chibikami |
I've read that there are two types of claw attacks in PF:
A singular "claws" attack gets you one attack roll and one damage roll
A "2 claws" attack which gets you two of each.
But which would a catfolk get when they take the cat's claws trait?
The wording in the Advanced Race Guide is as follows:
Cat’s Claws: Some catfolk have stronger and more
developed claws than other members of their race, and
can use them to make attacks. Catfolk with this racial trait
have a pair of claws they can use as natural weapons. These
claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage.
This racial trait replaces natural hunter.
Between the use of "pair of claws", "natural weapons" (plural), and "primary attacks" (plural) it seems to indicate that the 2claws attack would be the one to use.
However, as "2 claws" is never directly indicated and there is a lack absolute confirmation after the damage value (the word "each" might be nice), it is still open to interpretation as the singular claws type of attack.
So which is it?