Core play at Origins

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5

There are a lot of Core games listed on the Origins event grid, but they all show a maximum of 4 players. Is that the way it is supposed to be?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

It's probably a mistake in the Origins event system(?)


Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Are a lot of the core games early season stuff when 4 player tables were the norm?

Scarab Sages 1/5

They go all the way to season 6. Playing a season 5 or 6 game with 4 core characters sounds.... challenging.

Dark Archive 3/5

Hey, would it be possible to get a more condensed list of just the pfs games being offered at origins on, the current grid is organized in a way that it is very difficult to follow.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Took a closer look, and it looks like it is by season.... Season 1-3 games are 4 player tables in both Regular and Core, and 4-6 are 6 players in both.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

The Ohiopfs site is... undergoing maintenance. I'll double check with Luke next I see him.

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Both myself and my VL Luke Woods have gone over the schedule to make sure everything is in order. There are a few corrections that GAMA needs to make but otherwise it is correct. We went with anything season 3 and earlier and made it 4 players per table to help provide more of a challenge to those scenarios. It also gives us an opportunity to fill the large amount of players with generics at those tables. We also set it up so that most of those early season scenarios are also cheaper to purchase.

@Argh!, I have added the schedule to the site. I just copy and pasted from an Excel sheet so it is not the prettiest. You can reach the schedule by going to Origins 2015 Schedule.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Thank you Mike! Wish I could make it this year. CHanging jobs sucks

Dark Archive 3/5

Awesome, thanks Mike. I still have to look into things more, but I look forward to submitting my gm application.

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