The PFRPG Facebook Group

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Because I'm That Old Guy, and this is my version of yelling, "Get off my lawn!," at all the little whipper-snappers in the apartment complex...

So, the nice thing about social media in general and Facebook in particular is that, when something pisses you off, you can simply disassociate yourself from it.

The Pathfinder RPG forum ( falls into that category for me. I am no longer a member of said discussion board. I wasn't a particularly prolific or popular member of said board, so I'm sure that my absence will not even be noticed, much less considered to be of any significance... but it is, because I left in protest of censorship.

A short sequence of events: a meme, popular among roleplaying gamers, was posted to the group. It discussed the popular "Zombie Jesus" idea in terms explicit to the roleplaying community, countering that Jesus was, in fact of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game ruleset, a lich, not a zombie. Some members of the forum didn't like the meme and protested as such in the comments. The poster of said meme, in deference to the protesters, deleted it.

I subsequently posted my objection to the deletion; I argued that the deletion was unnecessary and in itself offensive, because the discussion in the PFRPG forum was not an appropriate place to interject real-world religious objection. I'd quote my original post here, but the administration of that board deleted it. I don't even have the text I posted, because it was deemed so offensive, it had to be destroyed. In the spirit of fairness, I did compare the religious bullying by the objectors to jihad. Offensive, maybe; humorous, definitely, but fair, given the definition of "jihad" as "a struggle against nonbelievers."

I spoke in defense of the original poster's right to free speech, and also to the right of the objectors' free speech, although I did (and do) object to the placement of said speech as being intentionally inflammatory. I don't understand the grounds of the deletion of my post, but I'm glad it happened. The administrators of the forum have made their statement very clearly: "People who think as Jason Thigpen does are not welcomed here."

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Hey there. This Facebook page is not officially maintained/moderated by Paizo. I would suggest forwarding your concerns to the owner of the page (which appears to be in the sidebar of the "About" section). As a rule, we don't facilitate discussions which involve issues that occur other websites (like Facebook) on the messageboards. If you have further concerns about the page and would like our staff to look into it, please contact directly.

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