on page 17.

When a player encounters the villain, each player at any other location may immediately attempt to fulfill the When Closing requirement for his location. If any player at a location succeeds, his location is temporarily closed and the villain cannot escape there this turn (see Check to See Whether the Villain Escapes on page 18). Temporarily closing a location does not trigger any of the other effects of closing a location; the location opens again immediately after the encounter.

As for Ranzak, I'd say that his Klepto power is one of "the other effects of closing a location," and so it would not trigger on a temp close.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Sandslice wrote:
I don't have a page citation for S&S, but RotR's book has it on page 17.

Yep–it's been in the game from day 1.

Sandslice wrote:
As for Ranzak, I'd say that his Klepto power is one of "the other effects of closing a location," and so it would not trigger on a temp close.

Right. To pull rank using the golden rule, a card needs to specifically say it applies in a situation that it normally couldn't. For example, if Ranzak's power had been worded something like "When you close or temporarily close a location, add a plunder card from the box to your hand," then that would invoke the golden rule.

To give you a really obvious example, the rules say that you're not allowed to play two armors on a single check, so an armor that simply says you can play it (i.e. any armor in the game) isn't enough—it has to say you can play more than one armor on the check.

Thanks guys, glad to know I was playing the right way. The little guy get's plenty of loot already so it's not a huge deal either way.

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