Shiney |

Hello everyone. After a really hectic time in my life, the dust is finally settling and I'm going to be trying to get back into the swing of gaming in my area. But a recent idea someone gave me had me wanting to try and make a synthesist along the lines of a tentacled, sea-dwelling horror.
However, seeing as I'm both rusty, and not the best with synthesists, this has lead to several questions:
1. Gaining extra tentacle attacks. Can the summoner take the multiattack feat, given that it would only apply when in eidolon fusion?
2. Identical natural weapons: If you take a special ability such as grab for a tentacle, it applies to only 1 of x tentacles you may possess, not automatically applying to every tentacle attack, yes? (Or say, improved bite on an eidolon with two heads?) I.E., Four tentacles, one bite. I would need to take grab four times for tentacles, or grab twice and pull twice, to get a special ability on each tentacle, or does taking grab (Tentacle) apply to all four of the weapons?
3. Multiple such special attacks: Lets say that the beast has 3 tentacles, grab, and pull. Both grab and pull say that they occur as a free action when attacking. Does that mean that the synthesist can theoretically grapple/pull two opponents, when hitting them in a full round attack? Or does it apply to only one attempt at a 'free' maneuver per turn?
3B. Speaking of which, let's say that for some reason,I have an attack with grab, and pull on it. Does it get to make both checks? (As silly as that would seem, just trying to understand the rules of it) and only have one succeed? Or does a certain attacking limb only get one 'free' special attack?
4. Is there a particular reason why tentacled eidolons of a certain size can't constrict? Or should tentacles just get by on grapple damage?