1. Closing a location does not undock your ship. (No rulebook mention.)
2. You cannot use a ship's ability on a location in which it is not docked. (Whenever it is your turn, if your ship is anchored and you are
at the ship’s location, you are commanding your party’s ship [17].)
Please refute or confirm.

Hawkmoon269 |

1. Closing a location does not undock your ship. (No rulebook mention.)
Right. It is technically called "anchored", but yeah, nothing about closing a location makes your ship not be anchored.
2. You cannot use a ship's ability on a location in which it is not docked. (Whenever it is your turn, if your ship is anchored and you are
at the ship’s location, you are commanding your party’s ship [17].
Right. If your ship is anchored at location A, and you are at location B, then you are not commanding your ship on your turn. If you are not commanding the ship, you can not use the the "When Commanding This Ship" power of the ship.