How should you make a CG Drider Wisard?


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In my earlier Thread i desided to make a CG Wisard Drider for my half-orc Paladin's wife and i'm not sure how to make her.

Sovereign Court

You add wizard levels to the drider that's all, check the rules for monster advancement for more details.

The other option is simply to use the drider presented in advanced race guide, which is a race, granted very powerful (35 RP) and level it like a normal character.

Well, first you ask yourself why you're choosing this.

Are you asking advice on how to min/max, build in general, or how to roleplay?

build in general since it can all ready use spells used by a lvl 6 cleric, sorcerer, and/or wisard i'm a bit confused if that would add to the lvls she would get from the wisard class

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Since you have the option of choosing Sorcerer, Cleric, or Wizard, you'll want to choose Wizard for its racial caster levels and then you add your Wizard levels to it as you normally would (they stack with the 6 caster levels you've already got there).

So, let's say you wanted to do a Drider with 3 additional levels of Wizard. You would give him 3 wizard levels as normal, then increase the spells per day as if he had gained 6 more levels of wizard. So in our example, you'd have a Drider with Arcane bond, arcane school, cantrips, Scribe Scroll, and his spells per day would be as follows:
0: 4
1st: 4
2nd: 4
3rd: 3
4th: 2
5th: 1
Plus bonus spells for high Intelligence.

Sovereign Court

It depends, a drider cast like a sorcerer, wizard or cleric. The default drider uses a sorcerer (with spells known) for example, but it still doesn't have class features. So even if you did add 1 level of sorcerer, it would only still be 1 level of sorcerer when it comes to class features but casting as a 7th level sorcerer.

would that give more spells or make them stronger?

i never played a arcane spell caster before only paladins and slayers

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