MordredofFairy |
Just because the situation came up recently.
It would seem that RAW Evasion works as long as you are wearing the right armor for the class that grants it with no other terms attached?
Or is there some term i'm missing in relation to encumbrance?
Situation: In a recent game, under time pressure, the group had to move lots of heavy things from spot A to spot B.
They picked up as much as possible(without getting staggered) and were carrying the "Maximum Load" when they were suddenly attacked.
I am aware that limits the effective Dex Modifier and thus the Reflex Save, but (improved) Evasion triggers all the same?
I was under the impression that Evasion also got limited if you were overencumbered similar to wearing too-heavy armor but find nothing to support that?

glass |
Looking at the PRD, it mentions armour but gives no restriction regarding other kinds of encumbrance, so it works just fine unless there is some errata/FAQ I am unaware of.
One thing, though: Armour does not place any limits on your reflex save. EDIT: And AFAIK neither does being encumbered.

J4RH34D |

CRB p169 wrote:A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.A medium or heavy load prevents you from using Evasion if you cannot use Evasion in medium or heavy armor.
Please link to where you get that information

Doomn |

Doomn |

Gauss wrote:Please link to where you get that informationCRB p169 wrote:A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.A medium or heavy load prevents you from using Evasion if you cannot use Evasion in medium or heavy armor.
His quote tells you, Core Rule Book page 169.
My previous post (all be it a little late - darn slow typing speed) has a link to the prd.
As always, just my two coppers...

J4RH34D |

J4RH34D wrote:Gauss wrote:Please link to where you get that informationCRB p169 wrote:A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.A medium or heavy load prevents you from using Evasion if you cannot use Evasion in medium or heavy armor.His quote tells you, Core Rule Book page 169.
My previous post (all be it a little late - darn slow typing speed) has a link to the prd.
As always, just my two coppers...
Thank you
EDIT: i feel like an a**hole for not reading more clearly

Gauss |

Gauss wrote:Please link to where you get that informationCRB p169 wrote:A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.A medium or heavy load prevents you from using Evasion if you cannot use Evasion in medium or heavy armor.
Did you not see the quote where I cited the source? I gave book and page number.
(I don't use the PRD, it is less accurate than the latest printing of the book.)

MordredofFairy |
Thanks a lot :D So I did not misremember after all!
That part of
A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.
was what lingered in the back of my head, but it would seem i totally over-read it when i tried to check.
Thanks a lot for pointing it out!

J4RH34D |

J4RH34D wrote:Gauss wrote:Please link to where you get that informationCRB p169 wrote:A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor.A medium or heavy load prevents you from using Evasion if you cannot use Evasion in medium or heavy armor.Did you not see the quote where I cited the source? I gave book and page number.
(I don't use the PRD, it is less accurate than the latest printing of the book.)
I did rush a bit in the read and didnt see. my appologies