Because you're the GM

Forum Games

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You can classify humans as a type of humanoid monster because you are the GM!

Sovereign Court

You can wish everyone a happy new year because you're the GM!

You choose if power attack costs a feat slot, or not, because you are the GM.

You can have any shot into an adjacent square be a broad side of the barn shot, which is like a point blank shot except it's not a feat, because UR da GM!

You can rewrite the laws of physics for your game world BECAUSE YOU ARE THE GM!

You can assign character advancement by class(slow for the classes you hate, fast for your favorites, and medium for the rest) because You Are The GM!

You can combine all the rules from every game you own. Because You are the GM.

You can design friendship feats, even if you don't have ponies in your game, BCUZ UR DA GM!

You can also necro last year's threads because YOU'RE THE GM.

You can sup on the marrow within the charred bones of those who would oppose you.

If you are also the DM, that's also good.

Dark Archive

You can induct players who prove they have the right personality for it into REAL occult covens that teach them REAL magic, Because You're the DM!

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