Becoming the New Runelords

Rise of the Runelords

I have been running Rise of the Runelords for about a half of a year now (so if you are playing it stop reading now) and my group has just entered Xin-Shalast. The twist is that they have decided that after they kill Karzoug, they want to take his place and take control of Xin-Shalast and use it armies to take control of Varisia.

One of my players had the idea, and has convinced the rest the group to follow him. As a whole, the character are not "good", and the only reason they were going to defeat Karzoug was to save themselves, not really caring about the rest of the world.

So far, they have talked to everyone they have met in Xin-Shalast, and tried to convince them to follow them after they defeat Karzoug. They have saved the skulks, and convinced them to follow after they defeat Karzoug. The Bard seduced Svevenka, with his great diplomacy. They also met Gamigin, and they convinced him to help them by bribing him with large amounts of wealth, and a high ranking spot in their new empire.

I would like to state, this is not a problem, and I do NOT want to stop them. I was just wondering if anyone else's group has done this, and if anyone has any good ideas for the DM on how to run this.

My ideas so far:
-The key to controlling Xin-Shalast is the Rune Giants, so if they defeat Karzoug, take his stuff, and start calling themselves the new Runelords. Then, maybe they will be able to convince the Rune Giants to follow them. Once they control the Rune Giants, they should be able to control all the giants, and some of the Lamia will probably follow.
-I might use the Kingdom rules in Ultimate Campaign once they have control of Xin-Shalast, and start taking over other Varisian cities. This should be easy for me, because I played in a Kingmaker campaign, and did most of the paper work for it.
-Another option I thought of is to run another campaign set in the future, where they have successfully taken over Varisia, but the group plays as rebels fighting against the new rulers. I would probably not run this right away, just because a couple of my player have games they are preparing to run after mine, so would probably let them run theirs, then come back to this. That would give me time to prepare.

So, what is your opinion?

I've been wanting to play in something similar, except replace Karzoug with Sorshen, and 'kill and take over' with 'turn her into a sex slave' because it's fitting for the Runelord of Lust after she's done it to thousands if not millions of others herself.

But otherwise, this sounds pretty awesome.

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Ugh, either keep your Golarion Porn dreams to yourself or put them behind a spoiler tag, that's not the kind of crap I want to read with my morning coffee, gross

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Oh sure, talk about leading a coup to take over an army of giants, with the intent of leading them to war, killing thousands and putting many more under their size Large (and larger) jackbooted heals, and calling Lamashtu worshiping Lamia to your side as allies and you're all good.

But mention performing turnabout (which as we all know IS fairplay) on Sorshen and you're offended?

I mean, it could have been worse, like taking Zutha as a sex slave...

Oh and Bennett5394, sounds awesome, that leads right in to ultra high level play, conflict with the other (real) Runelords and involvement in the building conflict in Varisia between Pazuzu and Lamashtu.

like I said I don't want to hear or read about turning anyone into a sex slave, and I'm obviously not alone, so you can leave your high horse at the stable thank you very much

And I merely asked for spoiler tags, my daughter comes on here sometimes, it wasn't unreasonable

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Tit for tat, Lorax. Turnabout on Zutha would mean you need to eat him, not have sex with him.

the Lorax wrote:

Oh sure, talk about leading a coup to take over an army of giants, with the intent of leading them to war, killing thousands and putting many more under their size Large (and larger) jackbooted heals, and calling Lamashtu worshiping Lamia to your side as allies and you're all good.

But mention performing turnabout (which as we all know IS fairplay) on Sorshen and you're offended?

I mean, it could have been worse, like taking Zutha as a sex slave...

Oh and Bennett5394, sounds awesome, that leads right in to ultra high level play, conflict with the other (real) Runelords and involvement in the building conflict in Varisia between Pazuzu and Lamashtu.

What will make this even more interesting is that one of my players hates Lamashtu. So he will have to learn to coexist, or throw in some monkey-wrenches. I think one of the reasons he is going along with the plan is to convert/stop the follow of Lamashtu, without just killing all of them (Not an easy task).

I do not know about the Sorshen idea, but the playboy bard might like it.

My current ideas is that after they kill Karzoug, some of the Rune Giants will bend a knee, but not all. This will create a conflict that group could either talk their way out of or have a very large battle with those who refuse to bend a knee.

I also agree it will create an ultra high level of play, but that is okay with me. We have completed must combats in under 30 minutes, and that is with 6 player and upgraded bad guys. We have a lot of buffing characters (2 Bards, 1 Oracle, and the Outflank feat), which leads to fast turns and a high hitting percentage. I am getting off topic, so I am going to end here. I will keep everyone updated on the results.

Dark Archive

Once they've unified the Runelords, then the real fun begins: founding an empire. Play it like Rome, with various factions one needs to subjugate or suborn.

Chelexians, Varisians, Stone Giants, Black Arrows, maybe the Runeforge is reopened.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
like I said I don't want to hear or read about turning anyone into a sex slave, and I'm obviously not alone, so you can leave your high horse at the stable thank you very much

I can see I touched a sore spot,and for that I apologize.

Tounge in cheek doesn't always work so well without vocal inflection, body language and facial expressions.

Bennett5394 wrote:

My current ideas is that after they kill Karzoug, some of the Rune Giants will bend a knee, but not all. This will create a conflict that group could either talk their way out of or have a very large battle with those who refuse to bend a knee.

I also agree it will create an ultra high level of play, but that is okay with me.

And let the player go hog wild, let them feel powerful. It is too easy to fall into the trap of making ultra high level play work just like level 2-14, a series of GM/PC power level one-upmanship of CR appropriate encounters.

Its all good the Lorax:-)

no hard feelings, just wish people would use spoiler tags more for NSFW stuff, which used to be the norm but people have been more brazen about it, and i guess i don't have to be so touchy, just not the image i want to go with my morning coffee:-p

.... and yes Zutha would be much worse, like i said it was just the Sex Slave aspect i found rather offensive, which we can all agree is something no woman or man (no matter how despicable) should be forced to endure, even if it is in a "Tee Hee, I'm so Kinky" tone (actually i think that was the most offensive part)

"Tee Hee"?

On BDSM stuff:
There's an entire subculture of BDSM sexual practices, one which I happen to belong to. Obviously sexual enslavement is a horrible practice and should be ended just like the rest of our species barbaric and evil practices such as murder and war. That said, it's still a common fetish among people and is frequently explored safely and consensually among adults. Fantasy things are just that, fantasy. Roleplaying is the only place (SHOULD be the only place) where that sort of thing happens.

So with that said, I apologize for not spoilering the first part, but I haven't been on the boards long and honestly, ANY mention of Sorshen and sex in general seemed perfectly ok considering that Golarion is rife with sex and 'adult' themes, especially the Runelord of Lust. I don't even need to touch on fact there are both good, evil, and neutral deities like Calistria, Arshea and Socothbenoth who are talked about just fine, so mentioning a canon thing like Sorshen's vast stocks of sex slaves of dozens of races seemed rather tame to me. I don't have any intention of going into detail on that.

The little jab at the end, making it seem as if I'm just being naughty for the sake of being naughty, was itself offensive as I didn't have any intention of that to be a joke. I do in fact want to play a campaign where I do that to Sorshen, not "Tee Hee, that sounds kinky."

Well that was also poorly said, I think I'll stop now, before I dig myself in deeper, I'm not that tall :-)

S'all good mang. I'm not holding anything against you. Totally cool, I know not everyone (most everyone actually) has the same tastes. Have a good day! ^_^

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