Slayer. DPS oriented. Help with build, please!


Hello, Paizo community!

We recently started a new campaign and we decided to use the "broken classes" as we call them from the Advanced Class handbook. After a couple of weeks, I decided to roll a slayer. We started at level 5 and we're about to level up. My question is, since I've got a limited number of available feats , I would like to know how to optimize the DPS output. My current build is like this:

Human (advanced) Slayer level 4 (5). Since I'm using the advance creature template, I'm level 4 instead of 5.

-Str 15 // Dex 24 // Con 21 // Int 20 // Wis 17 // Char 18
-Feats: Weapon Focus (Rapier) // Weapon Finesse // Fencing Grace.
-Slayer talents: Level 2: (Undecided) Level 4: Two-Weapon Fightning.
-Main Weapons: Rapier (Haste) +1 and another Rapier (keen) +2

Suggestions? What can I change? What route should I take? There were two feats that called my attention:

1) The route of -> Amateur Investigator -> Studied Combatant -> Improved Studied Combatant


2) The route of -> Amateur Swashbuckler (Parry and riposte) -> + Panaches.

Because of the setting we're playing, I've got the lowest CA of the group (24), while my party fellows have like 30+ CA. So, our DM, based on this, increased the difficulty of the encounter to compensate. The problem is, my CA is lower than theirs and I receive a lot of damage in consequence. Even though I have a lot of hit points, it takes a while until I can fight again after a combat. My idea of having parry+riposte, was my answer to counter-attack said moves and avoid damage at the same time I keep dealing damage on the enemies.


PD: I'm sorry for my english, it's not my first language and thanks in advance!

Take a level of swashbuckler or inspired blade swashbuckler for all the panache you want.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Take a level of swashbuckler or inspired blade swashbuckler for all the panache you want.

Thanks! I've been reading that class. Something I can do, because we're now in our downtime, where the DM lets us modify the class, is to add a level of Inspired Blade, get a lot of Panache, gain access to the first level deeds. But that's not all, The Inspired Blade gains this feat "Inspired Finesse (Ex)", which basically gives me Weapon Finess and Weapon Focus. Then I can use my level 5 Feat to learn Fencing Grace. That gives 3 additional Feats, since I won't be using the ones that I receive for being human/level1/level3 anymore.

With that being said, I can now either get more panaches via Feat or I can now take the path of the amateur investigator. Some advice would be nice here.

Also, I still have 1 additional slayer talent that I don't know what to spend on.

Thanks in advance!

How what weapon are you planning on using in your off hand?
It looks like you're trying to use another rapier in your off hand and I think that's illegal.

For your Slayer talent, I suggest either taking a Ranger Style or the trap finding trick.

Matt2VK wrote:

How what weapon are you planning on using in your off hand?

It looks like you're trying to use another rapier in your off hand and I think that's illegal.

For your Slayer talent, I suggest either taking a Ranger Style or the trap finding trick.

It's of my understanding that you actually can, but you receive a -4 penalty on both hands, using the Two-weapon feat. There was a feat in 3.5 called "Oversized Two Weapon Fighting" that would make my second weapon a "light weapon" to reduce that penalty.

With Chess Pwn's suggestion, taking one level of Inspired Blade, I'm getting, at level 1, 2 feats that I already have, which is weapon finesse and weapon focus. Then, with my level 5 feat, I get fencing grace. That gives me 3 additional feats. Our DM, during downtimes, allows us to modify our character as much as we want but it has to make sense. So I can actually swap feats.

So, basically, and with my DM's permission, I can take that 3.5 feat. Now, for the 2 remaining feats, I'll go with Improved Initiative so I can get the initial sneak attack and study the targed as an inmediate action and probably combat reflexes, so I can parry and riposte more attacks in a single turn.

It is not worth a feat to go with two rapiers over two kukris. However if this is a flavor thing then go for it. Maybe you can convince the GM to let you treat the off-hand rapier as a light weapon for a trait. :)

wraithstrike wrote:
It is not worth a feat to go with two rapiers over two kukris. However if this is a flavor thing then go for it. Maybe you can convince the GM to let you treat the off-hand rapier as a light weapon for a trait. :)

Hello, and thanks for your reply!

Yes, basically, I can't use kukris because it goes against my character's story. So, I gotta stick with it. Even though I'm concerned about efficiency, I need to respect that at least. My DM is really open to negotiation, but at the same time, he doesn't want us to be really OP. He doesn't want us to be out of his control as he's really bad to control people that use combos with feats/classes. There's a possibility, however, if I buy him a sandwich before the session lol

Have you checked Daring champion archetype for cavalier ?
you got weapon finesse as a free feat, panache, access to precise strike (+level to damage), parry and riposte and you can challenge a foe for another level to damage.

As human, you can get weapon focus (rapier), weapon finesse, fencing grace at first level and still get another feat to choose at 3.

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